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Hello people!

Hi, I'm new... obviously...

It is kind of weird for me to come to this site- me being strictly non-religious- but I'm going to a christian school now and religion has always been something that fascinates me.

:rainbow1: Peace out


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the RF family, i'm sure you'll fit right in. click the link in my signature to see the forum rules. enjoy your stay!


Veteran Member

What kind of school are you going to? What made you chose that kind of school? :)

Anywho, nice to meet you!!


To Save A Lamb
Salaam, welcome to RF!

It was nice talkin' to you in the chat, keep dropping in, you hear me? :D
Nice talking to you, too, Khalila. And Zay.

As to the questiong about going to a christian college: I'm used to being around religious people a lot. I can talk to them about the bible and everything- I sympathize. I just don't have the same beliefs. The only complaint I have is the suspended library hours on sundays- but they're like that everywhere I've ever been, too, so I suppose I should be used to that, too. (sorry- bookworm)

Thank you everybody for the warm welcome. I think I'm going to like it here a lot.


Lord of the Badgers
Howdy, welcome to the forums!

Hope you like what you see and choose to stick around. We have several atheists here so you're not alone in being non-religious.


yo! i had a super cute rabbit named Persephone once. she died of lupine cancer. :D

no, seriously, it's great to see you! :D welcome, and ya, i'm sad about libraries being closed on Sundays, too. mrr.


Lord of the Badgers
yo! i had a super cute rabbit named Persephone once. she died of lupine cancer. :D
Lovely story there gracie, excuse me while i go cry myself to sleep. :D

no, seriously, it's great to see you! :D welcome, and ya, i'm sad about libraries being closed on Sundays, too. mrr.
Most things are closed on a Sunday aren't they? They are over here anyway, shops, libraries, Churches ;) ...

Isabella Lecour

amor aeternus est
Welcome to the forums fellow bookworm. Sunday's just another chance to catch up on all the reading that was checked out on Saturday!!


Obstructor of justice
