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Details of various Pujas


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
For anyone interested, Google translate now has Sanskrit. One can translate to English, Hindi, Tamil, Bengali, etc.

https://translate.google.com/?sl=auto&tl=en&text=सङ्कल्पः - ममोपात्त समस्त दुरितक्षय द्वारा परमेश्वरमुद्दिश्य श्री परमेश्वर प्रीत्यर्थं, शुभे शोभने मुहूर्ते श्री महाविष्णोराज्ञया, प्रवर्तमानस्य अद्य ब्रह्मणः द्वितीय परार्थे, श्वेत वराह कल्पे, वैवस्वत मन्वन्तरे कलियुगे, प्रथमपादे, जम्बूद्विपे, भरतवर्षे, भरतखण्डे, मेरोर्दक्षिणदिग्भागे। ..... प्रदेशे ..... मध्यदेशे शोभन गृहे समस्त देवता गो ब्राह्मण हरिहर सद्गुरु चरण सन्निधौ ..... अस्मिन् वर्तमान व्यावहारिक चान्द्रमानेन। ..... आम संवत्सरे ..... अयने ..... ऋतौ ..... मासे ..... पक्षे ..... तिथौ ..... वासरे ..... नक्षत्रे शुभ करण एवं गुण विशेषण विशिष्टायां शुभ तिथौ (आपले गोत्र, जन्मनक्षत्र आणि नाव साङ्गा) ..... गोत्रस्य ..... नक्षत्रे जातस्य ..... नामधेयस्य मम श्री अनघादेवी समेत श्री अनघस्वामि प्रसाद सिद्ध्यर्थं, भक्ति ज्ञान वैराग्य योगानान्निरन्तराभि वृद्ध्यर्थं - आत्मज्ञान सिद्धर्थं -अस्माकं सहकुटुम्बानां क्षेम स्थैर्य आयुरारोग्य ऐश्वर्याभिवृध्यर्थं- धर्मार्थ काम मोक्ष चतुर्विध फल पुरुषार्थ सिद्ध्यर्थं श्री अनघादेवी समेत श्री अनघ स्वामिनमुद्दिश्य -श्री अनघा देवी समेत श्री अनघ स्वामि पूजां यावच्छक्ति ध्यानावाहनादि षोडशोपचार विधानेन करिष्ये । कलशं गन्धपुष्पाक्षतैरभ्यर्च्य (कलश पूजा करावी.) कलशपूजा - कलशपूजा तदङ्ग कलशाराधनं करिष्ये । कलशस्य मुखे विष्णुः कण्ठे रुद्रस्समाश्रितः । मूले तत्र स्थितो ब्रह्मा मध्ये मातृ गणाः स्मृताः ॥&op=translate



Be your own guru
The first step in pujas (as I have seen, done) is symbolic physical and mental cleaning of the priest and the person for whom the puja is being conducted. Of course, they would have taken a bath before settling down for the puja. Each part of the body is touched with water. The five perceptory senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching) and five action senses (mouth, arms, legs, reproductory organs, anus). Then heart and mind.
Then comes request to Mother Earth to allow the person to conduct the puja at that place and consecration of the place. Then the local deity (Kshetrapala) is worshiped. Then the ten directions are propitiated.
Then the details of the priest and the person who is conducting the puja are given (if you are performing the puja yourself, then details of the priest will not be necessary). Your details will consist of your name, your father's name, your grandpa's name, your social group (varna), and the name of your genealogical tree (Gotra).
Then the exact location of the place is mentioned - continent, country, state, city or village. Then the exact time and date when the puja is being conducted, which will include, the date, the day, the month, season, phase of the sun (ayana, rising or setting - Uttarayana/Dakshinayana), phase of the moon (bright or dark), asterism, zodiac,
These are the preliminaries are important, without which the puja will be considered defective, incomplete.
After all these preliminaries, the first puja to Lord Ganesha, the destroyer of the obstacle,s is conducted.
If I am wrong somewhere, I request the members to correct me.
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Premium Member
The first step in pujas (as I have seen, done) is symbolic physical and mental cleaning of the priest and the person for whom the puja is being conducted. Of course, they would have taken a bath before settling down for the puja. Each part of the body is touched with water. The five perceptory senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching) and five action senses (mouth, arms, legs, reproductory organs, anus). Then heart and mind.
Then comes request to Mother Earth to allow the person to conduct the puja at that place and sonsecration of the place. Then the local deity (Kshetrapala) is worshiped. Then the ten directions are propitiated.
Then the details of the priest and the person who is conducting the puja are given (if you are performing the puja yourself, then details of the priest will not be necessary). Your details will consist of your name, your father's name, your grandpa's name, your social group (varna), and the name of your genealogical tree (Gotra).
Then the exact location of the place is mentioned - continent, country, state, city or village. Then the exact time and date when the puja is being conducted, which will include, the date, the day, the month, phase of the sun (ayana, rising or setting - Uttarayana/Dakshinayana), phase of the moon (bright or dark), asterism, zodiac,
These are the preliminaries are important, without which the puja will be considered defective, incomplete.
After all these preliminaries, the first puja to Lord Ganesha, the destroyer of the obstacle,s is conducted.
If I am wrong somewhere, I request the members to correct me.
Yes, this is what we follow, although it's not as complicated in some spots. My sampradaya has a standardized Saiva Atmartha puja, with 3 variations (quick, medium, long) . At those large events like mahakumbabishekams, the purification stuff can take a couple of hours. Usually all the priests work to purify the chief priest. Next summer (2024) will be the third one for the temple I go to. (Every 12 years ... 2000, 2012, and now 2024)
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ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Since I have neither gotra, guru, kuladeva, sampradaya, or any such tradition or guidance, I've cobbled my puja together from various sources. There are so many versions and varieties on the 'net it can make your head swim. Especially if you're one with OCPD and GAD as I am. But there really is no right or wrong way to do it. My current final version :D is four 4x6" laminated cards. At the end I sometimes sing om jaya jagadisha hare while waving the pancārati dīpa, sometimes not, or I chant some slokas. I do mantra pushpanjali at the end.



