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Is pot evil?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I was a 40/50 a day man when my son was at school; he came home one day and begged me to give it up, because he had seen at school what smoking does to the lungs.
WOAHH! And I thought me smoking 4/5 a week was pushing it.

I gave up ( not immediately, but I gave up); guess who is smoking cigarettes now, as well as pot ?
I remember all the anti-smoking things my school showed. The only thing I can vividly recall is this one box-headed thing that had a tube for a mouth, and tube for a throat, and then bag lungs. The teacher put a cigarette in the "mouth," lit it, then squeezed the "lungs" to show what cigarette smoke looked like in the lungs. I didn't think it looked bad, but the plastic throat had melted because of the many years of heat on it from the cigarette. The teacher then said that can happen to your throat, and it can happen even if it is your first cigarette.
And then all the anti-pot lectures, which I have discovered were lies for the most part. Most people with laugh with another person while stoned, probably laught at them a great deal too. I have yet to see someone who is stoned and violent, and not on any other drugs, such as alcohol.


mr.guy said:
So, the seeds are evil. I think they're just crunchy.
As you probably know, there are male and female marijuana plant's. I've been told the seeds contain a high level of estrogen. In my younger , dumber , day's when I ran out of weed , I crushed up the seeds (which I had set aside for my dream of starting my own crop one day :biglaugh: ) and tried to smoke them. All I remember getting was a huge headache!

Seeds are evil!!:tsk:


Pusha! a friend of mine ran out of demeral and codine, so he took to smoking poppy seeds. smelled good.


sbyaM eht negortse gniht snialpxe yhw I teg a elttil elbatirri yreve 82 syad.:bonk:



What about the whole "gateway drug" thing? I really don't think pot is going to give you a taste for heavier drugs. The thing ,I believe , that influeces a person most to do drugs and what drug you do is the people you hang out with. I never even considered cocain. My wallet made me quit that one real quick!

Other than that and one time when I got dosed with PCP, i've never had the desire to move up, so to speak. You are responsible for what YOU do, not your drug of CHOICE.:149:


Active Member
[font=&quot]I don't see how it could really be considered evil.

It's not really any worse to use than alcohol or tobacco. Actually those things may be a little worse than it.

I do think it should be legalized as long as those two are to stay consistent, but I myself plan to abstain from it just like I do alcohol (except in cooking or special toasts) and tobacco.[/font]

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
What about the whole "gateway drug" thing? I really don't think pot is going to give you a taste for heavier drugs. The thing ,I believe , that influeces a person most to do drugs and what drug you do is the people you hang out with. I never even considered cocain. My wallet made me quit that one real quick!
I'd have to agree with that.
Again with other drugs, its the people I hang out with and associate with that would be the reason I try it. I was good friends with a co-worker who showed me a 20 pound bag of coke he had. He gave me a "friends price and amount," and we went on with life. He even shared the news that he sold the rest of that bag with 3 grand.
No pot is not evil. It's the people that don't really know what it does that preach that pot is evil, which makes other's think its evil.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
It is religious infringement globally to deny Cannabis as Holy!

1) In 1980 the Hebrew university officially announced, that the anointing oil is made with Cannabis, which can even be seen in Strong’s concordance (Kaneh Bosem).
2) In the Quran, we will sit on couches and drink ginger (Zanjabil) and Cannabis (Kafur translated as henna, which isn’t pleasant to drink)
3) This list continues through most major religions globally….

So when a Christ is someone being anointed in holy oil, Christians are little version of this and so (Biblically) legally are meant to also, like Christ was.

The fact it heals many aliment as we are told in Mark 6:13 that the disciples used the anointing oil to heal, means we have cure of the nations, sitting waiting for us to pay attention to what the books say......:angel2:


Forget cannibis, jesus turned water into wine! Based on the people who get addicted and die every year from alcohol ( more than those that die from crack, heroin and coke combined) if introduced today, alcohol would be a class A drug. Jesus the drug pusher!

Funny how the only drugs that are legal are those taxed ones....


tri-polar optimist
My big gripe is the large number of people, many young and foolish, who have been exposed to the scum of society in prisons for felony possession of pot. Who will be branded for the remainder of their life as a convicted felon. Who lose so many rights for ever. Yet we let convicted child molesters free to prey again because of over crowding.
I believe if people want to smoke let them grow their own for personal use.
I bet in many cases the quality would come down and the cash flow to drug cartels would dry up. Maybe our law makers in their brilliance can't figure out a way to tax them. But they don't tax the cartels.
They do get to play good guy/bad guy. And if they get lucky they get to seize huge amounts of cash and property.
If my pot was anything like this years tomatoes no one would have anything to worry about.

Oh! I almost forgot the question. No I don't think pot is evil. I think some of the laws are.


Well-Known Member
I think the laws are a little much, too. Legalize it, don't patronize it. As far as it being evil, I don't think any plant is evil in itself, but how it is used. Just like money. I always believed and still do basically that pot is not a gateway drug, but I heard the testimony of a father the other day about how his daughter began smoking pot then moved into PCP and LSD regularly and he almost lost her if it wasn't for the Lord. He argued that although many people who try pot do not go on to other drugs, almost everybody who was/is on harder drugs started out with pot. I figure they may have started on cigs and booze or diet pills or valium or whatever though, but it is quite plausible that most of them went the pot route to harder drugs, and that father was quite convincing. Also, as a Christian, I think pot can take down the 'spriritual hedge' that protects us from the subltle, lightning fast suggestions or impulses and influences of demonic spirits, much as too much alcohol effects our judgement and we do and say things we otherwise would never do, except pot is much more subtle. I don't know. I know it can definetely give a heck of a buzz! I guess where I smoked it so long and felt pretty much as a persecuted minority by almost everyone that I may harbor some wrong ideas about it still in my mind. Then again, maybe not. Nowadays I am trying to walk in God's will and am trying to free myself from anything that might enslave me or hurt my health or judgement or witness, etc. I guess I am not the best person to go to for advice about it, lol. But if ya don't do it don't start, if ya do, be weary. I got a virus from my kids--school started--brain fuzzy, just not buzzy, lol! Peace!

The Great Architect

Active Member
No, I don't think marijuana is evil. I think it just depends how much you smoke, how you view it, and how it affects your life. Most of the people in my life who are under 45, including my parents, smoked it once or twice. My friends, too. It really does depend on how much you smoke.
For the record, I have never smoked. I have thought about it for pain relief, though.


Well-Known Member
Nope it is fantastic and should be de-criminalized. Nobody ever beats up their wife or kid cause they had just a bit too much to smoke, but every episode of Cops ever shot has some guy reeking of beer smacking his toothless wife around, and guess which one of those "drugs" is legal?


Yes Man

Well-Known Member
Premium Member
No, I don't think marijuana is evil. I think it just depends how much you smoke, how you view it, and how it affects your life. Most of the people in my life who are under 45, including my parents, smoked it once or twice. My friends, too. It really does depend on how much you smoke.
For the record, I have never smoked. I have thought about it for pain relief, though.
Totally agree dude. Pain relief meaning?