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Evil carnivores

Read scenario 1st: In the meat free society of 2100, how should we view the meat-eaters of the past?

  • They are evil. No meat eater can ever be viewed in a favourable light and must be cancelled.

  • Deeply flawed. They are guilty of a terrible crime, but we can also acknowledge some minor good

  • Complex. Blame them for their crime, but we can still see them as admirable for other qualities

  • They were a product of their time. Meat-eating was ok then so shouldn't count against them

Results are only viewable after voting.

Secret Chief

nirvana is samsara
Most disabled people live off precooked meals. I would if I didnt live in a group home. I have hardly any energy to cook after work and physically cannot bring myself to cook. It's not that the person is lazy and cant cook its that they are unable to sometimes. It is hard to find ones without meat

Ah, sounds like the location is a big issue then. Roundabout these parts the shops offer loads of plant-based ready meals. See photo! (And note this is just the vegan section in one shop, the vegetarian section is to its left)



Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
Ah, sounds like the location is a big issue then. Roundabout these parts the shops offer loads of plant-based ready meals. See photo! (And note this is just the vegan section in one shop, the vegetarian section is to its left)

View attachment 70126
Not as common here and other places sadly. In fact vegan and vegetarian meals are more expensive here cuz they seen as specialty items. Or so ive heard.


Well-Known Member
Bonus question: How likely do you think it is that something approaching the above scenario will happen in the future?
Besides the chance of some odd groups that might pop up and start spreading false information, I don't think it is very likely to happen, to the point of not occurring at all :D.

I don't think the majority of people think there is anything wrong with eating meat and even if they manage to change it all to some artificial meat in the future. I would find it very odd if such meat were to look like real meat or steaks etc. while at the same time pointing fingers at those in the past for eating meat :D

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
No, it wouldn't. Meat production uses vegetable matter (such as corn by products and vegetation from non-cultivable land) that would otherwise be wasted. Meat production increases the total food available for human consumption. Eliminating it would reduce food supplies and cause starvation among the poorest.
No. I'm talking about cultured grown meats.


Veteran Member

It's the year 2100 and all meat is now lab grown without harming any animals.

The global trade in animal meats was unanimously outlawed by global treaty in 2060, and eating animal meat is today viewed as being almost as bad as eating human flesh. As with cannibalism today, outside of a few weirdos, there is universal agreement that eating animal meats is a repulsive and egregious crime.

The historical trade in animal meats is seen as one of humanity's most harmful and immoral actions.


How should people in this hypothetical society view the meat eaters eaters of the past? (Your answer should be contingent on all of the above being true, not your current view of meat eating)

Should they be seen as:

1. Evil/deeply immoral, no meat eater can be viewed in a favourable light no matter how great their other achievements. There have always been vegetarians after all, and we can see animals do suffer so there is no excuse. They should be cancelled.

2. Deeply flawed. They are complicit in a terrible crime, so while we can still accept they did some good, they can never be admirable people overall.

3. Complex characters. We blame them for their crime of meat-eating for which they should have known better, but we can still see them as admirable overall based on other qualities

4. A product of their time. Values change and it is silly to blame people for being socialised from birth into a system that found meat eating perfectly normal. They should be judged by the standards of their time so their meat-eating is not something that should be held against them as a moral failing.

Bonus question: How likely do you think it is that something approaching the above scenario will happen in the future?
I voted 4.
But that is deeply depending on the question. One moral principle says that people aren't immoral, actions are.
By that principle I don't judge people of the past for things we have only recently decided to be immoral like slavery, corporeal punishment or consuming animals. They didn't know better. That doesn't mean that those thing were moral in the past.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
No. I'm talking about cultured grown meats.
I don't understand. Are you suggesting that future manufactured meat will reduce vegetarian food supplies? If so it wouldn't be competitive with naturally produced meat.


Veteran Member
Our meat grows off the neighbors corn field. It's as organic as possible and doesn't cost anything but the time to hunt and process it.