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AUM OM anyone actually experience it?


Sorry im new to this, this is the area I best guessed to post this question.

I'm looking to learn from someone else who has lived in a state on om, not the meditation or the chant or song but the actual experience of hearing its vibration though your inner ear. I hear it from my thought chakra and sometimes my third eye. Before I ever new what aum was I started hearing a buzzing in my ear, couldn't figure out what it was, told people about it. Over time it developed into a tingle at the ears then spread to the whole body and then to every atom of my being. It feels like absolute bliss, joy, peace, and love, I was so happy, couldn't run out of energy, couldn't get sore. body felt so comfertible.

I have sence lost it and am searching to get it back. Also it would just be nice to here from someone else who has felt it.
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Bodhisattva in Recovery
I have experienced Om on several occasions. My best advice is don't try to hold onto the experience. Let it flow, as it should.

To get Aum/Om you first need to get to that place of utter stillness, then after an indeterminate period of time you may begin to sense/feel "something" first as a faint vibration, then it will begin to grow and eventually will become audible. The only way I could find to describe it is as if you are surfing on an endless wave, rolling, thunderously along to an indescribable crescendo. And yes, it is incredibly thrilling and there is a distinct sense of exaltation.


Well-Known Member

Welcome to the forum. :)

Can you remember what you were doing at that time in your life when you were experiencing this 'state of om'?

In Sikhi, the vibration is called the Anhad Shabad or Anhad Naad (the unstruck sound-current of the universe).

There is usually a process to obtaining this state, i.e. disciplined meditation over a period of time.

I've experienced a variety of sensations while meditating, but never this, sadly.

Good luck. :)


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Can you remember what you were doing at that time in your life when you were experiencing this 'state of om'?
An individual can spontaneously achieve this state under the right conditions...

There is usually a process to obtaining this state, i.e. disciplined meditation over a period of time.
Just so.

I've experienced a variety of sensations while meditating, but never this, sadly.
You have a good many fascinating adventures ahead then. :D


Can you remember what you were doing at that time in your life when you were experiencing this 'state of om'?

Ya it was a process, I was a very ridged person, I just graduated college and had felt like I had mastered logic or analytical thinking or working in left mindedness. Life became too easy, predictable and boring. I decided to give into imagination, I remembered as a child how fascinated the world was. I started with exploring ideas even though I knew they we're possible. Imaginary stories are always more fascinating if they are based on some truth so this kind of led me full circle into viewing true things with a more open mind. Theories in books I tested and got answers.

So that's what got me open to the experience but what caused it was, I moved to the coast. My family has a ranch there, I lived in a cabin that was a mile from anyone in any direction. It was in a huge an open field with redwood trees on its boarder and two thousand feet above the ocean and the city lights, my views where very nice in 270 degrees. My only water source was a spring, very good tasting. I had a solar panel to run my shower but there was no other electricity other than that, I had a cell phone and battery operated radio. I worked in town 40 hours a week at very high end properties trying to make plants healthier and more beautiful.

With no TV or internet, I read books and active did things. I learned all about health, did many detox programs, eat very good food. I read Dr. Hawkins Eye of the I and during that period of time I had felt that my ego was abolished. I read a variety of books dealing with energy. The book that was the most help was Dr. Brendon’s Hands of Light.

Last August the buzzing noise started and persisted at all times, it was even annoying at times, I had no idea what it was and neither did any one I talked to. The beginning of last September it changed frequencies, started sounding how it's supposed to sound when it's coming though the throat chakra, which is like a distant water fall, much nicer much more soothing. Also as I sought to find its origin my ears started to tingle. It was difficult to locate because I later found that it emanated from every point in the universe, so it's both inside you and outside you.

Focusing on its location I guess is a way of mediating on it, which in theory might make it stronger. The tingle explained from my ears to the rest of my body, slowly, then expanded to all spaces with in. The tingle became a vibration of every atom in the body, which causes the body to feel light as if made of air. I then became stronger again feeling like being composed of vibrating foam. This period of time was from the second week of September to the second week of October. Along with the light feeling it also included a feeling of receiving a very nice deep tissue message all over the body. Because your atoms are in a constant state of movement in this state somehow you get that message feeling. Also at this point I began to feel happy all the time, I would see myself in the mirror smiling over nothing, I would smile sometimes for over a week at a time. I would erupt in joyous laughter over absolutely no thought or action what so ever.

