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Biblical Resource

Eyes to See

Well-Known Member
Just wanted to bring this app to the attention of the good folk of religiousforums.

Realize that there are many varying beliefs and many will not be interested in a free app such as this to download the Bible. But for those who may be interested in a nice free app that provides you with several different Bible translations, along with sundry Bible aids, books, videos, music, etc. I hope you find this useful.

Here's a brief explanation how to find it on the Apple store, and use it. It is also available on Google Play, and the Microsoft Store as well.



Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Just wanted to bring this app to the attention of the good folk of religiousforums.

Realize that there are many varying beliefs and many will not be interested in a free app such as this to download the Bible. But for those who may be interested in a nice free app that provides you with several different Bible translations, along with sundry Bible aids, books, videos, music, etc. I hope you find this useful.

Here's a brief explanation how to find it on the Apple store, and use it. It is also available on Google Play, and the Microsoft Store as well.

I wonder if you have heard of this:

There was, once upon a time, a fantastic Bible software called Bibleworks, but the company selling it recently failed. It had a wonderful ability to search biblical texts (of many translations) using wildcards. I don't know why but no other biblical software (that I can find online) does that. Maybe that capability is under patent? I can't find an equivalent search program anywhere. To me it just makes sense that people would want to use wildcards while searching a scripture. Bibleworks did this for English, for Hebrew, for Latin and for Koine. Do you know of anything else that does?