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About influences on the psyche


The moreth I knoweth
Wow, lots of people are contributing to this thread, I guess there is no real answer and that we make our own answer to this by our action and thoughts.

Jennadp, we are in the same boat it seems, I just don't know what to do with her, this has gotten kind of ridiculous, she went off on my friend for wearing a concert T that had a devil on it...

The problem is that I agree with her on principle maybe, but we cannot shield ourselves from the negative aspects of society, just open a paper or watch the news... I gues that makes me a hippocrite...
And yes, I agree that we can ignore certain facets of negatives in our enviornment, I listen to the music for it's sound, the lyrics, language and meaning are secondary, yet I still hear them subconsciosly.

Sometimes the best questions are the ones that we are unable to answer....

I'm actually having a similar debate with a friend. She just recently became completely 100% consumed in her religion, and before this happened we had bought tickets to go to a concert together. Now that she is more consumed with it, she strongly believes that most music is filled with sin, (sex, drugs rock n roll etc.) and no longer cared to go to the show, and also no longer cares to listen to any of the music that she used to be SOOO passionate about. That was one thing that we would relate upon was our passion for music. Now, it no longer interests her, and it confuses me. I do 100% agree that most music is filled with sin. Can't argue that. However, I dont believe that just because you're listening to it, means you're sinning as well. I dont believe either that it encourages you to sin. If it does, then I agree with fallingblood - there must be something else at play. In fact, a lot of people don't necessarily listen to music for the lyrics. Example. A lot of classic rock bands, Rush, Pink Floyd, Led Zepp, etc, are filled with sin, but what if you're a guitar/drum fanatic. Why not indulge yourself in the AMAZING skill they have in these instruments? Just because they're talking about having sex and doing drugs, doesn't mean that the person listening is, and if they are, i dont believe they were like, well, pink floyd is doing it, so, so am i! ONCE AGAIN, that sounds like an underlying problem. I guess what i'm trying to say is, I'm passionate for music, ALL KINDS, and I'm not going to let their sins get in the way of an open mind for music.

Origional message:
I recently saw a music collection that I really want at ebay- it is a 925 album record collection. Ebay Item 150390785826 . My girlfriend says there are satanic albums in the collection "Black Sabbath" and others like "Their satanic magesties request" by the stones.
Anyhoo, we got into an argument about owning these, I said that I am not effected by owning or listening to these types of records, I even argued that there are religious albums in the collection also.
Her argument is that there willl be subconscious effects from owning and listening to these and that they are evil.


Bonafide Seraphim
The problem is that I agree with her on principle maybe, but we cannot shield ourselves from the negative aspects of society, just open a paper or watch the news... I gues that makes me a hippocrite...
I completely agree with the first part and disagree with the 2nd ;0) I agree that we cannot shield ourselves from the negative aspects of society. Wouldn't listening to non-christian lyrics be the same as watching a non-christian show? or the NEWS as you noted, is FILLED with sin, murder, and all the bad things going on in this world. Just because you see on the news that someone was murdered, and a song is talking about someone that is murder, doesn't mean by watching the news, or listening to that song, that you will feel the urge to go murder someone yourself, or somehow your mind will merge into changing its morality into believing that murdering is ok in some fashion. I dont agree with however, that you are a hypocrite. Just because someone says you're wrong, doesn't necessarily mean you are, You're only wrong according to their beliefs.
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The moreth I knoweth

Well put. I love that quote by Rosten. UnfortunatIy I cannot say that I have left any positive legacy. I agree that is what really matters, and to not have made a trully beneficial contribtion to society leaves me feel quite empty and wasteful. We have such potential, and spend our lives worrying about making a buck and taking care of our friends and families. The real matters of importance are not directly related to us or our families, but to what happens in our long term future, as a species and the relationship we have with or home, the Earth. Thanks for that wonderful quote Jenna, as depressing as the ramifications of the statement can be it definitely needs to be said and thoght about...


Bonafide Seraphim

Well put. I love that quote by Rosten. UnfortunatIy I cannot say that I have left any positive legacy. I agree that is what really matters, and to not have made a trully beneficial contribtion to society leaves me feel quite empty and wasteful. We have such potential, and spend our lives worrying about making a buck and taking care of our friends and families. The real matters of importance are not directly related to us or our families, but to what happens in our long term future, as a species and the relationship we have with or home, the Earth. Thanks for that wonderful quote Jenna, as depressing as the ramifications of the statement can be it definitely needs to be said and thoght about...

Thanks I love it too! You don't have to leave a legacy to matter. We spend our lives worrying about making a buck, because that is the enviroment that we were brought into. If you don't make a buck, you don't live. You can make a buck and still have good moral standings and be a good person and be in good faith. and I believe that taking care of your friends and family is what helps with your legacy. I hope that before I'm gone, I can bring something to their lives that they will remember and cherish forever, whatever that may be. If you don't believe that you're living the life you should be in order to be happy with yourself, its NEVER too late to make changes. :0) of course these are not facts, these are just my opinions, hopefully i followed what you said correctly