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Kids of lesbians have fewer behavioral problems, study suggests


And you haven't taken any time to grapple with the translation issues that indicate none of it is about homosexuality at all--none of it.

Horsefeathers. I've spent quite a bit of time on it and the pro-gay theology argument is a load of half truths and misinformation.

But again, nothing to say about what a great job lesbian parents are doing? Isn't it a good thing more lesbians are choosing to raise children, so society can have more well-functioning adults? I agree.

If their kids wind up in hell because they were indoctrinated by a gang of pro-gay lesbians who ignore the Word of God, then instead of being applauded they should be reprimanded.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Horsefeathers. I've spent quite a bit of time on it and the pro-gay theology argument is a load of half truths and misinformation.

If their kids wind up in hell because they were indoctrinated by a gang of pro-gay lesbians who ignore the Word of God, then instead of being applauded they should be reprimanded.
Yeah, IF. And if the moon is made of green cheese, it might be good on crackers.


So when Jesus authorizes slavery explicitly, that means it's moral and we should do it?

What part of love your neigbor as yourself supports slavery?

You might want to watch your step, Wayne, or find yourself banned.

Should Storm be banned too? He / she said, "Yet you bear false witness." Why didn't you mention Storm? Double standard? And Storm is Staff, so it can't be wrong, can it?

Listen, we're just all debating. Loosen up.

Gay sex is a sin and should not be legitimized. Period.
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Intentionally Blank
What part of love your neigbor as yourself supports slavery?
Good job. You're right. The Bible is a mass of contradictions that provides a horrible basis for morality.

Would you like to start a thread to discuss the Bible and slavery?

Should Storm be banned too? He / she said, "Yet you bear false witness." Why didn't you mention Storm? Double standard? And Storm is Staff, so it can't be wrong, can it?
Storm knows how not to get banned. You don't. I'm trying to help you avoid the fate I see in store for you.

Gay sex is a sin and should not be legitimized. Period.

1. I don't care in the least what you believe to be sin. It doesn't matter to me at all. I'm not interested in your bizarre ancient taboos. If YOU think it's a sin;, then YOU should not do it. Your beliefs have no application to the rest of us.

2. You're ignoring the fact that lesbianism is not a sin. Period.

3. And since when did you become that voice of God? Those of us who do follow your Bible will decide for themselves what they think is and is not a sin.

4. What does it have to do with the GREAT JOB lesbian parents are doing raising the citizens of tomorrow?

It would probably be a good idea for parenting experts to study these lesbian families to learn what they're doing right, so they can share that information with other parents and improve child-rearing in America, don't you agree?


Intentionally Blank
I don't do it. But I will stand up for the Word of God whenever gay sin is promoted or defended and provide the rest of the story.

Isn't it nice of God to send Wayne to tell us what He wants for us? Apparently Wayne believes he should be charge of our morality. No thanks, Wayne, I'm doing fine without you. Oh, and so are my three kids. They're doing fantastic, in fact. Kind of like the kids of lesbian parents in this study--really outstanding.

But for some reason Wayne isn't interested in that. My guess is that he doesn't care about kids, only about whether somewhere two men are enjoying sex together.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
But for some reason Wayne isn't interested in that. My guess is that he doesn't care about kids, only about whether somewhere two men are enjoying sex together.
Puritanism, n: The haunting fear that somewhere, someone may be happy.


Intentionally Blank
Here's the thing you're not getting, Wayne. If you want to talk about "Gay sex is a sin," then you should start a thread for people who care about that. This thread is about the fact that lesbians are doing a great job of parenting. Since you don't seem to care about that, I suggest you start a thread to discuss what does interest you.


Prince of Dorkness!
This thread is about the fact that lesbians are doing a great job of parenting. Since you don't seem to care about that, I suggest you start a thread to discuss what does interest you.
This is my own personal opinion, but I think Wayne does care about that very much. It obviously bothers him a great deal, otherwise he wouldn't be so worked up about this. I'm guessing that might be because the evidence contradicts his worldview, but that's just my opinion of course.


Intentionally Blank
This is my own personal opinion, but I think Wayne does care about that very much. It obviously bothers him a great deal, otherwise he wouldn't be so worked up about this. I'm guessing that might be because the evidence contradicts his worldview, but that's just my opinion of course.

I think Wayne cares about homosexuality. I don't think he cares about good parenting.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
I can just picture divorced and remarried fat people eating shellfish while their children are running around being unruly after going to church. When they go home, they hate their lesbian neighbors and their well behaved children.


Intentionally Blank
Did the wife speak up in church? Or even worse, maybe there's a female preacher! I hope they didn't wear any blended fabrics to church, cuz God hates that. I suppose the husband probably shaves, as well. And somehow I doubt they gave away all they owned to the poor and followed Jesus.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I can just picture divorced and remarried fat people eating shellfish while their children are running around being unruly after going to church. When they go home, they hate their lesbian neighbors and their well behaved children.

Yeah. And, to complete the picture, the man of the house has been all along showing a strange fascination with gay sex....


Intentionally Blank
Oh no! Another victim of Ted Haggard Syndrome. Contribute today so we can prevent this tragic condition.