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If there is a life after death.....

If there will be a life after Death....which one of the choices makes more sense:

  • Our soul continues to live on, but we never get a physical body again

    Votes: 7 18.4%
  • Our soul comes back in another body, as in incarnation

    Votes: 10 26.3%
  • There will be a physical Resurrection at the End, and we will come back to life

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • Other, please explain

    Votes: 16 42.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Science will never Discover God.
That statement alone demonstrates that you do not know God, as you claim to.
How does that statement show I do not know God? The universe is a creation of God. To study the universe is to study it's creator. God is the sum of all knowledge. The more knowledge one acquires; the more in common one has with God along with a greater understanding of God.

So many consider God on the emotional half. Let's not forget any Being capable of creating universes also has an intellectual side as well. Is connecting on that side really so bad?

Widen your limit. There are no limits. Stop walling yourself from God by creating those limits. What are you afraid of? Why keep your distance? Are you afraid God will not fit within your box of beliefs? Be true to yourself and Discover why!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
We are all spiritual beings who inhabit physical bodies while we are living on earth. The soul is the person, the physical body is just a vehicle that carries the soul around. It is the soul that is Eternal, the body dies at the end of this life.

There is no logical connection between smart and capable and having a problem with certain people. God has a problem with people if He disapproves of their behaviors.

I agree with that since I don't believe that Satan is a entity that exists.

Baha'is do not believe that there is an entity called Satan. We believe that Satan as referred to in the Bible is an allegory for the lower material nature of man, the evil ego within man.

“God is loving to all. Shall we be unjust or unkind to anyone? Is this allowable in the sight of God? God provides for all. Is it befitting for us to prevent the flow of His merciful provisions for mankind? God has created all in His image and likeness. Shall we manifest hatred for His creatures and servants? This would be contrary to the will of God and according to the will of Satan, by which we mean the natural inclinations of the lower nature. This lower nature in man is symbolized as Satan—the evil ego within us, not an evil personality outside.”
What is more Important: Disapproving, Wrath, Anger, Blaming, Judging, Condemning, Punishing, Payback, Revenge, Vengeance, Ruling, Controlling, Intimidating, Manipulating,Coercing, Hating, WE against They OR OR Fixing the Real Problems while Loving Unconditionally???

Which is the Higher Level? Which brings the Best Results? Which is the Most Intelligent Choice? Which would you want to Receive??

Which is really God??

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
It is "we", who have the problem.
G-d has no needs .. He is independent of His creation.
He wishes good for ALL of us, but knows that some of us will fail.

Life is not an easy test. Our intentions are the most important thing.
G-d is Merciful .. but He cannot save a soul that refuses to be saved.
Your Math does not add up.

Do you really think God is a Monster? Create all these kids and disown them as being independent? Tell that to the judge when you do not want to pay child support. Isn't God supposed to be at a Higher Level beyond mankind? Your description is not a Higher Level.

Next, if God is all knowing and knows some kids will fail, Why create them at all? Doesn't your God come up lacking in the intelligence end? God counts on failure. More is learned around failure than at almost any other time.

God can't save a soul? How does your God come up lacking in capabilities. God can create universes but is lacking in saving abilities. Please, I just must have better Math than this.

Is God really helpless within the realm of free will?
I went to a shopping mall. I wanted to get some exercise walking. I was determined not to buy anything. I could not be saved from not spending money.

In one of the stores, there was a lady demonstrating a food processor. To make a long story short, by the time she got through with me I bought the processor that I do not need and would never use in a million years. What in the world happened?????? If this saleslady isn't helpless within the realm of free will, why would anyone think a Being capable of creating universes could be so helpless to save anyone??

Clearly, your Math comes up lacking in so many ways. Religion places limits and conditions on God in order to convince you to follow. So much is said about God that simply isn't true. Everything about God will add up. If anyone says God can't, I would question them.

We are mere ants. God has ways far beyond we could even currently think about. God is not a Monster. All the kiddies are going to make it regardless of their choices or actions. On the other hand, your choices might generate lessons to live and learn.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
..if God is all knowing and knows some kids will fail, Why create them at all?
You mean, just create the ones that will be successful? :)
That is the same as saying creating mankind with a perfect nature .. but we all know that that
is not what G-d has done .. we have flaws.

..or it's like saying to an examiner to create an exam that all will pass .. then, what's the point?

