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"As the Imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map,"


World Leader Pretend
greatcalgarian said:
Jew (Sharon) will try all means to create war and unrest for some selfish political motive, instead of peaceful coexistence of the three religion sharing the same holy land.

What a load of crap! C'mon now, you are smarter than that. Sharon has made concession after concession in the pursuit of peace. He's suffered politically for his positions.


Well-Known Member
Darkdale said:
What a load of crap! C'mon now, you are smarter than that. Sharon has made concession after concession in the pursuit of peace. He's suffered politically for his positions.
Now I see the light!!!! Only the Christians and Muslims are playing politics. For the Jews, they never play any politics, they are peace loving people, always doing their best to bring peace to the world. Amen.

So Sharon has made loads and loads of concession according to the road map, and all the faults lie in Arafat. Now that is real enlightening:eek:
greatcalgarian said:
So Sharon has made loads and loads of concession according to the road map, and all the faults lie in Arafat. Now that is real enlightening
Please enlighten me and name one significant thing Arafat did to aid the peace process.


New Member
greatcalgarian said:
Now I see the light!!!! Only the Christians and Muslims are playing politics. For the Jews, they never play any politics, they are peace loving people, always doing their best to bring peace to the world. Amen.

So Sharon has made loads and loads of concession according to the road map, and all the faults lie in Arafat. Now that is real enlightening:eek:
Try to look at this logically. Everyone is playing politics and you'd be ignorant to claim otherwise. The reason Sharon needs to keep making concessions is to keep his powerful friends willing to step in if necessary. If he never made any effort for peace then he would have a hard time convincing the U.S. and our allies to aid him. The Israelis are significantly outnumbered by all the Arab states that hate (and surround) them. As a result they must keep more non-Middle Eastern allies. On the Arab side, they play politics, just differently from the way we normally see it done. They don't need to keep world opinion of them very high. They need to keep their masses happy in order to stay in power. They keep their people happy by making a target of Israel and the West. This unites the people with a common cultural and usually religious bond. But if the Arab states ever go to war, you will not see any foreign aid like you'd see to help Israel. So yeah, both sides are playing politics, and they're keeping happy who they need to keep happy.


Politically Incorrect
Jaiket said:
From this story: Ahmadinejad: Wipe Israel off map

Is this a new motion to rally the Muslim predominated region to attack Israel?

If Iran is striving toward nuclear arms development, this is a bleak message for the future.
Hey Jaik,

Does Iran have any oil?:biglaugh:

All joking aside, I think that this kind of thing supports a pet theory of mine. I think that the main reason for being in Iraq is have a base of operations over there. If Iran gets out of hand we have someplace to launch from. The biggest problem with invading Iraq was that no one wanted us to have a base of operations in their country. Now we have one. You'll notice that the Muslim defense league is remaining silent on this one.


Politically Incorrect
Muslim Communist said:
Stop and listen to yourself, wiping out Israel would be like a second Holocaust. I'm not on either side of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict but its gone to far when even the suggestion of wiping out another nation becomes plausable. Its a Holy Land for Jews, Christains, and Muslims. Destroying it would be suicide if any of us expects Allah to act as our saviour. We must all act to protect Israel at all costs in order to keep internarional and inter-religous peace.
Hey MC,

If only yours was the majority view over there. We need to hear more clear thinking like this instead of the other kind we hear so much of.



Politically Incorrect
greatcalgarian said:
Now I see the light!!!! Only the Christians and Muslims are playing politics. For the Jews, they never play any politics, they are peace loving people, always doing their best to bring peace to the world. Amen.

So Sharon has made loads and loads of concession according to the road map, and all the faults lie in Arafat. Now that is real enlightening:eek:
Ara who? Oh yeah, the diplomat of peace. The Ghandi of the Middle East. The man who bent over backwards to cooperate during the camp David accord. Is that who you are talking about?


Well-Known Member
Mr Spinkles said:
Please enlighten me and name one significant thing Arafat did to aid the peace process.
How about he died in time to pass the job over to some one else to carry out the peace process?


Well-Known Member
Mr Spinkles said:
Please enlighten me and name one significant thing Arafat did to aid the peace process.
Did not know the post immediately below yours already given the first answer, now this is the second answer

The Nobel Peace Prize 1994

"for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East"
Yasser Arafat Shimon Peres Yitzhak Rabin 1/3 of the prize 1/3 of the prize 1/3 of the prize Palestine Israel Israel Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PLO; President of the Palestinian National Authority Foreign Minister of Israel Prime Minister of Israel b. 1929
d. 2004b. 1923b. 1922
d. 1995


Well-Known Member
Bennettresearch said:
Ara who? Oh yeah, the diplomat of peace. The Ghandi of the Middle East. The man who bent over backwards to cooperate during the camp David accord. Is that who you are talking about?
Darkdale is of the opinion that Sharon is the Ghandi of the Middle East.
Bennettresearch is of the opinion that Ara who? is the Ghandi of the Middle East.

I think I better get out of this real fast, before someone else come in to claim that GB is the Ghandi of the Middle East, and so on and so forth:eek:


World Leader Pretend
I never said anything about Sharon being the Ghandi of anything. Don't you dare put words in my mouth. Got it?


