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Can someone explain the Trinity please...

Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
Because trinitarians believe Jesus was somehow god, and because Jesus was killed as a sacrifice to cover the supposed sins of humankind. Are those two things not true? If you are not a trinitarian in the traditional sense, then one or both of those things are not true for you and so do not apply to your belief system.


Well-Known Member
if the Spirit of God went inside Mary then the Spirit is the father of Jesus. but we say the Father is the father of Jesus. Doesn't God have the power to just move a finger and make something happen? it was this power that made Mary pregnant. nobody "went inside her" . God's power (spirit) made her pregnant without sex. the Father made Mary pregnant by His power (Spirit) and Jesus was the result. Father and Son - TWO. no separate "person" called Holy Spirit - Just the power or spirit of the Father.

All brain and mind babies. Pia mater, or the "inner court." Brain and mind birth of "light."


Well-Known Member
Hi Outhouse,

Truly they have different angles of narratives, but this will not diminish the authenticity of the characters such as Mary, Joseph, Jesus,and His disciples. How about scholars who accepted the synoptic gospels as authentic, consistent and true. I believed that if a person has doubt in the Scriptures, he should seek the Scripture and study it. Some used to find facts that will support his doubt about the Scriptures. If we seek positively, then we will see things positively, if not negatively.

I believed that the truth of the Scriptures should be given consideration; history should also be validated in balance with the Scriptures.


Joseph: conscious
Mary: subconscious
Jesus: light/life force
12 disciples: 12 cranial nerves, gates/wells/cisterns of living water.


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The trinity doesn't exist. What comes close to mentioning the trinity is when Jesus said Baptize all in the name of the Father Son and the Holy Spirit. The original text read in my name. And that is what they did in Acts.


Well-Known Member
Joseph: conscious
Mary: subconscious
Jesus: light/life force
12 disciples: 12 cranial nerves, gates/wells/cisterns of living water.
Hi Unification,

This is an obvious version and interpretation of those who focus on consciousness. Joseph and Mary are both conscious. Jesus is the light and the truth, not a life force.



Well-Known Member
The trinity doesn't exist. What comes close to mentioning the trinity is when Jesus said Baptize all in the name of the Father Son and the Holy Spirit. The original text read in my name. And that is what they did in Acts.
Hi Nathan,

Matt. 3:16-17
16. And after being baptized, Jesus went up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming upon Him,
17. and behold, a voice (Father) out of the heavens, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased."

Matt. 28:19
19. "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

Then they exists.



Well-Known Member
Hi Unification,

This is an obvious version and interpretation of those who focus on consciousness. Joseph and Mary are both conscious. Jesus is the light and the truth, not a life force.


Hi Yoshua, light is both a particle of matter and wave. That, then makes Jesus "the particle of matter and wave."

"I am the truth and the life."


Well-Known Member
Hi Unification,

This is an obvious version and interpretation of those who focus on consciousness. Joseph and Mary are both conscious. Jesus is the light and the truth, not a life force.


Would that make Jesus a man-created deity for the invisible forms of "truth," "light," and "life" that is within us all?


Well-Known Member
Hi Unification,

This is an obvious version and interpretation of those who focus on consciousness. Joseph and Mary are both conscious. Jesus is the light and the truth, not a life force.


If I believed in the "truth," and "light," would I believe in Jesus?

Truth: that which IS true in accordance with fact and reality; and light: Light is electromagnetic radiation within a certain portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.


Well-Known Member
Care to quote the Bible verse to support that?

Lol, that sounds like: "show me in the bible where it says that."

You'll have to forgive ourselves of ancient times, our language hadn't quite developed too much thousands of years ago. We used words such as heaven for consciousness, earth for matter, and water for energy. Male/masculine and female/feminine principles for positive and negative.
Hi Nathan,

Matt. 3:16-17
16. And after being baptized, Jesus went up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming upon Him,
17. and behold, a voice (Father) out of the heavens, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased."

Matt. 28:19
19. "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

Then they exists.

In the name of the father son and holy spirit is a forgery. It originally said in my name. In Acts the disciples baptized in Jesus name. Is don't think they would have forgotten one of the last instructions from the Master.


Well-Known Member
Hi Yoshua, light is both a particle of matter and wave. That, then makes Jesus "the particle of matter and wave."

"I am the truth and the life."
Hi Unification,

So, you attached science to the spiritual--Jesus? May I know if you understand (theologically) John 14:6, I am the Way, the truth and the Life?



Well-Known Member
If I believed in the "truth," and "light," would I believe in Jesus?
Not necessarily. The understanding of who Jesus was is necessary. If Jesus said He is the Saviour and Son of God (as stated in the Scripture), then that person should believe that He is the Saviour and Son of God.

Truth: that which IS true in accordance with fact and reality; and light: Light is electromagnetic radiation within a certain portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Did Jesus said He is the electromagnetic radiation?



Well-Known Member
Matt 3:16 Jesus saw the spirit of God looking like a dove. In other places the spirit is described as a wind, and is said to be poured out on people like water. None of these descriptions make the spirit a separate "person". It is the spirit of the Father or the power or life force of the Father. None of this proves a three person trinity.


Well-Known Member
Hi Unification,

So, you attached science to the spiritual--Jesus? May I know if you understand (theologically) John 14:6, I am the Way, the truth and the Life?


What would you like to know? While most are trying to "study" the nature of "God" by using their lower minded ways, and "theological idealogies," some are "being" that nature of the higher way.

The way as in not studying, but "being" and living the higher way.
The truth as that which is in accord with fact and reality of oneself and their internal nature. To deny the truth is to deny "Jesus."
The life as in the very breath that is taken. Not seeking a gray bearded man in the sky, but the life force that is within.