God can't save a soul? How does your God come up lacking in capabilities. God can create universes but is lacking in saving abilities..
Of course G-d was ABLE to create men without a choice .. but G-d chose not to. :)
How can one logically save somebody who refuses to listen? Please explain !

All the kiddies are going to make it regardless of their choices or actions..
That is purely your projection of what you would LIKE to happen .. what you THINK should happen..
..in a "happy ever after" magical ending.


Veteran Member
How does that statement show I do not know God? The universe is a creation of God. To study the universe is to study it's creator. God is the sum of all knowledge. The more knowledge one acquires; the more in common one has with God along with a greater understanding of God.
There is Truth to what you are saying because everything in creation is a reflection of its creator, so the creation is one way we can know about God. However, it is indirect rather than the direct way, which is through the Messengers who directly reveal God's attributes and God's will.
“Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth is a direct evidence of the revelation within it of the attributes and names of God, inasmuch as within every atom are enshrined the signs that bear eloquent testimony to the revelation of that Most Great Light.....​
…From that which hath been said it becometh evident that all things, in their inmost reality, testify to the revelation of the names and attributes of God within them. Each according to its capacity, indicateth, and is expressive of, the knowledge of God. So potent and universal is this revelation, that it hath encompassed all things visible and invisible....”​
Widen your limit. There are no limits. Stop walling yourself from God by creating those limits. What are you afraid of? Why keep your distance? Are you afraid God will not fit within your box of beliefs? Be true to yourself and Discover why!!
I am not creating limits and I am not afraid of anything. The infinite God does not fit into any box of beliefs, including your box of beliefs.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
What is more Important: Disapproving, Wrath, Anger, Blaming, Judging, Condemning, Punishing, Payback, Revenge, Vengeance, Ruling, Controlling, Intimidating, Manipulating,Coercing, Hating, WE against They OR OR Fixing the Real Problems while Loving Unconditionally???

Which is the Higher Level? Which brings the Best Results? Which is the Most Intelligent Choice? Which would you want to Receive??

Which is really God??

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
This is not related to what I said in my post.

I understand that you are obsessed about certain things which are things you imagine I believe, the straw man you have created.
So I know you cannot control yourself from saying the same things over and over again.

God is Loving but God also has Wrath and God will Judge our actions. God Rules the Universe but God is not Controlling anyone.

I am not saying anyone should do any of the following:

Disapproving, Wrath, Anger, Blaming, Judging, Condemning, Punishing, Payback, Revenge, Vengeance, Ruling, Controlling, Intimidating, Manipulating, Coercing, Hating, WE against They

So you have made a straw man.

There are problems to fix but Loving Unconditionally does not fix any problems, except maybe in your own little world.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
You mean, just create the ones that will be successful? :)
That is the same as saying creating mankind with a perfect nature .. but we all know that that
is not what G-d has done .. we have flaws.

..or it's like saying to an examiner to create an exam that all will pass .. then, what's the point?

Of course G-d was ABLE to create men without a choice .. but G-d chose not to. :)
How can one logically save somebody who refuses to listen? Please explain !

That is purely your projection of what you would LIKE to happen .. what you THINK should happen..
..in a "happy ever after" magical ending.
Is this really a projection? Do the Math. God already knows the outcome. God isn't going to create to destroy. You have flaws but you do not understand. God isn't through creating you yet. You are in the learning stage of creation.

People are stubborn. That does not mean change is impossible. People sometimes do not listen. Have you said anything they want to hear in order to open that door for more input? I have changed countless people stubborn unyielding to change. How? Every time you see them, move a grain of sand. In time and enough visits they do change. Funny thing is they always think it was their idea all along. Of course, that does not matter. I was not after glory of changing others. I merely helped widen the view of a stubborn person. When they understood all sides, it was their idea to change. It was their intelligence that demanded it.

Now, you can choose to deem others as failures, discards and unchangeable people. Isn't this just an excuse to value so many of the petty things mankind holds so dear? Isn't this just a form of Hate?

Do you have a control problem? Control is another petty thing mankind holds so dear. Is the lack of the ability to control others to your way really justify the petty things of hating, judging, condemning , labeling as evil,and such?

Our actions and choices define who we are. They show God and the world what we know and what we need to learn. Is it really we are good and they are bad? Shouldn't it be an US??

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Soul Pioneer
Premium Member

I see life as a never ending unfolding of energy, consciousness and spirit. Individual units of consciousness or 'souls' continue to involve and evolve in various bodies (material or metaphysical), depending on what adventures of learning and experience are to be had as consciousness desire to expand and co-create in various environments and life experiences. Experience is what life is about, so space and time affords such, which is what creation is all about. - the 'mechanics' of rebirth or transformation of consciousness (in various avatars) varies per how one sees the process as unfolding.




