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At least Trump has not lost his sense of humor:


Veteran Member
Trump isn't even in question as far as illegal acts or Mueller would have gone straight to the jugular.

It took two years for Nixon/Watergate.

If Mueller doesn't have an actual case on Trump by October even the bulk of the Dems will be disgusted.

Wrong. We have no problem waiting till 2020. We recognize that these things take time. Also, if one can believe leaks from the White House, Trump is getting more and more outraged daily. That's more fun than a quick slash to the jugular.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Hello. While it would be hard to find more than a policy or two that I would agree with Pence on, I would absolutely prefer him over Trump as President.

I would prefer Pence when it comes for foreign policy. Domestic policy is another matter.


Not Religious
Yeah, but not his only smart decision. Anyone that thinks Trump is dumb is dumb themselves. There is no way that man got where he is by not being absolutely skillful at what he's doing. It's numerically impossible... :D No one gets as rich as he is or gets to the President seat without such mastery. Hate him, call him whatever you want, doesn't change the math.
Donald has never ran a successful business. He has squandered his family fortune due to his stupidity. What does a stupid person do who was born with a silverspoon? Start lying and conning people out of their cash.
He won't release his taxes because he's not as wealthy as he boasts about.

Donald is not smart. Smart people don't fail at business with a 100% record.

Trump disarms people with his simple appearance, but personally I think that's part of his game. His opponents underestimated him to their completely misery.
It's what the weak do to seem stronger than people. Only because his strength was inherited and squandered.

Pence was an insurance policy and what was required to get the fence sitters on the Republican side to galvanize behind Trump. It was a masterful selection, if you can't figure that out you're the one with the issues. :D
Pence is the republican establishment pick to satisfy the evangelical base. Donald was not wanted by the establishment. Partly to explain why the Koch's have now starting targeting Donald. The establishment in the republican party listen to the Koch's, not Donald.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
But he would have gotten the evangelicals any way. He is a skillful shepherd to the gullible sheeples. If you doubt that, just recognize that they haven't left him in spite of his immorality.

Most rich people have cheated their way to the top somehow so it doesn't make him any worse than the others. But, the evangelicals have toned down the the whole philandering perspective thing when it comes to people outside of their beliefs. (They generally don't expect people to adhere to that so much if it's outside of their denomination.) The other bit is Don has always been a ladies man, it's not like they didn't know about it or expect it.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
It took two years for Nixon/Watergate.

Yes, but that's not the same thing. Again, I'm just speaking of what is known and unknown. Nothing Trump personally has done is a crime by any context. That means the only thing they can try to get him on is perjury and bull**** like that. So, if he avoids testifying at best they give him a couple of slap on the wrist fines and he moves on.

Wrong. We have no problem waiting till 2020. We recognize that these things take time. Also, if one can believe leaks from the White House, Trump is getting more and more outraged daily. That's more fun than a quick slash to the jugular.

If this investigation doesn't turn up anything by October the Dems will lose everything. Maybe you will wait, but the vast majority of the public wants resolution. If it doesn't happen the Dems look inept, dare I say mad, and will be made a fool. Swing voters will swing Republican just to stop hearing about it. Never underestimate the power of the disdain people have for exaggeration. If no collusion is proved Mueller is politically dead, even Congress will abandon him for the witch hunt and refuse to carry other issues forward. The swing voters do not care about Cohen or Manafort at all. Those voters are looking at jobs, money in their wallet, and other factors. If they're better off than they were in 2016 (most of them are) then they're voting Republican until they have a big reason not to. The Dems have been talking, but not pushing any relevant legislation through or getting anything done. Their accomplishment list since 2016 is jack and squat. They need to cash in Mueller or they are screwed.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
So you're saying the republican base essentially elected the 2 most dangerous people that could possibly be president? A lying conman and a priest?

More like a 'deal maker/negotiator' and a sledgehammer if that doesn't work.

Kangaroo Feathers

Yea, it is written in the Book of Cyril...
I swear that has been the strategy of Presidents for quite some time. Get rid of Nixon, you are stuck with Agnew. Get rid of Clinton, you are stuck with Algore. Get rid of a Bush, Dan Quayle or Dick Cheney. At the time that Obama won Biden was thought to be a loon, though he seemed to improve towards the end of his two terms.
McCain had Palin...

