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Flu shot

King Phenomenon

Well-Known Member
What’s the point in getting a flu shot when they basically guess as to which of the 60 viruses is going to be out that particular year?


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
What’s the point in getting a flu shot when they basically guess as to which of the 60 viruses is going to be out that particular year?

Educated guess based on studies of currently circulating viruses. The shot will target those circulating viruses. Chances are up to 60% that the scientists get it completely right. 60% is better than nothing


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
There are only four types of flu viruses (A,B,C And D) with dozens of strains up underneath each type. No matter the strain, a shot handles the two most common and contagious, types A and B.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Not all viruses are the same, and some potentially are more life threatening than others.

BTW, I got my last flu shot 2 weeks ago. At 78, I'm more vulnerable than most others.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Not all viruses are the same, and some potentially are more life threatening than others.

BTW, I got my last flu shot 2 weeks ago. At 78, I'm more vulnerable than most others.

We've not been invited to have ours yet but both of us are high risk.
Here it's usually mid September when they start the injection.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
We've not been invited to have ours yet but both of us are high risk.
Here it's usually mid September when they start the injection.
Thanks for that info, and I do hope you get the shot.

In my case, I'm sure there's a lot of people who would like to shoot me, including some here at RF. :emojconfused:


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Thanks for that info, and I do hope you get the shot.

In my case, I'm sure there's a lot of people who would like to shoot me, including some here at RF. :emojconfused:

We should be among the first when it comes.

Shoot you, never...