Well-Known Member
This is not related to what I said in my post.

I understand that you are obsessed about certain things which are things you imagine I believe, the straw man you have created.
So I know you cannot control yourself from saying the same things over and over again.

God is Loving but God also has Wrath and God will Judge our actions. God Rules the Universe but God is not Controlling anyone.

I am not saying anyone should do any of the following:

Disapproving, Wrath, Anger, Blaming, Judging, Condemning, Punishing, Payback, Revenge, Vengeance, Ruling, Controlling, Intimidating, Manipulating, Coercing, Hating, WE against They

So you have made a straw man.

There are problems to fix but Loving Unconditionally does not fix any problems, except maybe in your own little world.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
You value and do things you don't even know you are doing. First you say you are not saying people should do those petty things listed, then in the next breath you say Wrath is ok for God to do. How can God who values the petty things mankind holds so dear be at a Higher Level than people who don't? Your Math is Lacking again.

Your messengers reflect mankind over anything else. They have created a view of God as mankind. Since they and you value these petty things, you agree with each other. You hang on because that is how you want God to be. Do you want God to hurt and payback others who have hurt you? Why? To what end? Does it make you feel better? What if you were on the receiving end?

Just like you do not understand those petty things mankind and you hold so dear, you do not understand Unconditional Love. You want a conditional God so that you might control others.

God is not with Wrath. God is not Judging. God is not ruling. People can spread their view of God as they want God to be, however that does not make what they say as truth. It reflects who they are. So much is said about God that simply isn't true. Instead of relying on the beliefs of others, wouldn't it be best to Discover the truth about God for yourself?

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
First you say you are not saying people should do those petty things listed, then in the next breath you say Wrath is ok for God to do. How can God who values the petty things mankind holds so dear be at a Higher Level than people who don't? Your Math is Lacking again.
God does not value the petty things that you believe mankind holds dear that you listed.
God can have Wrath and God can Judge, but mankind should not be wrathful or judging.
Your messengers reflect mankind over anything else. They have created a view of God as mankind.
The Messengers value God over anything else and they reflect God's attributes and God's will for mankind.
Since they and you value these petty things, you agree with each other.
The Messengers of God do not value any of these things so I do not value them:
Disapproving, Wrath, Anger, Blaming, Judging, Condemning, Punishing, Payback, Revenge, Vengeance, Ruling, Controlling, Intimidating, Manipulating, Coercing, Hating, WE against They

Why do you keep creating a straw man?
You hang on because that is how you want God to be. Do you want God to hurt and payback others who have hurt you? Why? To what end? Does it make you feel better? What if you were on the receiving end?
You hang onto your Beliefs about how God is because that is how you want God to be.

I do not want God to hurt and payback others who have hurt me.
Why do you keep creating a straw man?
Just like you do not understand those petty things mankind and you hold so dear, you do not understand Unconditional Love. You want a conditional God so that you might control others.
I have no interest in controlling anybody.
Why do you keep creating a straw man?

You want an Unconditional God so that you can Believe that God sets not standards or conditions for human behavior.
That is not reality, it is your fantasy God.
God is not with Wrath. God is not Judging. God is not ruling.
God has Wrath. God Judges. God Rules. Nobody can do anything about that because God is All-Powerful and we are not.
People can spread their view of God as they want God to be, however that does not make what they say as truth. It reflects who they are.
That applies to you, not to me. You view God as you want God to be, which reflects who you are.
I have no view of God that is my own view. Mt view of God comes from what the Messengers have revealed about God.
So much is said about God that simply isn't true.
So much of what you say about God simply isn't true.
Instead of relying on the beliefs of others, wouldn't it be best to Discover the truth about God for yourself?
The only way to Discover the truth about God is through the Messengers of God.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
God does not value the petty things that you believe mankind holds dear that you listed.
God can have Wrath and God can Judge, but mankind should not be wrathful or judging.

The Messengers value God over anything else and they reflect God's attributes and God's will for mankind.

The Messengers of God do not value any of these things so I do not value them:
Disapproving, Wrath, Anger, Blaming, Judging, Condemning, Punishing, Payback, Revenge, Vengeance, Ruling, Controlling, Intimidating, Manipulating, Coercing, Hating, WE against They

Why do you keep creating a straw man?

