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Do societies sometimes "quarentine" the healthy.


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
Going to a private school does not equate isolation from public school nor does it equate enforced.
So someone being forced to go to a private school so they are isolated from public schools....


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Going to a private school does not equate isolation from public school nor does it equate enforced.
i would guess the motives on the part of the parents often equate to a desire to isolate their kids from certain other kids.

And I doubt tbat its always entirely voluntary on the part if the kids.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Of all the people on this board, you might appreciate this the best, @Quagmire. Jiddu Krishnamurti famously said, "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
As with most words, theres more than one definition and usage varies within definitions.
I posted those multiple definitions. Political prisoners do not fit the description.
You're right, prisons are for rehabilitation. :rolleyes:
They are not for isolating people or for preventing the spread of disease. They are more like a "penalty box" for those who have broken the law than a form of quarantine.
That's already been refuted.
You havent done this. Rather, you have had the definitions of quarantine presented amd they do not match your description.


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
You havent done this. Rather, you have had the definitions of quarantine presented amd they do not match your description.
post #16....


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
This is a spin off From another thread. The question was raised "Does civilization sometimes quarantine the healthy".

Coronavirus precaution overkill ( maybe)

My position is that yes it does. Consider:

Activist are often imprisoned for ideologies that many people would consider healthier than those belonging to the people who imprisoned them. The purpise is often to "quarantine" these indivuduals to keep these ideoligies from spreading and " infecting" the general populace.

By the most basic standards of Natural selection, those in possession of the highest levels of advantageous qualities such as brute strength and a propensity towards violence are often imprisoned, "quarantined" to protect the week or more passive members of society.

Parents often enroll their children in private schools In order to quarantine them from what they would consider undesirable influences. In economic terms these children could be considered healthier than the norm.

Thise are just a few examples.
I think its unfortunately about fear of being asked for favors, the fear of commitments, the fear of chores and of burdens.

Take these articles with a grain of salt. They are specifically about 'Rich' people, but the problem is as you suggest, societal. Its not just rich people but all people who tend to separate ourselves from others when we think they might have a need. We shy away from people with problems...period. We like to help, but we hate to be begged. We like to dream, but we don't want to make promises.
Why Are Rich People So Mean?

Here is one (I have not read) that is about class difference. It says, among other things, that whenever we make big decisions we always consider class. Class is somehow part of our thinking. Even the classes divide into more classes.
Class differences

I repeat that I think we avoid people who we think will be a burden. I don't think its specific to the wealthy, but that is where you find related studies about the topic. That, and in studies about class.

Activist are often imprisoned for ideologies that many people would consider healthier than those belonging to the people who imprisoned them. The purpise is often to "quarantine" these indivuduals to keep these ideoligies from spreading and " infecting" the general populace.
I think this is related, yes. I think its all from the same little inkling that somebody is likely to be trouble for us.

By the most basic standards of Natural selection, those in possession of the highest levels of advantageous qualities such as brute strength and a propensity towards violence are often imprisoned, "quarantined" to protect the week or more passive members of society.
...or avoided, uninvited or not hired as frequently etc.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It too mentions isolation and contagious disease. That is not what private schools, prisons, or other examples presented exist or function for. Gated communities, for example, may be exclusive, but they are not isolated. When a jail or prison does place someone in isolation without very good reason (such as medical quarantine), many places consider doing that an inhumane crime if done for more than a few days (with America, of course, being one of the last few places to resort to lomg term isolated confinement as a punishment).

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
This is a spin off From another thread. The question was raised "Does civilization sometimes quarantine the healthy".

Coronavirus precaution overkill ( maybe)

My position is that yes it does. Consider:

Activist are often imprisoned for ideologies that many people would consider healthier than those belonging to the people who imprisoned them. The purpise is often to "quarantine" these indivuduals to keep these ideoligies from spreading and " infecting" the general populace.

By the most basic standards of Natural selection, those in possession of the highest levels of advantageous qualities such as brute strength and a propensity towards violence are often imprisoned, "quarantined" to protect the week or more passive members of society.