Active Member
jewscout according to everysite i could find on the jewish population in israel they agreed on one thing. that the population is in the 5 million range. aljezzera stated that there would likely be 6.3 (i think that was the number) by 2020. so again i ask what is so signifinic about the number 6 million?

now i feel that you are probably right on the fact of 6 million jewish souls living in israel because there are many who for what ever reason don't get counted in censes. i only bring it up because i was reading a while back that the 6 million dead number in ww1 and ww2 and when you brought up the 6 million number in this post it got me to thinking that this number must be important for what ever reason.


Well-Known Member
Darkdale said:
I never said anything about Sharon being the Ghandi of anything. Don't you dare put words in my mouth. Got it?
Sorry, I extrapolated too far. :D

My apology.

So where did Sharon stand then?


Well-Known Member
jeffweg said:
Try to look at this logically. Everyone is playing politics and you'd be ignorant to claim otherwise. The reason Sharon needs to keep making concessions is to keep his powerful friends willing to step in if necessary. If he never made any effort for peace then he would have a hard time convincing the U.S. and our allies to aid him. The Israelis are significantly outnumbered by all the Arab states that hate (and surround) them. As a result they must keep more non-Middle Eastern allies. On the Arab side, they play politics, just differently from the way we normally see it done. They don't need to keep world opinion of them very high. They need to keep their masses happy in order to stay in power. They keep their people happy by making a target of Israel and the West. This unites the people with a common cultural and usually religious bond. But if the Arab states ever go to war, you will not see any foreign aid like you'd see to help Israel. So yeah, both sides are playing politics, and they're keeping happy who they need to keep happy.
You have made some very good observations. However, I think if you dig deeper, you may be able to find more than what you observed and presented above. Try to see:
(1) Israel has many of nationalistic powerful people all over the west, they have the keenness in seeing a homeland for Jews
(2) US is making use of (I would say encouraging) the Israel conflict with the Arab in order to continue their control of the oil resource in middle east
(3) The Arab leaders are not keeping their people happy by taking an anti-Israel stand, this trick is slowly slipping away, and Osama has awakened their sense that they have been really working with if not for the West for decades, just so the wealth will flow into those few. This is the killing factor for the middle east peace, and balance of conflict. Even US now is not possible to keep the balance, as the realization and uprising (US call it Alqadi terrorism) will result in unforseeable shift in power. Hence Sharon has to tuned down and try to accomodate to win back support of some middle stand not so extreme Arab.


World Leader Pretend
greatcalgarian said:
So where did Sharon stand then?

Sharon is an international pragmatist. His intent is to strengthen Israel and to figure out a way to compromise with the Palestinians; but the Palestinians continue to refuse to compromise. It's all or nothing. All Jews out of the Middle East or unrest. But Sharon can't just go in and wipe them out. He has to work with the international community. He has to show he is willing to make concessions.


Religious Zionist
almifkhar said:
jewscout according to everysite i could find on the jewish population in israel they agreed on one thing. that the population is in the 5 million range. aljezzera stated that there would likely be 6.3 (i think that was the number) by 2020. so again i ask what is so signifinic about the number 6 million?

now i feel that you are probably right on the fact of 6 million jewish souls living in israel because there are many who for what ever reason don't get counted in censes. i only bring it up because i was reading a while back that the 6 million dead number in ww1 and ww2 and when you brought up the 6 million number in this post it got me to thinking that this number must be important for what ever reason.
again as i pointed out in the link the total population of Israel (which includes non-jews as well) is over 6 million people. right now i believe the world jewish population is about 13 million give or take (sorry don't have the exact figures right now) and that is split between Israel and the US. Why i said 6 million innocent people is because a nuclear weapon will not selectively kill the Jews in Israel and leave the non-jewish people alive and unharmed.
If, G-d forbid, a nuclear exchange occured or if Iran attacked Israel w/ a nuke unprovoked they would condemn their muslim brothers and sisters in and around Israel to death and the surrounding nations to years of fallout and radiation poisoning that will make much of the middle east uninhabitable.


Well-Known Member
jewscout said:
again as i pointed out in the link the total population of Israel (which includes non-jews as well) is over 6 million people. right now i believe the world jewish population is about 13 million give or take (sorry don't have the exact figures right now) and that is split between Israel and the US.
You mean the world Jews resides only in Israel and US? Or you mean Jews staying other part of the world are not Jews?


Well-Known Member
Darkdale said:
Sharon is an international pragmatist. His intent is to strengthen Israel and to figure out a way to compromise with the Palestinians; but the Palestinians continue to refuse to compromise. It's all or nothing. All Jews out of the Middle East or unrest. But Sharon can't just go in and wipe them out. He has to work with the international community. He has to show he is willing to make concessions.
How did the Nobel award one third of the peace prize to Arafat if the Palestinians he led did not concede anything towards the peace?


New Member
Darkdale said:
Sharon is an international pragmatist. His intent is to strengthen Israel and to figure out a way to compromise with the Palestinians; but the Palestinians continue to refuse to compromise. It's all or nothing. All Jews out of the Middle East or unrest. But Sharon can't just go in and wipe them out. He has to work with the international community. He has to show he is willing to make concessions.
exactly. he's doing what is necessary to ensure his country's survival.