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An Religious Chat


Well-Known Member
f what is said in your scripture disagrees in any way shape or form with what is said in other people's scripture, then the validity of your scripture is open to doubt because your scripture is no more valid than anybody elses.

Not when properly understood, no!

I quote the Baha'i scriptures [emphasis added]:

"There can be no doubt whatever that the peoples of the world, of whatever race or religion, derive their inspiration from one heavenly Source, and are the subjects of one God. The difference between the ordinances under which they abide should be attributed to the varying requirements and exigencies of the age in which they were revealed. All of them, except a few which are the outcome of human perversity, were ordained of God, and are a reflection of His Will and Purpose. Arise and, armed with the power of faith, shatter to pieces the gods of your vain imaginings, the sowers of dissension amongst you. Cleave unto that which draweth you together and uniteth you."

—(Gleanings, CXI, pp. 217-8)

Peace, :)



Well-Known Member
So ok, the Baha'i faith is only superior until someone comes along and up grades it through "revelation."

No: You are TOTALLY IGNORING the quote I just posted which says PRECISELY THE OPPOSITE!!

And do your prophets say that God is going to punish us if we do not join the Baha'i faith...?

Definitely not: One of our central principles is (as I said in a previous post) "Individual Investigation of Truth," which says that everyone has both the right and the responsibility to investigate the various religions, decide where the truth lies, and then follow that! So there's no condemnation whatever for anyone who seeks sincerely and without predudice ("pre-judging").

Our scriptures also have many statements affirming the validity of other religions as being God-sent and legitmate.

Most of the other religions claim that one is in some kind of trouble if one does not belong to them and that that trouble is pretty significant.

We're not "other religions," and please note what I just said.

And BTW, once you learn to spell "ridiculous," you, too, may be all set! :)


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nolonger active
No: You are TOTALLY IGNORING the quote I just posted which says PRECISELY THE OPPOSITE!!

Definitely not: One of our central principles is (as I said in a previous post) "Individual Investigation of Truth," which says that everyone has both the right and the responsibility to investigate the various religions, decide where the truth lies, and then follow that! So there's no condemnation whatever for anyone who seeks sincerely and without predudice ("pre-judging").

Our scriptures also have many statements affirming the validity of other religions as being God-sent and legitmate.

We're not "other religions," and please note what I just said.

And BTW, once you learn to spell "ridiculous," you, too, may be all set! :)



"And BTW, once you learn to spell "ridiculous," you, too, may be all set! :)" Bruce, that was a subtle attempt at character assassination :) very well done!

Bruce you are talking in oxymorons because you can not have a cohesive religion if everybody is encouraged to do whatever they feel like doing. There has to be rules, a set pattern reality, and there has to be some sort of consequences if these rules or the set pattern reality are not followed.

So ok Bruce, may I ask you this two part question, "What are the minimal requirments needed for one to be a member of the Baha'i faith? And why would anyone want to be a member of the Baha'i faith?"


nolonger active
Who makes his chest narrow and tight?

How exactly does a person make his chest narrow and tight?

What are you talking about?

That reminds me of a John Wayne movie, they were in a gun fight and the opponents were at a distance that was out of shotgun range. Jack Elam was busy firing his double barrel shotgun at the other folks and John Wayne turned and looked him and said, "You know that they are out of range don't you and that you are not hitting anything?" And Jack Elam looked back at him and said, "Do you mind if I shoot!?"

:) poor Yuusif, he is sort of a fish out of water in this message board.


Well-Known Member
Bruce, you are talking in oxymorons because you can not [sic] have a cohesive religion if everybody is encouraged to do whatever they feel like doing. There has [sic] to be rules....

Which simply demonstrates yet again that you have NO IDEA what you're talking about!

Clearly the Baha'i Faith does indeed have rules, and it's not at all a "do anything" religion. A tiny bit of research on your part should make this abundantly clear.

So ok Bruce, may I ask you this two part question, "What are the minimal requirments needed for one to be a member of the Baha'i faith?

The minimum requirement is recognition of (and belief in) the status of Baha'u'llah, our Founder.

And why would anyone want to be a member of the Baha'i faith?"

The short answer?

Exquisiste good taste! :)

The more detailed answer?

To spiritually advance both oneself and society in general.

Peace, :)




nolonger active
Which simply demonstrates yet again that you have NO IDEA what you're talking about!

Clearly the Baha'i Faith does indeed have rules, and it's not at all a "do anything" religion. A tiny bit of research on your part should make this abundantly clear.

The minimum requirement is recognition of (and belief in) the status of Baha'u'llah, our Founder.

The short answer?

Exquisiste good taste! :)

The more detailed answer?

To spiritually advance both oneself and society in general.

Peace, :)


Bahá'u'lláh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bahá'u'lláh declared, as the most recent Manifestation of God, that he was the "Promised One" of all religions, fulfilling the messianic prophecies found in world religions.[2] He stated that his claims to being several messiahs converging in one person were the symbolic, rather than literal, fulfilment of the messianic and eschatological prophecies found in the literature of the major religions.[2] Bahá'u'lláh's eschatological claims constitute six distinctive messianic identifications: from Judaism, the incarnation of the "Everlasting Father" from the Yuletide prophecy of Isaiah 9:6, the "Lord of Hosts"; from Christianity, the "Spirit of Truth" or Comforter predicted by Jesus in his farewell discourse of John 14-17 and the return of Christ "in the glory of the Father"; from Zoroastrianism, the return of Shah Bahram Varjavand, a Zoroastrian messiah predicted in various late Pahlavi texts; from Shi'a Islam the return of the Third Imam, Imam Husayn; from Sunni Islam, the return of Jesus (Isa);[56] and from Bábism, He whom God shall make manifest.[2]
While Bahá'u'lláh did not himself directly claim to be either the Hindu or Buddhist messiah, he did so in principle through his writings.[2] Later, `Abdu'l-Bahá stated that Bahá'u'lláh was the Kalki avatar, who in the classical Hindu Vaishnavas tradition is the tenth and final Avatar (great incarnation) of Vishnu who will come to end The Age of Darkness and Destruction.[2] Bahá'ís also believe that Bahá'u'lláh is the fulfilment of the prophecy of appearance of the Maitreya Buddha, who is a future Buddha who will eventually appear on earth, achieve complete enlightenment, and teach the pure Dharma.[57][58] Bahá'ís believe that the prophecy that Maitreya will usher in a new society of tolerance and love has been fulfilled by Bahá'u'lláh's teachings on world peace.[57] Bahá'u'lláh is believed to be a descendant of a long line of kings in Persia through Yazdgerd III, the last monarch of the Sasanian Dynasty;[6] he also asserted to be a descendant of Abraham through his third wife Keturah.[59]

So ok he was the return of Christ Jesus and all the others that were foretold to be coming by all of the other religions. That is simple enough.
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nolonger active
Kitáb-i-Aqdas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And this is about The Mother Book which is to the Baha'i the same as the Bible is to Christians and the Q'uran is to Islam. Contained within this book are the "Laws" of the Baha'i faith, along with other things. And the Bible and the Q'uran are now obsolete scriptures. That is also simple enough.

"He also stated that if the laws were in conflict with the civil law of the country where a Bahá'í lives the laws could not be practiced.[3] Furthermore some laws and teachings are, according to Bahá'í teaching, not meant to be applied at the present time and their application depends on decisions by the Universal House of Justice. Baha'is believe the Aqdas supersedes and succeeds previous revelations such as the Quran and the Bible."
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