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Famous Trinity Diagram


Well-Known Member
I say: God is LOVE! God is Perfect love!

Perfect love says; can NOT love yourself! :rolleyes:

To love perfectly you need another!! To love yourself is self love it's "Selfish"! God would not be God if he had no other to love! Perfect love NEEDS another!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
My goodness @cataway!

"The trinity teaches that God asked himself to go to earth to save mankind..."

...and the Watchtower teaches the rosary on Thursday nights!!

And let's not forget that as a brother in a Kingdom Hall you will be limited to two wives.​

Seriously though, I think you've been on this forum long enough to understand the difference between modalism and the trinity.

If not, I'll be happy to illustrate this for you.


Soul Pioneer
Which of these images best describes the trinity and why?

View attachment 27775 View attachment 27774

Still cant see these images :) - can someone repost them?

'God' is one, no matter how you splice or dice He/She/IT :) - we are all individual expressions or offspring of that ONE. That One is all in all, all there IS. All comes from that One and returns to that One....again because 'God' is all. There is no outside of 'God' the Infinite. There is only one absolute reality, all else is relative to IT in the realm of creation, space time relativity, the multiverse, human language, etc.

Assuming your images above are the usual Trinity diagrams shown by die-hard orthodox 'trinitarians'......they only show their own conceptual relation as set forth in the orthodox creeds,....although I think Arius had just as good if not better relational understanding of the Father and Son, whereas trinitarians spent centuries straining over a mere doctrinal construct to make the 'Trinity' as they described it, official church DOCTRINE. - talk about straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel. But its all point of view.....it may or may not matter or help or hinder an individual believer. One one level its just an intellectual concept.

Relationally speaking a Unitarian view may be more pragmatic and logical, although one can metaphysically entertain an orthodox Trinity concept as well or some other concept-frame (who cares?), and STILL....'God' is forever ONE anyways :) - the 'devil' may be in the 'details' ;) - its how they are applied or 'interpreted'.


I recall that some christians were up in arms over Thomas Nelson including this triquetra symbol for the Trinity on some of its NKJV bibles. I think the symbol is pretty cool, and can represent any kind of 'trinity' for that matter, as there are 'tri-une' relationship thru-out the whole of nature. 'God' who is Spirit is not concerned over a 'belief' about a 'Trinity' but how you relate to Spirit and other sentient beings. A true religion is how you relate to Source and how you treat others. Just a little 'extra' :)



Active Member
'Stupid Trinity'? Really?

Screenshot 2023-11-01 182031.png

Yet another RF thread full of ignorance and hate towards Christians. I could easily explain the Trinity, but why bother in this hostile environment?



Well-Known Member
'Stupid Trinity'? Really?

View attachment 84205

Yet another RF thread full of ignorance and hate towards Christians. I could easily explain the Trinity, but why bother in this hostile environment?

explain something that does not exists?? that is something called science fiction or if you prefer, just fiction. trinity is and always has been a pagan concept . just because someone long-ago tried to carry over pagan belief into a from of Christany never made it true. you should know oh so well that Jesus answers to his God .a equal would not do that

The Hammer

Premium Member
show us how your mind can leave your body . or how your spirit can leave your body. if all 3 are separate parts of you ..we all know what happens when spirit is no longer in the body,death
Three parts of the same whole. Where did I say mind can leave the body. The basis of Trinity concepts in religion are a reflection of the body/mind/spirit trifecta we experience through.



Active Member
Body/Mind/Spirit, All three are One.

Now we are getting somewhere. @The Hammer has pretty much figured it out.

Per the Bible, the Trinity is...
  • Father (Body)
  • Word (Soul)
  • Holy Ghost (Spirit)
Body/Soul/Spirit. The three are one, as in one person. Practically every Lifeform is a Trinity. It is just that simple.

The reason so few people can explain the Trinity in a simple straightforward way is twofold...
  • Christians think the 'Word' is a separate person, thus they do not equate the Soul with the Word.
  • Non-Christians think the 'Soul' is the Mind, thus they also do not equate the Soul with the Word.
The 'Soul' is a Lifeform's Genome, as in the letters that make up its DNA. It is the 'word made flesh'.

That is the Key to understanding much about what the Bible is ultimately teaching. Salvation is a DNA upgrade.

Thus, the Trinity is *not* 'Father, Son, Holy Ghost' unless we view the Son as being in the loins or DNA of the Father.

Because Christians do not understand that the Word resides within the Father as Soul/DNA/Seed, they have trouble explaining.

BTW... Spirit is actually the Mind.


Active Member
show us how your mind can leave your body . or how your spirit can leave your body. if all 3 are separate parts of you ..we all know what happens when spirit is no longer in the body,death

Spirit leaves the Body upon death...

Luke 23:46
"And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost."

And since the Soul is the Genome, which is ultimately information, the Soul Genome information stays with the Spirit after death.

Thus, a non-corporeal entity is both Soul and Spirit.

Note that the Lake of Fire is designed to destroy the Soul, i.e., destroy Genetic information. It is a form of Eugenics by getting rid of problematic Genetic traits. It is a purification process...

Psalms 12:6
"The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times."

The Spirit is what is left over to be placed into another Soul and Body. In other words, to be reincarnated.

The Saved of course do not get the 'furnace treatment' or Second Death.


Active Member
Thus, the Trinity is *not* 'Father, Son, Holy Ghost' unless we view the Son as being in the loins or DNA of the Father.

Which is what is shown in the Throne Room in the Book of Revelation...

Father: Sits on the Throne (Abraham/Body)
Word: Slain Lamb (Abraham's Seed/Blood/DNA/Soul/Genome)
Holy Ghost: Seven Spirits/Rainbow/Lightning, etc. (Mind/Energy/Electromagnetism)

'One' sat on the Throne...

Revelation 4:2
"And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne."

So simple, a caveman could understand it.


Well-Known Member
Which is what is shown in the Throne Room in the Book of Revelation...

Father: Sits on the Throne (Abraham/Body)
Word: Slain Lamb (Abraham's Seed/Blood/DNA/Soul/Genome)
Holy Ghost: Seven Spirits/Rainbow/Lightning, etc. (Mind/Energy/Electromagnetism)

'One' sat on the Throne...

Revelation 4:2
"And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne."

So simple, a caveman could understand it.
Psalm 110:1 next to God . where is the holy spirit ? odd that its not seen