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Fibonacci sequence


Well-Known Member
As you may know the fibinacci has a golden ratio: 1.6180339887 wich is prevelant in nature,
(for those who don't know what the fibonacci sequence is Fibonacci number - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Now in nature this golden ratio shapes nature into stunning scenery

so now the goal for you is to post picture's wich have the golden ratio in it


for example: the seeds of this plant are arranged by the golden ratio

fruballs for the first 5 photo's


Pingala, about 300 BC was studying maths of music and poetry. During these investigations he invented binary math. His treatise on math and sceince of potery is applicable to any language.

Table of sines is as old as 400 AD, as also the loartithms as means of calculations.


Worldwide Movement
Wow.. Just look at the perfect symmetry this whole world is made up of. Not even a minute difference. And the funny part is this symmetry has been present forever, and we humans have just discovered it 1600 years ago... amazing...

This symmetry can only be present when the planner, designer and creator is the same being.

Nature, Omega point, God whatever we call the name. The generator operator destroyer is the same.



Temporally Challenged
Phi (aka the golden ratio) always intrigued me. The objective root of beauty always has intrigued me. Aesthetics and neuroscience may just meet sooner than we think.

P.S. Da Vinci was the man.

I just started reading 'The Secret Code' Priya Hemenway and this got reactivated , gotta heart those coinkydinks :)



Tu Stultus Es
This symmetry can only be present when the planner, designer and creator is the same being.

That, or this symmetry is part of human's evolutionary baggage in imposing patterns that are aesthetically pleasing...

The Golden Spiral is just one of many logarithmic spirals found in nature and it's really easy for the pattern-prone human brain to see these shapes everywhere. The problem is that when we do look at these shapes they're rarely actually Fibonacci numbers. The spiral galaxy, Da Vinci and nautilus shell cut in half are good examples, and common ones, that pop up in books as Fibonacci patterns when they're close to the pattern, but not exact and are closer to Archimedian spirals than Fibo's.
Fibonacci Flim-Flam

Anyway, Here's a Fibonacci picture of Stephane Douady and Yves Couder's experiment (the actual paper isn't online and I can't find an English translation either) that helped explain botanist Hofmeister's research into phyllotaxis spirals in plants.

Oh yeah, and Tool's song Lateralus is set to the Fibonacci series.

Did I just actually show how pathetic I am by posting in this thread on this subject at midnight on a Saturday night?!?!


New Member
the universe may be build on fractal geometry, meaning that relationships like Pi and the golden ration are seen on all scales


Active Member
That, or this symmetry is part of human's evolutionary baggage in imposing patterns that are aesthetically pleasing...

The Golden Spiral is just one of many logarithmic spirals found in nature and it's really easy for the pattern-prone human brain to see these shapes everywhere. The problem is that when we do look at these shapes they're rarely actually Fibonacci numbers. The spiral galaxy, Da Vinci and nautilus shell cut in half are good examples, and common ones, that pop up in books as Fibonacci patterns when they're close to the pattern, but not exact and are closer to Archimedian spirals than Fibo's.
Fibonacci Flim-Flam

Anyway, Here's a Fibonacci picture of Stephane Douady and Yves Couder's experiment (the actual paper isn't online and I can't find an English translation either) that helped explain botanist Hofmeister's research into phyllotaxis spirals in plants.

Oh yeah, and Tool's song [youtube]wS7CZIJVxFY[/youtube]
Lateralus is set to the Fibonacci series.

Did I just actually show how pathetic I am by posting in this thread on this subject at midnight on a Saturday night?!?!

The question to me is why do we find it pleasing? Is it in the visual cortex that secretes a little dopamine when it identifies a symmetrical pattern? Also the identification of symmetry itself, why does it happen. My gut feeling is the the visual cortex is actually codifying visual information as fractal patterns and is why we can detect the symmetry in nature.