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Most rich people have cheated their way to the top somehow so it doesn't make him any worse than the others
That does not make it ok. It does not make what Manafort did ok. It does not make what Cohen did ok. And it does not make what Trump did ok. The fact that “most rich people have cheated” is why we celebrate when one of them is finally caught and made to pay for their crime.

When these guys cheat on their taxes they are stealing from everyone else. They are stealing from that middle class family that is struggling to pay their bills. They are stealing from that single person who is working two or three jobs just to keep their head above water.

And when a politician violates campaign finance laws they are betraying democracy.

We should not be making excuses for them. It is not ok.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
And when a politician violates campaign finance laws they are betraying democracy.

We should not be making excuses for them. It is not ok.

If they violate campaign laws they're just paying a fine for doing it. It doesn't imply they're bad folks, but that they probably weighed the penalty versus the gains. Obama violated campaign laws by taking illegal contributions - I didn't see anyone here get bent out of shape on that. The hypocrisy of the whole thing is immediately apparent. No one asked for Obama's impeachment over his campaign violations...

Whatever that has to do with 'democracy' is irrelevant, since we don't live in or want to live in a 'democracy'. Welcome to the Republic of the United States. :D

To be rich, you have to make plays that turn the stomachs of others because everyone is playing to win. If you think that has something to do with morality you're illogical -- it's economic Darwinism, survival of the fittest. Survival and prosperity are beyond reproach and mental meandering and emotive plays are just that. They don't matter and they never did. At the end of the day, it's all about who is holding the cash and not how you got it. There isn't a single society on the earth that doesn't work this way either directly or indirectly so where this becomes a morality issue other than 'hurt feelings' or 'jealousy' is beyond me. Someone isn't immoral, a con-man, or a deceiver just because they had play to their rank. Living on the dole, being an employee, or being 'a nice guy' don't work at the high levels of the game since everyone else is playing to win too.


Let's go full Trottle
I think Trump is smart but his impulsive nature makes anything he wants to do a steep uphill battle. I don't like him, I don't think he is capable of running a country. He isn't the only one running the country contrary to what he might say he is doing. He is incapable of humility when humility is the proper course of action which only adds to his unlike-ability.


Let's go full Trottle
I mean America is less a country and more a business today. Americans are employees of a slave driver cracking a whip at their backs compared to what other governments of the developed world provide and do for their citizens.

Let's just take the FDA and the EMA. EMA uses a prevention of harm method for allowing products and medicines to go to public consumption. FDA uses a proof of harm clause to determine whether products are safe or not for human consumption. What that means is that the EMA will ban a product before it hits the shelf if the product has even a slight chance to cause harm to the populace. The standards of health and safety for consumer products is much higher than in America.

The FDA uses a proof of harm method for determining if a product is safe or not. While say a product shows the possibility of harm to consumers, it is still allowed into the public market. And only when a product can be specifically linked to that particular product of causing irreparable damage or loss of life will they take it off the shelf.

You will never see a commercial in Europe of some lawyer handling class action cases for some pill that caused a drove of people to die or get cancer. Cause the product would have never been allowed to be consumed in the first place.


Active Member
So that's where the Trumpettes are now?

We've gone from "it never happened" to "it happened but it wasn't illegal" to "it happened and it was illegal but Trump didn't know about it" and now we've reached "it happened, it was illegal and Trump knew about it, but you can't impeach him because Pence would be worse!"

Get a job.


Cult of Kek.
“I don’t know how you can impeach somebody who’s done a great job,”


Trump: You can’t impeach someone ‘doing a great job’
When tuned into his dailies like I am, you can't help but love the guy. If you stand back it all turns into crazy land, especially with fake news amplifying all that Trump hate.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
You can impeach him, but do you want Pence to be the President? You think people are whining now... You ain't seen nuttin' yet.
I still admit Pence is the only reason I plugged my nose, bit my tongue, wailed and gnashed my teeth, and clawed my skin until it bled and voted for Hillary. If Trump would have picked anybody else, I would have wrote in Cthulhu.(Couldn't stay home because of a public option, which didn't pass as easily as I expected)

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
When tuned into his dailies like I am, you can't help but love the guy. If you stand back it all turns into crazy land, especially with fake news amplifying all that Trump hate.
Hoping to get rid of or at least impair a terrible President is not "hate". You do not appear to realize how incompetent he has been.


Cult of Kek.
Hoping to get rid of or at least impair a terrible President is not "hate". You do not appear to realize how incompetent he has been.
Can you teach me how incompetent he is? I really want to understand how economic nationalism is bad the the united states.