You hang onto your Beliefs about how God is because that is how you want God to be.

I do not want God to hurt and payback others who have hurt me.
Why do you keep creating a straw man?

I have no interest in controlling anybody.
Why do you keep creating a straw man?

You want an Unconditional God so that you can Believe that God sets not standards or conditions for human behavior.
That is not reality, it is your fantasy God.

God has Wrath. God Judges. God Rules. Nobody can do anything about that because God is All-Powerful and we are not.

That applies to you, not to me. You view God as you want God to be, which reflects who you are.
I have no view of God that is my own view. Mt view of God comes from what the Messengers have revealed about God.

So much of what you say about God simply isn't true.

The only way to Discover the truth about God is through the Messengers of God.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
What is it that I say about God that isn't true? I can not change truth if it is not to your liking.
What is this straw man stuff? I'm simply stating what is. If this puts you in the straw, isn't that your choice?

First you say that mankind should not value these petty things, then in the next breath you say it's ok for God to do it. Where is your Math? How can God be at a lower level than mankind? God can't. It's just your messengers who insist God can value these petty things.

Why do you choose to have no view of God on your own? Why do you depend on the view of others? I could never do that. I am one who must know rather than blindly follow. You have valued so many of those petty things mankind holds so dear that you do not even know or see that you are doing them. Sad! There will come a time for you to see.

Why must God create standards? Can you divide an exact line between good and evil in every case? Example: Killing is wrong, right? If you were to kill a person that was about to set off a bomb that would kill millions upon millions of people, families, and children, is that wrong too? Draw the line!!

God is very very smart. Since, in time, everyone will be Discovering and choosing the very best choices, there is no need to draw any line at all. Each will decide for themselves what the best choices are by living and learning all the different sides to their choices. This not only leads one to a Higher Level, but it makes all those petty things mankind holds so dear useless choices since they lead away from the very best choices and the very best results.. Is your Math getting better or are you still clueless??

Does God really need Wrath? What for? The kiddies will make it to that Higher Level regardless of their choices with enough lessons.

Does God need to Judge? What for? The kiddies will make it to that Higher Level regardless of their choices with enough lessons. Now, the kiddies will judge which choices will have the best results. The kiddies will decide what is good and what is bad along their journeys. This is not being told. This is Discovering the Truth for oneself, first hand and not depending on the judgment of others.

Does God need to Rule? What for? If everyone results in making the best choices, What is there to rule? Laws and rules are obsolete. There is no need to value the petty things of Disapproving, Wrath, Anger, Blaming, Judging, Condemning, Punishing, Payback, Revenge, Vengeance, Ruling, Controlling, Intimidating, Manipulating, Coercing, Hating, WE against They. What does this leave? Unconditional Love and a Heavenly state for all through their own free choices. Intelligence will make the best choices.

Straw man, Can you even see what you are missing? STRETCH YOUR THINKING!!! Work on that Math!!! God is High Intelligence. You must look beyond mankind's thinking to a Higher, more Intelligent way than I'm going to get you!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
What is it that I say about God that isn't true? I can not change truth if it is not to your liking.
You think that what I say about God isn't true but I cannot change truth if it is not to your liking.
What is this straw man stuff? I'm simply stating what is. If this puts you in the straw, isn't that your choice?
A straw man is when you misrepresent what I said.

A straw man fallacy occurs when someone distorts or exaggerates another person’s argument, and then attacks the distorted version of the argument instead of genuinely engaging.
First you say that mankind should not value these petty things, then in the next breath you say it's ok for God to do it.
Just because YOU think something is petty that does not mean it is petty.
I am saying that some things you call petty are not petty.
I am also saying that some of what you call petty and accuse me of valuing are not things I value, nor does God value them.
It's just your messengers who insist God can value these petty things.
What petty things? List them and I will tell you if Messengers taught us to value them.
Why do you choose to have no view of God on your own? Why do you depend on the view of others?
Because any view of God I might have would only be a personal opinion, since I have NO WAY to know ANYTHING about God.
I depend upon a revelation from God through a Messenger in order to know anything about God since that is the only way to know ANYTHING about God.
I could never do that. I am one who must know rather than blindly follow.
But you don't KNOW anything about God since the only way to know anything is through what the Messengers reveal about God.
You have valued so many of those petty things mankind holds so dear that you do not even know or see that you are doing them. Sad!
Tell me what you think I value and I will tell you if I value it and why I value it.
There will come a time for you to see.
I already see.
Why must God create standards? Can you divide an exact line between good and evil in every case? Example: Killing is wrong, right? If you were to kill a person that was about to set off a bomb that would kill millions upon millions of people, families, and children, is that wrong too? Draw the line!!
God creates standards for humans to follow since God knows what is right and wrong behavior since God created humans.
We have secular laws to decide when killing is wrong.
God is very very smart. Since, in time, everyone will be Discovering and choosing the very best choices, there is no need to draw any line at all. Each will decide for themselves what the best choices are by living and learning all the different sides to their choices.
You Believe that in time everyone will be Discovering and choosing the very best choices. There is absolutely NO BASIS for such a Belief. It is just something you made up because you want it to be that way.

So you are saying that society needs no laws or enforcement of laws because eventually everyone will Discover the best choices?
Do you even realize how insane that sounds?
Does God really need Wrath? What for?
It is not about what God needs, it is about what God has. God has wrath because God has wrath. Get over it.
The kiddies will make it to that Higher Level regardless of their choices with enough lessons.
That is just another one of your Beliefs. It has no basis in reality.
Does God need to Judge? What for?
It is not about what God needs to do, it is about what God does. God judges. Get over it.
The kiddies will make it to that Higher Level regardless of their choices with enough lessons.
That is just another one of your Beliefs. It has no basis in reality.
Now, the kiddies will judge which choices will have the best results. The kiddies will decide what is good and what is bad along their journeys. This is not being told. This is Discovering the Truth for oneself, first hand and not depending on the judgment of others.
That is just another one of your Beliefs. It has no basis in reality.
Does God need to Rule? What for?
It is not about what God needs to do, it is about what God does. God rules. Get over it.
If everyone results in making the best choices, What is there to rule? Laws and rules are obsolete.
Everyone will never learn to make the best choices. That is why laws and rules will never be obsolete.
There is no need to value the petty things of Disapproving, Wrath, Anger, Blaming, Judging, Condemning, Punishing, Payback, Revenge, Vengeance, Ruling, Controlling, Intimidating, Manipulating, Coercing, Hating, WE against They. What does this leave? Unconditional Love and a Heavenly state for all through their own free choices. Intelligence will make the best choices.
Intelligence will not make the best choices because everyone does not use their intelligence.

There is no need for any of those things you listed except Punishing and Controlling. Those are necessary in order to have order in society.

Love is good, but Unconditional Love fixes absolutely nothing. In fact it does no harm than good. It is only your pipe dream.

There will never be a Heavenly state for all through our own free choices, not unless people choose to follow the teachings and laws of the Messenger.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
You think that what I say about God isn't true but I cannot change truth if it is not to your liking.

A straw man is when you misrepresent what I said.

A straw man fallacy occurs when someone distorts or exaggerates another person’s argument, and then attacks the distorted version of the argument instead of genuinely engaging.

Just because YOU think something is petty that does not mean it is petty.
I am saying that some things you call petty are not petty.
I am also saying that some of what you call petty and accuse me of valuing are not things I value, nor does God value them.

What petty things? List them and I will tell you if Messengers taught us to value them.

Because any view of God I might have would only be a personal opinion, since I have NO WAY to know ANYTHING about God.
I depend upon a revelation from God through a Messenger in order to know anything about God since that is the only way to know ANYTHING about God.

But you don't KNOW anything about God since the only way to know anything is through what the Messengers reveal about God.

Tell me what you think I value and I will tell you if I value it and why I value it.

I already see.

God creates standards for humans to follow since God knows what is right and wrong behavior since God created humans.
We have secular laws to decide when killing is wrong.

You Believe that in time everyone will be Discovering and choosing the very best choices. There is absolutely NO BASIS for such a Belief. It is just something you made up because you want it to be that way.

So you are saying that society needs no laws or enforcement of laws because eventually everyone will Discover the best choices?
Do you even realize how insane that sounds?

It is not about what God needs, it is about what God has. God has wrath because God has wrath. Get over it.

That is just another one of your Beliefs. It has no basis in reality.

It is not about what God needs to do, it is about what God does. God judges. Get over it.

That is just another one of your Beliefs. It has no basis in reality.

That is just another one of your Beliefs. It has no basis in reality.

It is not about what God needs to do, it is about what God does. God rules. Get over it.

Everyone will never learn to make the best choices. That is why laws and rules will never be obsolete.

Intelligence will not make the best choices because everyone does not use their intelligence.

There is no need for any of those things you listed except Punishing and Controlling. Those are necessary in order to have order in society.

