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By the way -- if you claim to be a Christian...


Well-Known Member
I'm recognizing some gnostic influence in your presentation, namely that the OT God of the bible is a false type god as opposed to being what many acknowledge him to be, leaving that position to Jesus. I'm looking at it two fold and one, which sums up life fairly well in experience, so while I acknowledge Jesus as a son or the son, I also acknowledge the dual aspects of life being one. Truth matters, and some things are difficult to discard as being factual. There are aspects of life I don't like, which help lead me towards things I do like. If not for the negatives, there very likely wouldn't be much progress or growth or even a reason to increase in understanding. The balancing act between the light and dark and an opportunity to find a way to improve our situations. Anyway, jealousy is part of life and although it can be disruptive, it doesn't mean its an inherently bad quality. What's worse than jealousy? Understanding a truth and rejecting its validity as something useful and beneficial.

The last part -- rejecting correction even worse than Jealousy .. Good one :) and from one of my fave books .. Proverbs = a book influenced by Sophia .. perhaps a bit of Asherah as well . Notice that YHWH commits both sins .. hence the title Flip Flopper .. some kind of Evil Loki War God .. the flip flopper.

But that proverbs knowledge friend .. that comes from the other side .. This is not from the Dark Side .. but that of Light .. Where "The Father Lives" .. other Epithets for EL .. The Supreme one El Oliun, The Most High EL Elyon .. God on High who lived in a Mountain in a Tent .. on High . .. said twice for a reason El Shaddai .. Canaanite epithet - "Twin Peaks" - High God of the Mountain. -- "Creator" - "God of the Patriarchs" .

Who is the God of Jesus ? .. I keep putting this question out there for a reason .. to everyone .. none yet to respond. Is it EL - God of Abraham and the Patriarchs - YHWH- Jealousy - War God of the Israelites .. battling to usurp the position of EL .. as High God on Earth .. with the other 70 Sons of EL .. El then keeping the title of Most High .. assumes the High place in the Heavens .. Chief God - Head of the Divine Council .. mentioned in Psalm 82 .. some more Sophia for you. "YHWH stands in[b] the assembly of El;[c] in the midst of the gods[d] he renders" judgment

YHWH with all his brothers ... in the Council of EL -- twin Gods Justice and Righteousness (Zedek) sitting on either side of the The Supreme One EL Oliun. in the midst of the Gods .. the setting up in heaven.

Now Zedek .. is fittingly the Patron God of Jerusalem at the time of Abe .. Melchi-Zedek the High Priest and King - PriestKing if you like .. something that was forbidden in the YHWH Cult .. Priest and King were Separated Melchi-Zedek is a Priest of the Most High (EL) EL Oliun - The Supreme One. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.scripture4all.org/OnlineInterlinear/OTpdf/gen14.pdf

Melchi-Zedek and Abraham worship EL together .. Abe tithing 1-tenth of the spoils of war. The Priesthood of Melchi-Zedek - lasts for 800 years to ~1000 BC . when David captures the Jerusalem .. a town full of Canaanites .. Jebusites. The King at the Time is "Adoni-Zedek" "My God is Zedek" .. go figure at least an 800 Year institution at this point ..

but it doesn't stop there Zadok -- high priest of Jerusalem at the time .. is made High Priest over all Israel .. David is ordained into the Priesthood ofd Melchi-Zedek Psalm 110 .. and Zadok the Jesubite High Priest that annoints King Solomon.

Who is the High God these priests of the Order of Melchi-Zedek are worshiping ? EL - (Enlil, Ellil) Most High God of the Canaanites .. and well .. every other nation from the Phonecians to Babylon .. and Ur .. where Abe first Met Enlil.

So when Hebrews 6 tells us --- Jesus, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchi-Zedek.
You then know who is the "The Father" - the God that Jesus is channeling .. as EL Shaddai is the high God of the Melchi-Zedek priestly Order.

and now you don't have to follow those Nasty Laws of Jealous-YHWH .. cause he ain't the God of the Order of Melchi-Zedek. :) his servant the Prince of Peace .. King of Righteousness and Justice .. all the lovely qualities of Zedek .. The side of Good .. not the side of Dark .. having little or nothing to do with Gnostism :)
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Christian Evolutionist
The last part -- rejecting correction even worse than Jealousy .. Good one :) and from one of my fave books .. Proverbs = a book influenced by Sophia .. perhaps a bit of Asherah as well . Notice that YHWH commits both sins .. hence the title Flip Flopper .. some kind of Evil Loki War God .. the flip flopper.

But that proverbs knowledge friend .. that comes from the other side .. This is not from the Dark Side .. but that of Light .. Where "The Father Lives" .. other Epithets for EL .. The Supreme one El Oliun, The Most High EL Elyon .. God on High who lived in a Mountain in a Tent .. on High . .. said twice for a reason El Shaddai .. Canaanite epithet - "Twin Peaks" - High God of the Mountain. -- "Creator" - "God of the Patriarchs" .

Who is the God of Jesus ? .. I keep putting this question out there for a reason .. to everyone .. none yet to respond. Is it EL - God of Abraham and the Patriarchs - YHWH- Jealousy - War God of the Israelites .. battling to usurp the position of EL .. as High God on Earth .. with the other 70 Sons of EL .. El then keeping the title of Most High .. assumes the High place in the Heavens .. Chief God - Head of the Divine Council .. mentioned in Psalm 82 .. some more Sophia for you. "YHWH stands in[b] the assembly of El;[c] in the midst of the gods[d] he renders" judgment

YHWH with all his brothers ... in the Council of EL -- twin Gods Justice and Righteousness (Zedek) sitting on either side of the The Supreme One EL Oliun. in the midst of the Gods .. the setting up in heaven.

Now Zedek .. is fittingly the Patron God of Jerusalem at the time of Abe .. Melchi-Zedek the High Priest and King - PriestKing if you like .. something that was forbidden in the YHWH Cult .. Priest and King were Separated Melchi-Zedek is a Priest of the Most High (EL) EL Oliun - The Supreme One. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.scripture4all.org/OnlineInterlinear/OTpdf/gen14.pdf

Melchi-Zedek and Abraham worship EL together .. Abe tithing 1-tenth of the spoils of war. The Priesthood of Melchi-Zedek - lasts for 800 years to ~1000 BC . when David captures the Jerusalem .. a town full of Canaanites .. Jebusites. The King at the Time is "Adoni-Zedek" "My God is Zedek" .. go figure at least an 800 Year institution at this point ..

but it doesn't stop there Zadok -- high priest of Jerusalem at the time .. is made High Priest over all Israel .. David is ordained into the Priesthood ofd Melchi-Zedek Psalm 110 .. and Zadok the Jesubite High Priest that annoints King Solomon.

Who is the High God these priests of the Order of Melchi-Zedek are worshiping ? EL - (Enlil, Ellil) Most High God of the Canaanites .. and well .. every other nation from the Phonecians to Babylon .. and Ur .. where Abe first Met Enlil.

So when Hebrews 6 tells us --- Jesus, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchi-Zedek.
You then know who is the "The Father" - the God that Jesus is channeling .. as EL Shaddai is the high God of the Melchi-Zedek priestly Order.

and now you don't have to follow those Nasty Laws of Jealous-YHWH .. cause he ain't the God of the Order of Melchi-Zedek. :) his servant the Prince of Peace .. King of Righteousness and Justice .. all the lovely qualities of Zedek .. The side of Good .. not the side of Dark.

Incredible insight ... Sophia (wisdom) discernment, tabuwn and tabuwna (intellect understanding) all with feminine applications as proverbial assistants with the Creator, being a delightful companion ... Going back to proverbs. 8 specifically ... The lord possessed (wisdom) in the beginning of his work ... I'm seeing the most high to be viewed as a connection or embodiment of this spirit, where people are enabled to rightly judge, which I'll define as discernment. I might suggest that to overlook the many other attributes could prove a disservice to the whole of God, which might border on a lack of true sophia embodiment, given the command to love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength passages. This leaves lots of room for growth and development for everyone. It's great. No matter how learned another may be, there is always room and opportunity to surpass their work by centering the mark better. That actually plays out in life as a constant. Our advances seem to be an ongoing and welcomed part of our everyday reality. The crazy part in all this, is that it makes it seem ok to fall short sometimes. Who s truly able to love with all heart, soul, mind, and strength anyway?
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Well-Known Member
There is no "Ha Satan" in Job 1. And Job lived probably around 2200 B.C., before the creation of the house of Israel, and not in 900 BC. I am not sure where you rabbit hole ends up. When did Job live? | GotQuestions.org

New International Version
On another day the angels came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them to present himself before him.

New Living Translation
One day the members of the heavenly court came again to present themselves before the LORD, and the Accuser, Satan, came with them.

English Standard Version
Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them to present himself before the LORD.

Berean Standard Bible
On another day the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them to present himself before Him.

King James Bible
Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD.

You are wrong ... the word Satan .. is a translation of the Hebrew Ha Satan .. .. and who told you the people of 900 BC did not have Job to read .. if the story originated in 2200 BC as you say ? That is why Job is in the Bible Silly .. because his was part of the religious tradition of Israelites living in 900 BC .. one of the stories that formed their perspective on Ha Satan .. who appears at a few other points in the Bible for further reverence.

and why on earth would you quote anything from "Got.Questions" ... a terrible den of liars, snake charmers, false prophets.

"No Ha Satan" in Job .. thats a funny one mate .. did you not think to Google the term prior to making such a bold statement ?

"The Adversary" is a Title rather than a name friend .. The definite article "THE" "HA" is there friend.. in English Translations the definite article is dropped by convention .. should read The Satan" .. and not just Satan .. using the word Adversary .. which is the root word .. you don't say "Adversary" who appears .. it is The Adversary.

There should be a footnote in each of those Bible Translations explaining this to you. If not let me know and I give you one that does.


Well-Known Member
You are wrong ... the word Satan .. is a translation of the Hebrew Ha Satan .. .. and who told you the people of 900 BC did not have Job to read .. if the story originated in 2200 BC as you say ? That is why Job is in the Bible Silly .. because his was part of the religious tradition of Israelites living in 900 BC .. one of the stories that formed their perspective on Ha Satan .. who appears at a few other points in the Bible for further reverence.

and why on earth would you quote anything from "Got.Questions" ... a terrible den of liars, snake charmers, false prophets.

"No Ha Satan" in Job .. thats a funny one mate .. did you not think to Google the term prior to making such a bold statement ?

"The Adversary" is a Title rather than a name friend .. The definite article "THE" "HA" is there friend.. in English Translations the definite article is dropped by convention .. should read The Satan" .. and not just Satan .. using the word Adversary .. which is the root word .. you don't say "Adversary" who appears .. it is The Adversary.

There should be a footnote in each of those Bible Translations explaining this to you. If not let me know and I give you one that does.
Job does not say "the Satan". As for liars, Satan, the devil, would be the father of lies. Maybe you should edit your own bible.

Strong's Hebrew: 7854. שָׂטָן (satan) -- adversary, also the name of ...

WebResultStrong's Concordance. satan: adversary, also the name of the superhuman adversary of God. Original Word: שָׂטָן. Part of Speech: Noun Masculine. Transliteration: satan. Phonetic Spelling: (saw-tawn') Definition: adversary, also the name of the …

John 8:44

You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.


Well-Known Member
I'm a little taken back by your display of discontent. Curiosity may or may not get the best of me one day, but I'm curious ... I'm thinking you're being a little melodramatic with your points. "Hardened Hearts and Hypocrisy" - The triple H of the non-wrestling world arena. DegenerationX exemplified in a triple h play of words. I'm not trying to take you too serious.

Hardening of hearts, hypocritical and lawless parents - murderous, covetous, adulterous objects to be honored by decree of God.

One can harden their heart, and reject God's Law, and I think things won't work out well. To say the Law is only for children is a kind of perversion of the mind, which leads to hypocrisy. But everyone in the US is free to express their own thoughts, at least for now. Maybe if you read you posts later, you can recognize how twisted your thinking is. Maybe not.


Well-Known Member
Pops says he's sending his boy to live with a group of misandrous woman who cling to misandry as if it were their religion, umm ... to be his mother due to him having difficulty being a good enough father to him. He's too poor and uneducated to offer him much of anything of quality. The ladies are eager to meet the boy, knowing he'll be a man one day. AND they're RICH he says. I suppose the boy is looking forward to it. The prospect of living with wealthy woman appeals to him so he's definitely honoring his father for making this decision for him. He knows he needs to honor mom too, but she's gone so he's ok with the move ... for the moment.

Haha ha hahaha haaaa
Men hating women are the norm of the Progressives Marxist, who say there is no God nor Law. Apparently, the "boy", while being born as child of God, will probably wind up being a lost soul, because he lives in an environment of lost souls. If the "boy" is honest, he will find a way out of his predicament. If he is a liar, and loves mammon, things are not looking good.


Well-Known Member
Job does not say "the Satan". As for liars, Satan, the devil, would be the father of lies. Maybe you should edit your own bible.

Strong's Hebrew: 7854. שָׂטָן (satan) -- adversary, also the name of ...

WebResultStrong's Concordance. satan: adversary, also the name of the superhuman adversary of God. Original Word: שָׂטָן. Part of Speech: Noun Masculine. Transliteration: satan. Phonetic Spelling: (saw-tawn') Definition: adversary, also the name of the …

John 8:44

You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Sorry friend .. but you are peddling a falsehood.

Job says "The Adversary" in the original Hebrew Text .. Satan means Adversary in Hebrew .. so the text is Literallly read as The Adversary .. The Satan if you like.

Your own source tells you this .. as I told you .. in the footnotes of the KJV Bible .. 6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and [e]Satan also came among them. 7 And the Lord said to [f]Satan, “From where do you come?”

See those letters friend ? those are called Footnotes .. and they tell you things abou tthe text .. in this case both e ands f read " Lit. the Adversary" " = Literally --- The Adversary -- the Job Title of this very powerful God .. Son of the Supreme one .. Taking care of the family business as Chief God on Earth.

Contrary to the "Lie" The Adversary is not the father of Lies in the Story of Job. The Demon in John does not change this fact .. does not change this truth into a lie.


Christian Evolutionist
One can harden their heart, and reject God's Law, and I think things won't work out well. To say the Law is only for children is a kind of perversion of the mind, which leads to hypocrisy. But everyone in the US is free to express their own thoughts, at least for now. Maybe if you read you posts later, you can recognize how twisted your thinking is. Maybe not.

What you learn young you never forget, or that's what people like to say. I won't disagree.


Christian Evolutionist
Men hating women are the norm of the Progressives Marxist, who say there is no God nor Law. Apparently, the "boy", while being born as child of God, will probably wind up being a lost soul, because he lives in an environment of lost souls. If the "boy" is honest, he will find a way out of his predicament. If he is a liar, and loves mammon, things are not looking good.
A sense of humor helps me get through life a happier man.


Well-Known Member
Incredible insight ... Sophia (wisdom) discernment, tabuwn and tabuwna (intellect understanding) all with feminine applications as proverbial assistants with the Creator, being a delightful companion ... Going back to proverbs. 8 specifically ... The lord possessed (wisdom) in the beginning of his work ... I'm seeing the most high to be viewed as a connection or embodiment of this spirit, where people are enabled to rightly judge, which I'll define as discernment. I might suggest that to overlook the many other attributes could prove a disservice to the whole of God, which might border on a lack of true sophia embodiment, given the command to love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength passages. This leaves lots of room for growth and development for everyone. It's great. No matter how learned another may be, there is always room and opportunity to surpass their work by centering the mark better. That actually plays out in life as a constant. Our advances seem to be an ongoing and welcomed part of our everyday reality. The crazy part in all this, is that it makes it seem ok to fall short sometimes. Who s truly able to love with all heart, soul, mind, and strength anyway?

Right .... Wisdom as a type of God ... now if you want to go a little gnostic ... and call it an emanation from the Godhead -- I can go with that.. the nature of that emanation being left in question

We have to stretch the definition of God .. one which has - by western Muslim and Christian theology .. to a lesser degree Judaism but that too .. been whittled down and put into a box . call it "The God Box" .. a box which presumes and assumes all the characteristics of God .. and everyone has roughly the same conception ( All Powerfull - All this - All that -- All Everything) .. Its like being on mushrooms at a Hippy Festival and some dude even more wasted than you comming up and telling you "Its everything Man .. God is Everything" .. Its a box full of everything .. or rather .. everything Good I mean .. thats it "Everything Good is in that Box" except this turns out to be a Box of nothing .. for without dark .. there is no light ..

So we have to stretch our definition of God- to understand what the Ancients thought .. who were much closer to God than we.. and this includes understanding the Bible .. the story it has to tell .. for that story is not one of a single "All Knowing, All Powerfull" God. The Gods of The Bible are great and Powerful .. but where did this idea come from that there was only one ? .. Oh Right .. The Bible .. but not the first edition .. nor the second .. that idea didn't get added until the History of Lord YHWH in that Bible was over .. when the Place where YHWHs name resided was destroyed .. So .. stuff after this .. such as the adoption of Ahura Mazda .. the Most High of the Annointed one of God .. .. the Great King Cyrus .. and with this they adopted monotheism .. but the story is finished at this point .. Monotheism is not part of the Story prior to this point.. prior to God being put into that Box..

