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"Chicago Pastor Told Staff to Keep a Colleague’s COVID-19 Infection a Secret"


Veteran Member

Jack*** of the month (other than Donald of course)

"How irresponsible are some pastors in the wake of the current pandemic?

Journalist Julie Roys has a damning story about one megachurch pastor in Naperville, Illinois, just west of Chicago.


On Tuesday of this week, Pastor Marty Sloan (above) of Calvary Church of Naperville — a megachurch with thousands of weekly attendees — informed his staff that one of his assistants (Pastor Angel Escamilla) tested positive for COVID-19. Furthermore, that pastor’s family members showed symptoms of the disease.

He then told his staff to keep that information a secret:

“If pressed for information (about the Escamillas’ health) you should confidently reply with the following: ‘Please understand that if I knew anything about anyone’s medical condition I would not be at liberty to speak’ and then stop talking.”
That’s bad enough. But to make matters worse, Sloan knew about the sickness for more than a week before that email went out… and yet continued to film online-only services with staffers and volunteers, including sick members of Escamilla’s family.

One of the staffers who videotaped a service now has COVID-19.

That’s bad enough. But to make matters worse, when staffers asked to remain home so they wouldn’t be at risk (because this was a large-enough gathering), Sloan basically threatened them:

The staff member said that when several staff objected due to concerns about infection, Sloan asked them if they wanted to remain “essential,” because if not, that could change."



My own religion

Jack*** of the month (other than Donald of course)

"How irresponsible are some pastors in the wake of the current pandemic?

Journalist Julie Roys has a damning story about one megachurch pastor in Naperville, Illinois, just west of Chicago.

On Tuesday of this week, Pastor Marty Sloan (above) of Calvary Church of Naperville — a megachurch with thousands of weekly attendees — informed his staff that one of his assistants (Pastor Angel Escamilla) tested positive for COVID-19. Furthermore, that pastor’s family members showed symptoms of the disease.

He then told his staff to keep that information a secret:

“If pressed for information (about the Escamillas’ health) you should confidently reply with the following: ‘Please understand that if I knew anything about anyone’s medical condition I would not be at liberty to speak’ and then stop talking.”
That’s bad enough. But to make matters worse, Sloan knew about the sickness for more than a week before that email went out… and yet continued to film online-only services with staffers and volunteers, including sick members of Escamilla’s family.

One of the staffers who videotaped a service now has COVID-19.

That’s bad enough. But to make matters worse, when staffers asked to remain home so they wouldn’t be at risk (because this was a large-enough gathering), Sloan basically threatened them:

The staff member said that when several staff objected due to concerns about infection, Sloan asked them if they wanted to remain “essential,” because if not, that could change."


He is a good capitalist. He has a product to sell and he does everything he can do to keep selling it. He is a good American. He is keeping the economy going.

How come you have a problem with that? Are you anti-American? Are you not a patriot? Don't you believe in capitalism? Are you a communist?



Love everyone, meditate often

Jack*** of the month (other than Donald of course)

"How irresponsible are some pastors in the wake of the current pandemic?

Journalist Julie Roys has a damning story about one megachurch pastor in Naperville, Illinois, just west of Chicago.

On Tuesday of this week, Pastor Marty Sloan (above) of Calvary Church of Naperville — a megachurch with thousands of weekly attendees — informed his staff that one of his assistants (Pastor Angel Escamilla) tested positive for COVID-19. Furthermore, that pastor’s family members showed symptoms of the disease.

He then told his staff to keep that information a secret:

“If pressed for information (about the Escamillas’ health) you should confidently reply with the following: ‘Please understand that if I knew anything about anyone’s medical condition I would not be at liberty to speak’ and then stop talking.”
That’s bad enough. But to make matters worse, Sloan knew about the sickness for more than a week before that email went out… and yet continued to film online-only services with staffers and volunteers, including sick members of Escamilla’s family.

One of the staffers who videotaped a service now has COVID-19.

That’s bad enough. But to make matters worse, when staffers asked to remain home so they wouldn’t be at risk (because this was a large-enough gathering), Sloan basically threatened them:

The staff member said that when several staff objected due to concerns about infection, Sloan asked them if they wanted to remain “essential,” because if not, that could change."

That last line though, that's real slick. Not sure if I'd work for him.


Love everyone, meditate often
He is a good capitalist. He has a product to sell and he does everything he can do to keep selling it. He is a good American. He is keeping the economy going.

How come you have a problem with that? Are you anti-American? Are you not a patriot? Don't you believe in capitalism? Are you a communist?

Personally I had no idea that American economy was so tied to a**-in-bench syndrome.