Love is good, but Unconditional Love fixes absolutely nothing. In fact it does no harm than good. It is only your pipe dream.

There will never be a Heavenly state for all through our own free choices, not unless people choose to follow the teachings and laws of the Messenger.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
How many things did you tell me will never happen? Never, Can't? You do know there is the other side of these. Stop choosing to limit the possibilities.

First you say you do not value those petty things, then you say you want to keep controlling and punishing. Would you be so eager to value these things if you were the one being controlled and punished?

I realize you have those beliefs and refused to widen your view to anything else. You also think like religions. You think I am trying to get you to believe. Your reply Get over it.

I place truth in the world. What you do with Truth is entirely up to you. I have merely pointed a direction by which you could Discover the Truth for yourself. In order to do nothing, you assume I am making all this up and I am dealing with Beliefs. Further, so you have to do nothing, you say nothing can be done without messengers. It does seem so very limiting, however it is you who chooses to limit. Since there really is no limit on learning, I'll just wait until you catch up. In time, you will be Discovering what I have been telling you for yourself. Won't you be surprised?

Get over it?? I am not controlling so there has never ever been anything to get over.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
First you say you do not value those petty things, then you say you want to keep controlling and punishing. Would you be so eager to value these things if you were the one being controlled and punished?
There is nothing petty about controlling and punishing people who need to be controlled and deserve to be punished.
In your childlike mind, nobody should ever be punished for any wrongdoing. This is a fantasy world you created in your mind.
If the world was run the way you want it to be run it would result in complete anarchy and more good people getting hurt.

I do not control or punish anyone, the law does that.
I realize you have those beliefs and refused to widen your view to anything else.
I realize you have your own beliefs and refuse to widen your view to anything else.
I place truth in the world. What you do with Truth is entirely up to you.
I place the Truth from the true religions of God in the world. What you do with that Truth is entirely up to you.
In order to do nothing, you assume I am making all this up and I am dealing with Beliefs.
That is all you have are Beliefs, beliefs that you made up.
Further, so you have to do nothing, you say nothing can be done without messengers.
I do not do nothing just because I believe in Messengers. There is no logical connection between believing in Messengers and doing nothing.
It does seem so very limiting, however it is you who chooses to limit. Since there really is no limit on learning, I'll just wait until you catch up. In time, you will be Discovering what I have been telling you for yourself. Won't you be surprised?
I will continue learning and growing all of my life but I won't Discover what you have been telling me.
Get over it?? I am not controlling so there has never ever been anything to get over.
You need to get over trying to convince me that your Belief system called Discovery is the Truth.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
There is nothing petty about controlling and punishing people who need to be controlled and deserve to be punished.
In your childlike mind, nobody should ever be punished for any wrongdoing. This is a fantasy world you created in your mind.
If the world was run the way you want it to be run it would result in complete anarchy and more good people getting hurt.

I do not control or punish anyone, the law does that.

I realize you have your own beliefs and refuse to widen your view to anything else.

I place the Truth from the true religions of God in the world. What you do with that Truth is entirely up to you.

That is all you have are Beliefs, beliefs that you made up.

I do not do nothing just because I believe in Messengers. There is no logical connection between believing in Messengers and doing nothing.

I will continue learning and growing all of my life but I won't Discover what you have been telling me.

You need to get over trying to convince me that your Belief system called Discovery is the Truth.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
your quote: I do not control or punish anyone, the law does that.

My Answer: Blame is another petty thing mankind holds so dear.

your quote:You need to get over trying to convince me that your Belief system called Discovery is the Truth.

My Answer: I am telling you Truth. Whether you are convinced or not is of no concern to me. I have placed the Truth in the world. As for Discovering things being a Belief system, perhaps you should ask scientists if Discovery is a Belief system. You will find many people in the world do not think everything is a Belief and any belief is no more than a direction one might search along the path to Discovery. You think so much in terms of Beliefs it seems that is all you see.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
your quote: I do not control or punish anyone, the law does that.

My Answer: Blame is another petty thing mankind holds so dear.
Blame is not another petty thing mankind holds so dear. When blame is warranted it is called justice.

You live in an absolute fantasy where nobody is ever to blame for anything. That is not reality. Sometimes people are to blame.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
My Answer: I am telling you Truth. Whether you are convinced or not is of no concern to me. I have placed the Truth in the world.
No, you have not placed Truth in the world because you are not a Messenger of God. You are just a man with Beliefs.
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