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Are there any Zoroastrians here?


My family is in Toronto, but I travel quite a bit in the northern US for school/work. Toronto has a big community, as does LA.

If I may ask a question, if the Avesta considered the main text of the religion, or are other texts held with equal esteem? Just curious. Thanks.


Wanting to learn it all..
I am a Zoroastrian, although only a recent convert. Does anyone have some good text material I could read to improve my understanding of our faith?




Be your own guru
You can start with the Gathas and there are several translations and interpretations online.
Gatha is the Sanskrit/Hindi word for stories. And is not 'gāh' related to 'gānā', 'gāyana', 'song', 'prayer', 'shruti' (the heard), the 'richas' (hymns of RigVeda and SamaVeda)?

And Khashathra (symbols of strength and will of the Almighty) is 'Kshatra' (strength) of Sanskrit/Hindi. Vishya, Vish is people to you as well to us. Magas are those worshiping Maghavan (Indra) to us.

Oh, why did we separate, and if we separated, why did not we merge again? (I know you will not agree to that) :(
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Gatha is the Sanskrit/Hindi word for stories. And is not 'gāh' related to 'gānā', 'gāyana', 'song', 'prayer', 'shruti' (the heard), the 'richas' (hymns of RigVeda and SamaVeda)?

And Khashathra (symbols of strength and will of the Almighty) is 'Kshatra' (strength) of Sanskrit/Hindi. Vishya, Vish is people to you as well to us. Magas are those worshiping Maghavan (Indra) to us.

Oh, why did we separate, and if we separated, why did not we merge again? (I know you will not agree to that) :(

The language is the same, because they originated from the same Indo European parent group.

But the beliefs are different, us being monotheistic is the main one. Zoroastrianism influenced the Abrahamic faiths while Hinduism influenced the Dharmic ones.


The language is the same, because they originated from the same Indo European parent group.

But the beliefs are different, us being monotheistic is the main one. Zoroastrianism influenced the Abrahamic faiths while Hinduism influenced the Dharmic ones.

Zoroastrianism didn't influence the Abrahamic faiths - early Judaism was polytheistic, then it evolved to henotheism and eventually monotheism around after Moses, who came from the Atenic Egypt, not Zoroastrian Persia.