So Friend .. When Enlil Tells you -- " I was P.issed - .. these humans I created .. (or rather we created) are completely worthless .. good for nothing idiots who's minds think only evil all of the time .. What a mistake .. I regret even starting this experiment .. and so I decided to wipe them all out and start from scratch .. You Should Believe Him ..

What ? Do you not believe an All Powerfull Omnipotent Being could make mistakes, not realize what would happen in the future, .. have anthropomorphic/human failings .. ? Shame Shame ! :) har har har

What part of .. if you are reading this story through a monotheistic lens .. your eyes are gonna see things funny .. is not clear as New York snow :)
The forces of the Universe are more than one - and there is more than one Sun - Son - that was created out of the Big Bang .. and the beliefs of the Ancients reflects this universal Truth .. why one day .. some smartypants human decided to take the Female out of the Holy Trinity - banish her from the universal equation .. I am not sure .. but on that day there was a disruption in "The Force" .. the balance and harmony of the universe upset .. a negative demonic energy released upon the land .. from which humanity to this day struggles.

There are multiple forces in the universe ... not just one .. dragging us this way and that .. some you should follow .. others you should not .. Ha Satan may block your way but that may not always be a bad thing.


Well-Known Member
Men hating women are the norm of the Progressives Marxist, who say there is no God nor Law. Apparently, the "boy", while being born as child of God, will probably wind up being a lost soul, because he lives in an environment of lost souls. If the "boy" is honest, he will find a way out of his predicament. If he is a liar, and loves mammon, things are not looking good.

Men hating women is not the norm for the progressive Marxist nor atheism ? Got it all backwards and upside down friend .. Taking the woman out of the Trinity .. that was a most hateful Act of woman hating .. but started way before that .. Paul was a Hater .. thats for sure .. but our Lord Jesus .. was fond of the fairer Sex . and would often Kiss Marry Magdaline mouth to mouth ..


Christian Evolutionist
Right .... Wisdom as a type of God ... now if you want to go a little gnostic ... and call it an emanation from the Godhead -- I can go with that.. the nature of that emanation being left in question

We have to stretch the definition of God .. one which has - by western Muslim and Christian theology .. to a lesser degree Judaism but that too .. been whittled down and put into a box . call it "The God Box" .. a box which presumes and assumes all the characteristics of God .. and everyone has roughly the same conception ( All Powerfull - All this - All that -- All Everything) .. Its like being on mushrooms at a Hippy Festival and some dude even more wasted than you comming up and telling you "Its everything Man .. God is Everything" .. Its a box full of everything .. or rather .. everything Good I mean .. thats it "Everything Good is in that Box" except this turns out to be a Box of nothing .. for without dark .. there is no light ..

So we have to stretch our definition of God- to understand what the Ancients thought .. who were much closer to God than we.. and this includes understanding the Bible .. the story it has to tell .. for that story is not one of a single "All Knowing, All Powerfull" God. The Gods of The Bible are great and Powerful .. but where did this idea come from that there was only one ? .. Oh Right .. The Bible .. but not the first edition .. nor the second .. that idea didn't get added until the History of Lord YHWH in that Bible was over .. when the Place where YHWHs name resided was destroyed .. So .. stuff after this .. such as the adoption of Ahura Mazda .. the Most High of the Annointed one of God .. .. the Great King Cyrus .. and with this they adopted monotheism .. but the story is finished at this point .. Monotheism is not part of the Story prior to this point.. prior to God being put into that Box..

So Friend .. When Enlil Tells you -- " I was P.issed - .. these humans I created .. (or rather we created) are completely worthless .. good for nothing idiots who's minds think only evil all of the time .. What a mistake .. I regret even starting this experiment .. and so I decided to wipe them all out and start from scratch .. You Should Believe Him ..

What ? Do you not believe an All Powerfull Omnipotent Being could make mistakes, not realize what would happen in the future, .. have anthropomorphic/human failings .. ? Shame Shame ! :) har har har

What part of .. if you are reading this story through a monotheistic lens .. your eyes are gonna see things funny .. is not clear as New York snow :)
The forces of the Universe are more than one - and there is more than one Sun - Son - that was created out of the Big Bang .. and the beliefs of the Ancients reflects this universal Truth .. why one day .. some smartypants human decided to take the Female out of the Holy Trinity - banish her from the universal equation .. I am not sure .. but on that day there was a disruption in "The Force" .. the balance and harmony of the universe upset .. a negative demonic energy released upon the land .. from which humanity to this day struggles.

