The Jews started salvation, too, and they thought about it in a particular way. Christians think about it in another way. Shall we all go back to sacrificing sheep on a temple altar, because we're not participating in "real" salvation?
I understand how you think about the Eucharist, and I respect it. I don't think you're "wrong" for thinking about it in terms of flesh and blood. But even St. Francis wrote about the eucharist thus:
"O sublime humility! O humble sublimity! That the Lord of the universe, God and the Son of God so humbles himself that for our salvation he hides himself under the little form of bread!"
This indicates a range of understanding. I really don't think this has anything more or less to do with anything other than petulence. "Fine. If you don't like the way I share my toys, then you can go play somewhere else...and forget about me sharing the Kool-Aid with you." (Granted, there are Protestants who are just as petulent.) Isn't it time we followed Paul's advice to put away childish things?