Be your own guru
Since I have neither gotra, guru, kuladeva, sampradaya, or any such tradition or guidance, I've cobbled my puja together from various sources. There are so many versions and varieties on the 'net it can make your head swim. Especially if you're one with OCPD and GAD as I am. But there really is no right or wrong way to do it. My current final version :D is four 4x6" laminated cards. At the end I sometimes sing om jaya jagadisha hare while waving the pancārati dīpa, sometimes not, or I chant some slokas. I do mantra pushpanjali at the end.
Jai, why not give a proper (readable) image/scan of what you follow? Perhaps you can post it on Dropbox and give us the link.
Become my 'dharmaputra' and you will get my Gotra, Upamanyu, and my jati (Kashmiri brahmin). You have my prior acceptance, you just have to agree to it. So simple. Gurus are not essential for every one, your chosen deity is Krishna/Vishnu. You are a Vaishnava. Would you be a Srivaishnava (Ramanuja) or a Madhwa Vaishnava (Just Krishna)?


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Jai, why not give a proper (readable) image/scan of what you follow? Perhaps you can post it on Dropbox and give us the link.
I'd be happy to if someone can tell me how. :D These are Word docs. I'll put the text here. This can be copy/paste into another Word, Notes, etc. and formatted or printed however one likes. I'm autistic and ocpd and have to have things just so. :rolleyes: One only needs to change the name of the deity and whether it's parameshwara, parameshwari, deva, devi, bhagavan, bhagavathi, etc. There are more than 5 offerings, but the 5 basic ones for a pancha upachara are there: gandha, pushpa, dhupa, deepa, naivedya. I'm finally to a point that I don't always have to follow the cards and can do it from memory.

Śrī Kṛṣṇaḥ Pañcopacāra Pūjā
oṁ śuklāmbaradharam viśṇum śaśivarṇaṁ caturbhujam
prasanna vadanaṁ dhyāyet sarva vighnopaśāntaye

oṁ śubham karoti kalyāṇam ārogyam dhana sampadā |
śatru buddhi vināśāya dīpa jyotir namostute ||
dīpa jyotiḥ parabrahma dīpa jyotir janārdanaḥ |
dīpo haratu me pāpam dīpa jyotir namostute ||

oṁ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
tat savitur vareṇyaṃ
bhargo devasya dhīmahi
dhiyo yo naḥ pracodayāth

oṁ karpūragauram karunāvātaram |
sansārasāram bhujagendra haram ||
sadā vasantam hridayāravinde |
bhavam bhavāni sahitam namāmi ||

oṁ sarvebhyo devebhyo namaḥ
oṃ sarvābhyo devībhyo namaḥ
oṃ sthāna devatābhyo namaḥ

oṁ acutāya namaḥ
oṁ anantāya namaḥ
oṁ govindāya namaḥ

oṁ srī kṛṣṇāya namaḥ āvāhanam āvāhayāmi
āgaccha bhagavandeva sthane catra sthirobhava
yāvat pujam kariśyāmi tāvat tvam saṃnidhau bhava

oṁ srī kṛṣṇāya namaḥ dhyānam dhyayāmi
dhyāna dhūpam mana puśpam pañcendriya hutāśanam
kśamā jāpa saṃtoṣa pūja pūjo deva nirañjanam

oṁ srī kṛṣṇāya namaḥ akṣatam samarpayāmi
akṣatas taṇḍula śubhrā kumkumen virajīta
mayā nivedita bhavatya gṛhāṇa parameśwara

oṁ srī kṛṣṇāya namaḥ acamaniyam samarpayāmi
karpūra vāsitaṃ toyaṃ mandakinyās samāhṛtaṃ |
ācamyatāṃ jagannātha mayā dattaṃ hi bhaktitaḥ ||

oṁ srī kṛṣṇāya namaḥ gandham dharayāmi
śrīkhaṇḍaṃ candanaṃ divyaṃ gandhādyaṃ sumanoharam |
vilepanaṃ srī kṛṣṇaḥ candanaṃ pratigrhyatām ||

oṁ śrī kṛṣṇāya namaḥ puśpam samarpayāmi
turīya guna sampannaṁ nānā guṇa manoharam
ānanda saurabhaṁ puṣpaṁ gṛhyatām idam uttamam

oṁ śrī kṛṣṇāya namaḥ dhūpam āghrāpayāmi
vanaspati rasodbhūto gandhādyo gandha uttamaḥ
āghreyaḥ sarva devānāṁ dhūpo’yaṁ pratigṛhyatām

oṁ śrī kṛṣṇāya namaḥ dīpam darśayāmi
svaprakāśo mahātejaḥ sarvatas timirāpahaḥ
sabāhyābhyantara-jyotiḥ dīpo’yaṁ pratigṛhyatām

oṁ śrī kṛṣṇāya namaḥ naivedyaṁ nivedayāmi
naivedyaṁ gṛhyatām deva bhakti me hyacalāṁ kuruḥ |
īpsitaṁ me varaṁ dehi paratra ca parāṁ gatimḥ ||

oṁ śrī kṛṣṇāya namaḥ mahānīrājanam samarpayāmi [I light the pancaarati deepa and circle it around the deity, and chant the slokas]
na tatra sūryo bhāti na candratārakaṃ
nemā vidyuto bhānti kuto’yamagniḥ
tameva bhāntam anubhāti sarvaṃ
tasya bhāsā sarvamidaṃ vibhāti

śāntākāram bhujaga śayanaṁ padmanābham surēśaṁ |
viśvādharam gagana sadr̥śam mēgha varṇaṁ śubhāngaṁ ||
lakṣmīkāntam kamalanayanaṁ yōgibhir dhyāna gamyaṁ |
vandē viṣṇuṁ bhavabhayaharaṁ sarva lōkaika nāthaṁ ||

maṅgalam bhagavan viśṇuḥ maṅgalam garudadhvajaḥ |
maṅgalam puṇḍarīkākṣaḥ maṅgalāya tano hariḥ ||

yasya smrityā ca nāmnoktyā tapah pūjā kriyādiṣu |
nyūnam sampūrnatām yāti sadyo vandey tam acyutam ||

kṛṣṇāya vāsudevāya haraye paramātmane |
praṇataḥkleśanāśāya goviṃdāya namo namaḥ ||

oṁ śrī kṛṣṇāya namaḥ mantrapuṣpaṃ samarpayāmi [I offer another flower or a few]
nānā sugandhi puṣpāṇi yathā kālod-bhavāni ca |
puṣpāñjalir mayādatta gṛhāṇa parameśvara ||

om yopam puṣpam veda
puśpavan prajāvan paśuman bhavati
chandramava apam puṣpam
puśpavan prajāvan pasuman bhavati
ya evam veda yopam ayatanam veda ayatanavan bhavati
rājādhi rājāya prasahya sāhine
namo vayaṃ vaiśravaṇāya kūrmahe
same kāmān kāma kāmāya māśyam
kāmeśvaro vaiśravaṇo dadhātu
kuberāya vaiśravaṇāya mahārājāya namaḥ

yāni kāni ca pāpāni janmāntara-krtāni ca
tāni tāni vinaśyanti pradakśinam pade pade

oṁ śrī kṛṣṇāya namaḥ kśamapanam samarpayāmi
mantrahīnaṃ kriyāhīnaṃ bhaktihīnaṃ janārdana |
yatpūjitaṃ mayā deva paripūrṇaṃ tadastute ||

yad dattam bhakti matrena patram puspam phalam jalam |
āveditam nivedyan tu tan gṛhāṇanukampāya ||

vidhihīnaṃ mantrahīnaṃ yat kiñcad upapaditam |
kiryamantra vihīnaṃva tat sarvam kśantum arhasi ||

āvāhanam na jānāmi na jānāmi visarjanam |
pūjā vidhim na jānāmi kśamasva parameśvara ||

oṁ sarvam śrī kṛṣṇārpanamastu
ॐ hariḥ oṁ tat sat ॐ