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Kali and Satan??


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
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Premium Member
Ma Kali is another aspect (for lack of a better term) for Ma Durga.
As I like to think of it, Maa Durga, though she was calm, cool and collected, riding into battle laughing at the folly of the demons and kicking demon butts, finally lost her cool, and became so enraged that Maa Kali manifested from Maa Durga's forehead and appeared.

I once saw a group of young mothers (my own sisters included) reenact the transformation as they descended on a school principal who put children in danger with a bully. The principal was not Mahishasura, but she was kind of an old cow. If a couple of 20-somethng mothers can wreak such havoc I cower imagining what the Mother of the Universe is capable of. 'Twas not a pretty scene.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
As I like to think of it, Maa Durga, though she was calm, cool and collected, riding into battle laughing at the folly of the demons and kicking demon butts, finally lost her cool, and became so enraged that Maa Kali manifested from Maa Durga's forehead and appeared.

I once saw a group of young mothers (my own sisters included) reenact the transformation as they descended on a school principal who put children in danger with a bully. The principal was not Mahishasura, but she was kind of an old cow. If a couple of 20-somethng mothers can wreak such havoc I cower imagining what the Mother of the Universe is capable of. 'Twas not a pretty scene.
Huh, yeah that tracks, honestly

Oh I so want to see a reenactment

I’m visiting Fiji at the end of this month. Maybe a local Temple will oblige lol


हर हर महादेव
Premium Member
Incidentally, there’s quite a few depictions of Ma Durga riding a tiger are there not?
(And on a Lion as well? Right?)

I have seen many depictions of Ma Durga on a tiger. Images of her on a lion are obviously inspired by Devi Mahatmyam.

I have a tiny statue of that, which I love. It’s gold and has been painted. I think I got it in Fiji as a kid lol

Sounds lovely.

I once saw a group of young mothers (my own sisters included) reenact the transformation as they descended on a school principal who put children in danger with a bully.

Good for them!


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
I have seen many depictions of Ma Durga on a tiger. Images of her on a lion are obviously inspired by Devi Mahatmyam.
I did not know that
So this is inspired by Ma Mahatmyam?


That’s cool


Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member
As I like to think of it, Maa Durga, though she was calm, cool and collected, riding into battle laughing at the folly of the demons and kicking demon butts, finally lost her cool, and became so enraged that Maa Kali manifested from Maa Durga's forehead and appeared.

I once saw a group of young mothers (my own sisters included) reenact the transformation as they descended on a school principal who put children in danger with a bully. The principal was not Mahishasura, but she was kind of an old cow. If a couple of 20-somethng mothers can wreak such havoc I cower imagining what the Mother of the Universe is capable of. 'Twas not a pretty scene.
That makes sense to me.

I watched my own Ma turn into Kali in a similar situation. My friend and I had a teacher that was bullying us in front of the class, and she went in to deal with it... She was so angry, she said she saw red as soon as she saw him, and mentally blacked out. She's generally a very calm person, but an adult bullying kids(a teacher, at that) was enough to set it off.

She doesn't know what she said, and I wasn't there to see it, but I know he seemed slightly afraid of both of us after that(and the bullying certainly stopped).