Parents often enroll their children in private schools In order to quarantine them from what they would consider undesirable influences. In economic terms these children could be considered healthier than the norm.

Thise are just a few examples.
One of the comforting, and yet at the same time, most terrifying reasons behind it all is that its purposely done in the name of safety and security.

That term gets thrown around a lot.

I do think there are limits as to what's reasonable and what is excessive that does an occasion goes beyond the reasonable.


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
It too mentions isolation and contagious disease. That is not what private schools, prisons, or other examples presented exist or function for. Gated communities, for example, may be exclusive, but they are not isolated. When a jail or prison does place someone in isolation without very good reason (such as medical quarantine), many places consider doing that an inhumane crime if done for more than a few days (with America, of course, being one of the last few places to resort to lomg term isolated confinement as a punishment).


Well-Known Member
I didnt have to redefine it, Webster already did it fir me:

Definition of QUARANTINE

"2: to isolate from normal relations or communication, quarantine an aggressor"

My examples are viable examples of quarantine, just not according to the definitions that you're used to.

Yes, you keep saying that,, and will no doubt continue to do so regardless of what I show you.

Guess we'll just have to disagree on that.

You're examples are not of 'quarantine'. You want to identify them as a type of quarantine, but they are not. As I said, civilization quarantines the sick. Not the healthy. Till now.



Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
This is a spin off From another thread. The question was raised "Does civilization sometimes quarantine the healthy".

Coronavirus precaution overkill ( maybe)

My position is that yes it does. Consider:

Activist are often imprisoned for ideologies that many people would consider healthier than those belonging to the people who imprisoned them. The purpise is often to "quarantine" these indivuduals to keep these ideoligies from spreading and " infecting" the general populace.

By the most basic standards of Natural selection, those in possession of the highest levels of advantageous qualities such as brute strength and a propensity towards violence are often imprisoned, "quarantined" to protect the week or more passive members of society.

Parents often enroll their children in private schools In order to quarantine them from what they would consider undesirable influences. In economic terms these children could be considered healthier than the norm.

Thise are just a few examples.

"Bad" ideologies are unhealthy.
Violence is unhealthy.
The public school system is unhealthy.

You seem to be taking examples from the opposite side of the fence.

More of a perspective view than a practical view.


Well-Known Member
Simply false. Civilization has always quarantined those who *might* be sick, in part to see if they get sick. That is sort of the original point of quarantine: to isolate people to determine if they carry a disease or not.

No, it's not. Civilization has not quarantined the healthy. They quarantine the sick or those that 'might be' sick. That is not what we have done. We have quarantined the entire population. On the basis that they don't know.

When will we reach the place where 'they know'. Stupid isn't it? We will never reach that place. As I said before, on that basis, enjoy your quarantine because there is no end to it.



Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
"Bad" ideologies are unhealthy.
Yes "bad" ideologies can be said to be unhealthy.

i was talking about the imprisonment of those with what most civilized people would recognize as "good" or "healthy" ideologies: Nelson Mandela for instance.

Violence is unhealthy.

Not from the perspective of natural selection. If were talking about raw survival in a natural setting, a propensity for violence is a prerequisite for staying alive ( which I think most peoplle woukd agree is somewhat healthier than being dead)

The public school system is unhealthy.

Hence it coukd be said that a private school setting is healthy. Nothing I said so far disagrees with that, but it's not the point anyway. The point is from an economic standpoint anyone that could afford a private school could be seen as economically healthier than someone who couldn't, therefore someone who's healthy is being isolated, ir quarantined, according to the definitions I'm using.

You seem to be taking examples from the opposite side of the fence.

Not sure what that means but you seemed to have read everything in my OP backwards.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
You're examples are not of 'quarantine'. You want to identify them as a type of quarantine, but they are not. As I said, civilization quarantines the sick. Not the healthy. Till now.

Yes, "as you said", and apparently for you that settles it. :rolleyes: