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Low testosterone

Ellen Brown

Well-Known Member
Oh my gosh! And so young too. Has the Doc called for a crisis? Don't get caught in the clutches of some online huckster. Perhaps the low T will lessen the risk of Prostate Cancer?


Well-Known Member
Have you ever had such problem with your health? Could it be treated naturally?
I'm no expert; but from what I've seen; you lower your estrogen levels and your testosterone will go up by itself. Stay away from estrogen mimickers like soy and all that. Find out what foods/supplements naturally increase testosterone production.
Have you ever had such problem with your health? Could it be treated naturally?

Eating a high fat diet helps testosterone.

I remember you saying you eat a high fat diet and low carb.

Personally, i believe in staying away from all dairy and gluten (bread, pasta, wheat). Dairy can be replaced with unsweetened almond milk.

Basically i think eating only oats, potatoes, beans, fish like salmon, sardines or tuna. Organic beef or chicken. Organic eggs. Organic because of higher omega 3s verses omega 6s.

Also, nuts, seeds, like almonds and sunflower and macadamia.

Vegies like broccoli, spinach, bok choy and practically any and all vegies. Also cold pressed extra vergin olive oil or avacado oil.

Also fruit occasionally because of sugars. But berries alot of. Blueberries, rasberries, strawberries.

I dont think fearing the carbs in oats and potatoes and beans is warented though. The glucos it breaks down in stores very well into muscle as glycogen and is fantastic for building strength.

I think this kind of diet is superior over all diets.
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It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Have you ever had such problem with your health? Could it be treated naturally?

Consult your doctor. It may not even be testosterone levels. I thought my testosterone levels was dropping and it turns out I have a rare auto-immune disease that made me tired and irritable instead.

So yeah explain what's going on with your doctor. You'll probably have several blood panels run to check your chemistry levels. We can hope for a vitamin D deficiency or something easily treatable!


I agree with other replies, are you sure that you have low testosterone? Were you tested by your doctor? Because hormonal imbalance is such a complicated thing in general that without medical tests and examination it's really hard to identify it, and any treatment can be effective only with a knowledge of your right diagnosis.
But if you're sure about your diagnosis, you can try such natural ways for boosting it:
- making physical exercises regurarly with great amount of weight lifting
- eating more carbs, fat and protein (for example, there's a great amount of the last one in meat, fish, nuts, eggs etc.)
- reducing general level of your stress (well-balanced sleep schedule, physical exercises and different relaxation techniques are the most helpful things in this case)
- adding more vitamin D (you can take supplements or try simple sunbathing)

There are many other natural methods and they're helpful for many people, however in some cases only the professional medical treatment hgha.com/testosterone-prescription can be really effective.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Have you ever had such problem with your health? Could it be treated naturally?
Probably not. It's a clinical problem and you'd need to go on testosterone therapy. That is, if you actually have low testosterone, which is a serious condition that has to be confirmed with labs, and it's not just some "I don't feel manly right now" silliness. If it's just the latter, go work out.