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Killing of infants on the rise in Pakistan


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Your argument would hold SOME water if all the Pakistani, Chinese, and Indians committing female infanticide all shared the same religion. ;)
Let's just say that religion & atheism won't prevent evil.
People will do what people will do.


The Creator
No. The love of money is the root of all evil. Huge difference.

pakistan is not a rich nation, no way poor people cannot love money. If parents fails to earn enough money for dowry, their daughter would remain unmarried and sometimes situation forces them to go for prostitution. The ILLITERATE parents may sometimes feels it is better not to have a daughter, rather giving her a miserable life.
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Agnostic Theist
if money didnt exist, nor would the poverty that causes people to do crazy things like kill their babies

I'd feel much safer in a money free economy
How do you figure poverty wouldn't exist? We would simply go to a more primitive bartering system.

Utopian societies simply do not work. People need incentives in order to work. Take away those incentives, and there would be little reason for people to do anything.

We can take away money, and then we would just go to a bartering system. The same things would apply though. Those who had things to barter with would be higher class. Those who had nothing, would still be poverty stricken.


Agnostic Theist
pakistan is not a rich nation, no way poor people cannot love money. If parents fails to earn enough money for dowry, their daughter would remain unmarried and sometimes situation forces them to go for prostitution. The ILLITERATE parents may sometimes feels it is better not to have a daughter, rather giving her a miserable life.
Yes way poor people cannot love money. They may want money, or desperately need money, but that is different from loving money.


Premium Member
Your argument would hold SOME water if all the Pakistani, Chinese, and Indians committing female infanticide all shared the same religion. ;)
Well the subject at hand is Pakistan so I will take their general beliefs into consideration. Some probably twist the quran so they can objectify the children.

In the same respect I wonder where the Chinese get such beliefs against women and children. Probably stems from our natural aggressive dominant behaviors against the weak. I'm not sure if the chinese had any holy books or philosophies which catered to those beliefs which would only serve as justification.


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
money is the root of all evil!
And what money was involved in the fall of Adam and Eve?

Let us assume you meant that "the LOVE of money is the root of all evil."

Again, how did money or the love of money effect the out come of the fall of Adam and Eve?


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
Your argument would hold SOME water if all the Pakistani, Chinese, and Indians committing female infanticide all shared the same religion. ;)
Actually, you have merely pointed out that it is not one, but many religions involved.
Which would FURTHER support his argument.


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
if money didnt exist, nor would the poverty that causes people to do crazy things like kill their babiesy
Are you honestly that naive or have you merely failed to think it through?


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Well the subject at hand is Pakistan so I will take their general beliefs into consideration. Some probably twist the quran so they can objectify the children.

In the same respect I wonder where the Chinese get such beliefs against women and children. Probably stems from our natural aggressive dominant behaviors against the weak. I'm not sure if the chinese had any holy books or philosophies which catered to those beliefs which would only serve as justification.

Why does it have to be religious based for Pakistanis, but not Chinese?

Actually, you have merely pointed out that it is not one, but many religions involved.
Which would FURTHER support his argument.

How so? Do we have proof that any of these infanticides are religiously based?


Hostis humani generis
These are terrible acts perpetrated by those who cannot afford to keep them. I am not excusing their acts, but very few of these people would take such an act lightly.

There is no religious motivation for these acts. The Quran explicitly prohibits infanticide.

Surah 17:30: And kill not your children for fear of poverty. We shall provide for them as well as for you. Surely, the killing of them is a great sin.

It can't be a more explicit condemnation than that. Considering that Islam sees the Quran as authored from God Himself, this would be in direct defiance of His orders.

It is easy to criticise those who are less fortunate, but in poverty people will make extreme choices for survival. Just a few hundred years ago, these acts were perpetrated in the Western world as well, from Russia to Britain.

I believe that the only way to stop these horrific acts is through education, social change and charity.

My $0.02.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
i believe we are all guests

the only one with right to ownership is God. Call me extreme, but thats how i feel.

So you don't mind if I help myself to your bank account, or your car, right? How 'bout your shirt - or your cell phone?

I'll be right over.


Jehovah our God is One
How do you figure poverty wouldn't exist? We would simply go to a more primitive bartering system.

Utopian societies simply do not work. People need incentives in order to work. Take away those incentives, and there would be little reason for people to do anything.

We can take away money, and then we would just go to a bartering system. The same things would apply though. Those who had things to barter with would be higher class. Those who had nothing, would still be poverty stricken.

land would be free so everyone would have the opportunity to use it.

people could freely build their houses on the land, they would then have a means of producing food for themselves. The bartering of the foods or goods will then naturally ensue. But you cant produce anything if you live in a slum and have no resources available to you.

Its a fallacy that a money free society would not work...its absolute crap perpetuated by people who want a money based society.
Money doesnt motivate people, that is also a fallacy. Money actually 'forces' people to do the things they DONT want to do. Everyone is so desperate to get a job that they will do anything just so they can get the money they need to survive. Money creates a world of people under stress and false illusions. But take money away, and people are free to be the creative individuals they are. They are free to put their minds to work for creativity, and not for fear. They are free to explore the world, to learn to play to connect with their inborn talents...and we all have different talents, so the world could be a very interesting place if we could actually focus solely on what we are good at.

One day the world will be exactly like that... ;)


Jehovah our God is One
So you don't mind if I help myself to your bank account, or your car, right? How 'bout your shirt - or your cell phone?

I'll be right over.

haha, well im a bit like that anyway, if its within my means, you are welcome to it


Im not saying we should give all our money away btw... that would be a silly thing to do under our current system. What i am saying is we should change the entire monetary system.... then home ownership will not be something we spend our whole lives trying to achieve.... we will not need to work our whole lives in a job we hate just to keep our heads above water... and the poor will have the things they need so that they are no longer poor and can provide for their children.

Its only money that creates poverty. The land should be free...but its been divided up and only those with money are able to use it...everyone else is sidelined so that they are forced to work for money and buy what the earth produces. Thats why millions of children go to bed every night without food.


Jehovah our God is One
And what money was involved in the fall of Adam and Eve?

Let us assume you meant that "the LOVE of money is the root of all evil."

Again, how did money or the love of money effect the out come of the fall of Adam and Eve?

Oh alright, you got me there


The 'love' of money then!

And our world loves money so much they are willing to watch millions of people die of starvation and go to war to keep the economy afloat and produce toxic chemicals to make us sick so we become reliant on expensive medications and on and on and on

money makes the world go round, as they say. :p


Jehovah our God is One
Are you honestly that naive or have you merely failed to think it through?

if you look at the cultures where female infanticide occurs the most, you'll find that they all have one thing in common

the males of the family are the ones with financial responsibility to look after the parents. Females go to the new family as a wife for their son.

If you are a poor parent, and you have a daughter, it is going to cost you a lot more to raise her and find her a husband then it is to raise a son who will be able to support the family financially. China is the best example of female infanticide for economic reasons because they actually have a 'one child policy'. Its pure economics. Girls are not as valuable as boys because boys are culturally expected to provide for their parents in old age and in a country with very little government support for the aged, they need their sons to provide for them.


Agnostic Theist
Why do u think the western world is fighting islam?

It's not. It is fighting terrorists and extremists. There is a huge difference.

The idea that the western world is fighting Islam is based on simple ignorance. Both of what the west is doing as well as to what Islam is.