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General Assembly


New Member
Hi folks.

Learned about this forum from Davidium on the uua forums.

I am a new UU helping start out a UU community in Manila, Philippines.

I am so inspired by your stories of the GA and am hoping to attend one one of these years. St Louis next year sounds good especially since I've been there and we have family friends there.

Hope to be sharing our UU faith with all of you here. :cool:


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Hi Bob,

As I noticed this was your first post here, I wanted to take the opportunity to welcome you to the forum;

You might like to have a look at :- Articles for New Members ; from there, there is a link to the forum rules, which you ought to see.

And perhaps you might like to introduce yourself on:-
Are you new to ReligiousForums.com? , so that we can get to know you.

Hope you enjoy the forum.:)


Active Member
Welcome Bob!

I need to get back on the UUA forum... been awhile!

Feel free t oask any question, or bring up any thoughts here in our little UU RF community!

YoUUrs in Faith,

David Pyle
Galveston Island, TX