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Hitchen's Challange


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Homosexuality implies that one's character is either corrupt, confused, impressionable, or vulnerable.
No it doesn’t.

Gender defines character, purpose, capabilities, and roles. Almost every single living entity on earth has a gender, and this intrinsic and immutable fact plays such an integral part in the symbiosis of the relationship (what one lacks, the other fulfills), and the proliferation and sustainment of one's species
Stop pretending you know something about either psychology or spiritual development.


“Stop appealing to science.” Science can discern what’s normal and healthful in human preferences and behavior.

I’ve read the posts, and you appear to be projecting where depth of thought and perception are concerned.
Why do you call yourself a Shamanist, if you are devoid of any spiritual insight? Or, did you spell Secularist wrong?


No it doesn’t.

Stop pretending you know something about either psychology or spiritual development.
...maybe I should stop pretending that I'm having a mature and effective conversation with you? ...and yet, you wonder why I don't answer your questions?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
...maybe I should stop pretending that I'm having a mature and effective conversation with you? ...and yet, you wonder why I don't answer your questions?
Maybe you should simply stop pretending.


Feel better now?
You're a long way from the 'giggles' forum, sojourner. Maybe if you do a search on either 'Jim Bakker' or 'Jerry Falwell', you may get to a more appropriate discussion arena for your comprehension level?
I'm sure that you'll find lots of frivolity and misguidedness there.


Veteran Member
Character and good judgment, discernment and prudence.
None of which are compatible with hate speech, and homophobic bigotry. Or with denying accepted scientific facts, like species evolution or the age of the earth. Or believing in global flood myths, even after they have been demonstrated as false.

Christian's are wholesome characters, we denounce illicit sexual behaviour and hope that the sinners, like homosexuals and atheists, will repent.

You seem to have ignored my post, which directly addressed your unevidenced assertions in the post it responded to?

You can hope for whatever you want, it's when you espouse pernicious homophobic bigotry that I will object. I don't care what others think a deity they imagine is real wants from us, since I am an atheist, I care whether behaviour or actions directly harm others.


Veteran Member
Einstein said if you need the afterlife to be good you are lacking moral fiber or something like that.

Why would I care? This was post:

I think you mean might, not can, and that's a claim that is rather undone by all the law abiding moral atheists out there. Why do people need divine diktat in order to see that violent crimes like rape and murder are deeply pernicious, and traumatise others in the worst possible way? Is it only atheists who are capable of empathetic reasoning then?

You seem to have ignored it, and the question?


Veteran Member
Christian's are wholesome characters, we denounce illicit sexual behaviour and hope that the sinners, like homosexuals and atheists, will repent.
No they're not, that's just a No True Scotsman fallacy. Hitler was a Christian, as was every member of the German SS who ran the death camps, the KKK is a Christian organisation, the Westborough Baptist church are all Christians, the Inquisition the Crusades, the endemic child rape within the RCC and those who protected them, and moved them around avoiding justice to carry on abusing children, all Christians.

Morality is of course subjective, but a person's actions are what determines if they are moral, not a descriptor you attach to them.


Veteran Member
One's gender defines many attributes about their character, their purpose, their behaviour, their attire.


Biology is intrinsic, and thus, so is one's gender, we do not, therefore, attempt to either manipulate, distort, violate, deny or disregard, confuse or corrupt, one's anatomical constitution.

This has already been disproved, by a demonstration of objective scientific research, that demonstrates homosexuality is natural, and there is no evidence gay man and woman are any less moral than heterosexual men and women, this is just an arbitrary and bigoted claim you are making.

Respect what nature has produced,

Nature has produced homosexuality, so I'm glad you're finally onboard.

and firmly appreciate how environmental influences can cause confusion in one's perspective of who they are, or what they should be.

People are born gay, they no more choose to be gay than I chose to be heterosexual. Are you suggesting you chose to be straight, really?


Veteran Member
Don't sound like a naive and flaky Christian by acting like a bleeding-heart. ...again, are you really a Christian, or a Shamanist, or a mutilation of both?

You're very intolerant, but no one has to live their lives according to your blinkered prejudices. If you don't like homosexuality, then don't do it, but others are free to live their lives as they see fit, as long as they don't seek to harm others.


Veteran Member
Will you quit appealing to flippin' scientific research, for crying out flippin' loud?!?!?!

No, make me.

Science cannot discern the heart, the spiritual, intent, emotions, desires, wickedness or morality.

It can't examine mermaids or unicorns either, what's your point? It can however demonstrate that homosexuality is ubiquitous in nature, and has done so, thus it is by definition natural.

You're a secularist for, as I said, atheist lack depth of thought and perception.

That's just simple bigotry, and of course another No True Scotsman fallacy, which speaks for itself of course. Your posts are consistently irrational, prejudiced, and ignorant of basic scientific facts. The histrionics about me citing scientific research amply demonstrate that.


Veteran Member
Homosexuality implies that one's character is either corrupt, confused, impressionable, or vulnerable.

No it doesn't, that is again just homophobic bigotry, thankfully most of the world has moved on from such blinkered irrational prejudices.

Gender defines character, purpose, capabilities, and roles.

No it doesn't.

Almost every single living entity on earth has a gender, and this intrinsic and immutable fact plays such an integral part in the symbiosis of the relationship (what one lacks, the other fulfills), and the proliferation and sustainment of one's species.

No it doesn't, you just keep posting these argument from assertion fallacies, but again the scientific research linked, that you ignored, amply demonstrates your claim is errant nonsense.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Are you able to explain the viability of your syncretism between Christianity, and Shamanism?
I don’t intend to “explain myself” to you; you wield no spiritual authority. It’s obvious that you really understand neither Christianity nor shamanism. Again: stop trying to be the religion police.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
You're a long way from the 'giggles' forum, sojourner. Maybe if you do a search on either 'Jim Bakker' or 'Jerry Falwell', you may get to a more appropriate discussion arena for your comprehension level?
I'm sure that you'll find lots of frivolity and misguidedness there.
Feel better now?