I continued to share my experiences with friends and family trying to figure out what it was. A sequence of events led me to believe that I should go to Colorado Springs. I quit my job came back to Redding, which now felt like hell in comparison to where I was previously at, it was supposed to be temporally. I lived and worked here, saved enough to fly out there, explored Colorado, was undecided on if I should move out there. While I was there I did experience a mahnad Samadhi, that was intense. Worked and stayed in Redding. Was prompted to stop at a book store to look at the magazines, there was an article explaining what AUM is, this lead me to buy a book on it. The experience of reading this book was so intense I was barely able to do it. The states of euphoria I experienced where almost too much for my brain to comprehend. At this point I went weeks without having a thought because when your experiencing that much bliss thought becomes unnecessary.

Once I finished the book my state returned to it normal condition of airy or foam feeling and being happy all the time.

The first week of December I realized or stupidly come to the idea that the sound of aum was coming though one chakra and the feeling was coming though another chakra. Almost immediately the feeling disappeared. I still ear the noise all the time. It sounds like a distant waterfall though the throat and sounds like a combination of the most beautiful music, only there's no recognizable interments, and the sound of soda fizz, I not sure but I think this is when it's coming though the third eye, this is more rare of a sound for me.

I do get spontaneous burst of the feeling now and again, these only last for a couple hours at best.

I used to almost get floored when a person using a backpack leaf blower would walk by me because the vibration of its engine on the air around it would amplify what ever I was feeling.

In Aum according to the book the electrons in your body are being replaced at such a high rate that it's impossible to get sore. In this state I've hiked 26 miles in one day with a thirty pound pack and felt just as good at the end as at the beginning, that is I felt like I need to go for a run. Now that the feeling is gone I'm more aware of my body, it feels cramped and slightly sore all the time even when im rested, I think this feeling, that I probably had but was unaware of before aum, is the reason that people don't normally feel happy all the time. It's hard to smile all the time if your body hurts.

On a 22 mile day hike with 10,000 foot elevation change, my brother experienced aum for the first time. I was feeling great we had four mile left, he had been really struggling for the past six miles. It was getting dark, winter time. He was moving one mile an hour in such agony that mentally he was completely shut down. I said in my head "God can you help Ben?" instantly he start running eight mile an hour I get the idea of trying to pass energy to him from my chakras, I do this until I start getting hungry. He ran at eight miles an hour for two mile with out a break. When he stops I ask him what happened he explains feeling a ball of energy growing in his chest, it got really big thought he was having a heart attack then it burst and he was filled with all of the feeling ive been describing and he heard the sound of bells. Now I had told him what Aum was during this hike but I never mentioned bells to him. The experience he had was located in the heart chakra and it perfectly correlates to what the book says, "the sound of aum though the heart chakra is bells". His body was completely healed he never got sore from this hike.

In Sikhi, the vibration is called the Anhad Shabad or Anhad Naad (the unstruck sound-current of the universe).
Thanks for the new name for aum, I will defiantly look into it.
I think the best way to obtain aum is to focus on having all of you chakras fully dilated, front and back, a healer may be helpful in this, the hands of light school lists graduated healers in practice all around the country. My theory is that once the chakra is large enough a sound is produced as a result of massive amounts of energy entering the body, like friction-this is only a theory though. Also a hands of light rule is that nothing is required we only have to allow ourselves to raise in vibration. This is a scary thing it means letting go of ones mistakes, believing that you're worthy of it. Energy is consciousness in this theory so it also means confronting any short coming, becoming a whole human being. In my view any negativity is simply a misunderstanding, love is understanding. It's impossible not to love someone if you truly understand what has shaped their actions. Once a person is wise enough forgiveness isn't really a thing, its unnecessary because we begin to see the lines of progression, to see why this action was taken and why it's important to their personal growth, there's nothing to forgive, this applys to the self as well. Also Ananda village in California is supposed to be filled with people that experience aum, they claim that visitors have a tendency to experience it for the first time at this location. The theory behind this is that when your cirrounded by people of higher vibration then there is less pulling you down and it's easier to rise.


I have experienced Om on several occasions.

So what was the experience like for you? and what do you to to, Iv'e never meditated before beside reading, contemplating, hiking, and work(focusing on artfull prunning).

the color red, my friend say that during the traditional form of mediation, does that mean anything in relation to mediation

Another question, the only time ive ever seen anything perhaps with my third eye, I did reasurch on it found a youtube video of a guy doing the same thing and decribing it the same way, he called it a mahanad shamadhi, Have you ever watched bands of white light the color of lightning hit you when your eyes are shut and your in a relaxed open state, also when they hit your energy body explode outwards then is sucked back together in the voids of darkness?


Be your own guru
Chhandogya Upanishad details 'Udgeeta', i.e., 'Om'. For me 'Udgeeta' (roughly translates to the 'song that is arising') is the 'Song of Life'.