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May I Ask, What Religion Are You?

Thursday 11-24-22 5th. Day Of The Weekly Cycle, Cheshvan 28, 5783 64th. Fall Day

We are Christians just trying to keep our Lord's commandments, but the reason that I asked this question is soo many people I notice have their beliefs but are we supposed to have just one faith to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ?

Love, Walter


Rogue Animist
Premium Member
Christianity is often exclusivist, but many here combine.

For example, I'm an agnostic Jesusian animist. When I was a Christian, I couldn't be the others.

EDIT: Welcome to the forums!

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Thursday 11-24-22 5th. Day Of The Weekly Cycle, Cheshvan 28, 5783 64th. Fall Day

We are Christians just trying to keep our Lord's commandments, but the reason that I asked this question is soo many people I notice have their beliefs but are we supposed to have just one faith to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ?

Love, Walter

I was an evangelical Christian for 30 years, but now I'm a Wiccan, a polytheist, and a spiritualist.


Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member
First off, welcome to the forums. :)

Thursday 11-24-22 5th. Day Of The Weekly Cycle, Cheshvan 28, 5783 64th. Fall Day

We are Christians just trying to keep our Lord's commandments, but the reason that I asked this question is soo many people I notice have their beliefs but are we supposed to have just one faith to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ?

Love, Walter

We are all different faiths on these forums. I, personally, am Hindu.

You will find other Christians like yourself here, but you will also find Hindus, Pagans, Jews, Muslims, Baha'is, Buddhists and an assortment of other faiths as well. There are also those with no faith(atheists), those who are undecided, and those who may blend more than on religion.

I hope you enjoy your time here, and mingling with folks both like and unlike yourself!
First off, welcome to the forums. :)

We are all different faiths on these forums. I, personally, am Hindu.

You will find other Christians like yourself here, but you will also find Hindus, Pagans, Jews, Muslims, Baha'is, Buddhists and an assortment of other faiths as well. There are also those with no faith(atheists), those who are undecided, and those who may blend more than on religion.

I hope you enjoy your time here, and mingling with folks both like and unlike yourself!
Hello JustGeorge, thank you.



Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
I'm a Druid, specifically of the OBOD-flavored variety. Some members of the Order synergize Druidry with various forms of Christianity, but I'm not among them. My Druidry is pretty explicitly Pagan and polytheistic/pantheistic/animistic, because that's just how I experience the gods/spirits.