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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
It comes from overprotective mothers, weak father figures, and cooties picked up on door handles.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
It comes from overprotective mothers, weak father figures, and cooties picked up on door handles.

More seriously, male homosexuality seems to be determined very early in life -- perhaps even before birth. But the exact causes are -- last I heard -- unknown.

The notion that male homosexuality was associated with overprotective mothers and weak father figures comes from Freud and has been discredited.

I'm not sure what the current thinking about female homosexuality is.


Veteran Member


Wonder Woman
Given that sexual attraction and emotion are both based in the brain, AND the fact that brain scans of gay men resemble brain scans of straight women, and vice versa, it seems reasonable to assume that it is something inherently determined in the brain. Once one realizes that different areas and hemispheres of the brain form at different rates in the womb, it becomes simple to imagine the process of orientation determination. Just like the left side of the brain is supposed to develop to assume dominancy and therefore establish people to be right-handed, and sometimes this does not occur and the right side of the brain picks up dominancy and accounts for left-handedness, a similar mechanism can explain differences in orientation. Since orientation is more of a complex issue, being that emotions and so much more is involved, there is more variety than just homosexual, heterosexual and bisexual (comparable to ambidextrous). Now as you don't see anyone saying that there is anything wrong with being left-handed or ambidextrous, then it doesn't make sense to say there is anything wrong with differing sexual orientations.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Female homosexuality is caused by a lack of real men in the lesbian's immediate environment. Most likely, she has only known liberals and other men of questionable masculinity.


Wonder Woman
Female homosexuality is caused by a lack of real men in the lesbian's immediate environment. Most likely, she has only known liberals and other men of questionable masculinity.

I didn't know you were surrounded by lesbians.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Lesbians secretly like it when real men make passes at them. Only real men make them feel like real women.


What I don't understand is how we came to develop what ever make's people Homosexual.When we evolve we develop things to increase our chances of reproduction, but Homosexuality stops us from being able to reproduce.


Wonder Woman
What I don't understand is how we came to develop what ever make's people Homosexual.When we evolve we develop things to increase our chances of reproduction, but Homosexuality stops us from being able to reproduce.

Then how did we come to develop being left-handed? It's really just a "thing". It's variety. It only happens to approximately 10% of the population and that isn't enough to negatively affect our survival. In fact, with the amount of heterosexuals our species produces we are more prone to over-population than anything. Homosexuality is also found in many other species in the world. Ones that we are directly related to. Primates. It would seem absurd that humans wouldn't produce the same kind of sexual orientation variety as other mammals and primates. It's just biology/neurology. It just "is".


Veteran Member
What I don't understand is how we came to develop what ever make's people Homosexual.When we evolve we develop things to increase our chances of reproduction, but Homosexuality stops us from being able to reproduce.
It keeps those people from reproducing, not the others, the heterosexuals. In the context of a breeding population on can consider homosexuals as simply extras, whose presence neither adds to or subtracts from human propagation.


Premium Member
What I don't understand is how we came to develop what ever make's people Homosexual.When we evolve we develop things to increase our chances of reproduction, but Homosexuality stops us from being able to reproduce.
There are many factors to consider and likely comes from parents that are heterosexual which means that sometimes people come out like that. One example of some factors are things like testosterone levels during fetal development. Anything could have attributed to a certain way the brain develops and obviously isn't reproducible if they don't have kids. In the end I believe it becomes a struggle between the way your brain is oriented and environmental factors as often times twins have different sexual preference but they normally do not stray apart like that but there are exceptions.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Speaking from experience, I can't tell you why I am gay, only that I am. I love men and everything about them, and can't imagine being with a woman. I do believe a confluence of factors like genetics, hormonal exposure in utero, maybe even subconscious nurture, governs our sexualities, and most other attributes about us.

I was never attracted to girls as a kid, or to women as an adult. I remember as far back as grade school and all through high school and college being interested in the boys, then the men. The only thing I did was fight it and suppress it, because that's what you did. I was 38 when I came out to myself and stopped fighting ebing who and what I am. Then my coming out to friends and family was a cascade. I'm openly gay (my company is very gay-friendly), but people who don't know me or my partner say they didn't know I am gay.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Not every individual in a band needs to reproduce for a species to be successful. This is a rare strategy in Nature. Sometimes the better strategy is for only one or two couples to reproduce and the rest support them.

Gays may function as backup child care providers and "babysitters" in a hunting-gathering species with a high mortality rate.