There are multiple forces in the universe ... not just one .. dragging us this way and that .. some you should follow .. others you should not .. Ha Satan may block your way but that may not always be a bad thing.

I can't disagree with most of what you've presented, aside from the monotheistic nature part of the God concept. Many parts, emanations, characteristics, etc. existing as and serving specific functions within the whole of who God is. This would include the little g,'s who become hands, feet, mouths, etc. acting in accordance to the will of the big G. The issue is we little g's get pissed about the calamity and resistance and what have you, which makes us resist the things we find un-satisfactory, which is not always a bad thing and is very likely expected. The larger issue is when we act against what we know to right, which then creates a very pissed big G. I enjoy your insight.


Well-Known Member
Men hating women is not the norm for the progressive Marxist nor atheism ? Got it all backwards and upside down friend .. Taking the woman out of the Trinity .. that was a most hateful Act of woman hating .. but started way before that .. Paul was a Hater .. thats for sure .. but our Lord Jesus .. was fond of the fairer Sex . and would often Kiss Marry Magdaline mouth to mouth ..
The Trinity of Nimrod's (ruler of Babel) era, indeed had a mother earth component, and the Marxist atheist Progressive cult has a mother earth component, centered around their "green" mother earth movement. The Catholic church has a mother earth component as well, in that the mother of "Jesus" is supposedly sitting in heaven and is the central point in their prayers to God, and they worship mother earth (Astarte/Ishtar) on her feast day, which is called Easter. How often did "Jesus" kiss Mary on the mouth? Once a week, twice a week, or daily? With respect to outcome, I doubt that giving women the right to vote has worked out. Apparently, women are easily deceived, and a large majority voted for Biden. Apparently, they dragged their "B" type husbands along for the ride. As for Paul, a false prophet, the women seemed to gravitate to the guy. The Progressive women seem to gravitate towards feminine men, and sometimes can't determine whether they themselves are women or men.


Well-Known Member
What you learn young you never forget, or that's what people like to say. I won't disagree.
In general, the "young" are led astray, and will have to eventually find their way, if they can. Raising children correctly is the exception, not the rule. One leads by example, not with empty words, and hypocritical actions.


Christian Evolutionist
In general, the "young" are led astray, and will have to eventually find their way, if they can. Raising children correctly is the exception, not the rule. One leads by example, not with empty words, and hypocritical actions.
I won't argue the point. Words are largely meaningless if there's no substance attached to them.


Well-Known Member
The Trinity of Nimrod's (ruler of Babel) era, indeed had a mother earth component, and the Marxist atheist Progressive cult has a mother earth component, centered around their "green" mother earth movement. The Catholic church has a mother earth component as well, in that the mother of "Jesus" is supposedly sitting in heaven and is the central point in their prayers to God, and they worship mother earth (Astarte/Ishtar) on her feast day, which is called Easter. How often did "Jesus" kiss Mary on the mouth? Once a week, twice a week, or daily? With respect to outcome, I doubt that giving women the right to vote has worked out. Apparently, women are easily deceived, and a large majority voted for Biden. Apparently, they dragged their "B" type husbands along for the ride. As for Paul, a false prophet, the women seemed to gravitate to the guy. The Progressive women seem to gravitate towards feminine men, and sometimes can't determine whether they themselves are women or men.

Good grief this is self contradictory nonsense. First you claim Marxists hated women .. then you claim that Marxism has a mother earth component = apparently they don't hate women as much as Christianity giving them so much power.

You go on to complain that this mother Earth worship is atheist .. which is a contradiction -- the conflate environmentalism with mother earth worship .. as if Environmentalism is a bad thing on this basis.

Who knows how many times HeyZeus kissed Mary on the mouth .. and why are you asking such a silly question.... perhaps had a shag from time time .. perhaps some offspring wandering around as some traditions suggest .. What does this have to do with these Fantasy Female hating Marxists and progressives you made up .. these effeminite men hating the females that are attracted to them .... absolutely no sense this makes ?

And what do feminine men have to do with having a Female Goddess in the Pantheon ? -- one irrational thought after another but, while down this rabbit hole .. Did you favor the male prostitutes in the Temple of YHWH over the Female over in the Mother Goddess Temple area ? .. is that what you consider more masculine ? Help us to understands your though process here .. ?