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About influences on the psyche


The moreth I knoweth
:beach:believe, to the extent that you b Hi all,
I am new here so excuse if it is not in the right section.
My question is this:
I recently saw a music collection that I really want at ebay- it is a 925 album record collection. Ebay Item 150390785826 . My girlfriend says there are satanic albums in the collection "Black Sabbath" and others like "Their satanic magesties request" by the stones.
Anyhoo, we got into an argument about owning these, I said that I am not effected by owning or listening to these types of records, I even argued that there are religious albums in the collection also.
Her argument is that there willl be subconscious effects from owning and listening to these and that they are evil. I told her that most of those albums were done by posers with no real religious intent.
I trird the argument that there are negative influences everywhere and that we only get from them what we emotionally invest into them.
Question: Can owning or listening to these negeative albums effect my psyche or influence me in any way? I really want to bid on these albums but want to assure her that they are not dangerous or harmfull in any way if not taken seriously.
Thanks for the input people....

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
My thinking is if you can be influenced to be a bad person just by song lyrics, you probably had deeper issues already - not least of which would be excessive susceptibility to manipulation.

Either she doesn't have much confidence in you, or she may be insecure in her own faith and projecting that onto you.


Singing, Dancing, Living
There was once a experiment done, they tested the growth of plants by music. They played soft music near one set of plants. Metal hardcore near anther and nothing near anther. In the end the soft grew long and elegant and the loud grew raggedy.

I guess this somewhat relates. There is a reason why color therapy and aroma therapy works. They may not seem like they are that way up front, but eventually they will effect you. Maybe not to bad, but in subtle ways.


The moreth I knoweth
I agree partially,
She seems to want all negativity out of her life and is almost obsessive with influences from the outside world, whereas I am of the opposite opinion, I believe that you have a great amount of control in letting things influence you and feel that there is no way to control influences in your life so you should'nt make a big deal about it.

However, I also believe that you are a product of your enviornment. All that you touch, all that you feel.....(Pink Floyd) So, your personality is effected by your expieriences. I was on a Eminem kick and did notice that it did effect me temporarily, mayI swore more ect...

That is an interesting study you cited, you wouldn't happen to have more info would you? I would like to read that study.

What you believe, to the extent that you believe it, is true to you.

There was once a experiment done, they tested the growth of plants by music. They played soft music near one set of plants. Metal hardcore near anther and nothing near anther. In the end the soft grew long and elegant and the loud grew raggedy.

I guess this somewhat relates. There is a reason why color therapy and aroma therapy works. They may not seem like they are that way up front, but eventually they will effect you. Maybe not to bad, but in subtle ways.


Agnostic Theist
If that music would make you go out and do something horrible, then there is something else at play.

Looking at that plant comparison, Myth Busters did an experiment with that idea. Any music, compared to no music, made the plants grow more. However, and I don't believe there is any correlation here, the heavy metal music made the plants grow more. This was a controlled experiment.

There really is no evidence that music will influence you to do anything bad. I listen to a little of everything, and I've never saw any negative effects.


Singing, Dancing, Living
Well, I was just looking it up and cannot find the one I found, but there are several different experiments on it on the internet. Just look it up.Sorry I cannot find it, I did it for a science projects like a year ago.


Bonafide Seraphim
I'm actually having a similar debate with a friend. She just recently became completely 100% consumed in her religion, and before this happened we had bought tickets to go to a concert together. Now that she is more consumed with it, she strongly believes that most music is filled with sin, (sex, drugs rock n roll etc.) and no longer cared to go to the show, and also no longer cares to listen to any of the music that she used to be SOOO passionate about. That was one thing that we would relate upon was our passion for music. Now, it no longer interests her, and it confuses me. I do 100% agree that most music is filled with sin. Can't argue that. However, I dont believe that just because you're listening to it, means you're sinning as well. I dont believe either that it encourages you to sin. If it does, then I agree with fallingblood - there must be something else at play. In fact, a lot of people don't necessarily listen to music for the lyrics. Example. A lot of classic rock bands, Rush, Pink Floyd, Led Zepp, etc, are filled with sin, but what if you're a guitar/drum fanatic. Why not indulge yourself in the AMAZING skill they have in these instruments? Just because they're talking about having sex and doing drugs, doesn't mean that the person listening is, and if they are, i dont believe they were like, well, pink floyd is doing it, so, so am i! ONCE AGAIN, that sounds like an underlying problem. I guess what i'm trying to say is, I'm passionate for music, ALL KINDS, and I'm not going to let their sins get in the way of an open mind for music. ;0)


Bonafide Seraphim
thats a very good article - however, it refers more to the melody and the tune - what about lyrics - which are actually what are "filled with sin"?

Demonic Kitten

Active Member
It's all a matter of belief. If you believe that music is a sin and that it will corrupt you then it is. Like wise if you believe that music is not a sin and that it will not corrupt you then it is.

Demonic Kitten

Active Member
Same difference, just fill in the missing blanks.
Gosh, what is it with everyone lately and all the details.

If you are trying to get someone to see your point of view then the "devils in the details" so to speak. You will have a better chance at getting people to listen to/read what you are writting if you provide more details.


Singing, Dancing, Living
I guess. But sometimes it feels so unnecessary.
You can easily relate one thing to anther at least I can, but I tend to study way to much for someone my age.


Bonafide Seraphim
i wasn't trying to be rude, i was just saying, this post was more referring to lyrics, i would assume that music played on an instrument would be hard to define as sinful, since there are no words. Isn't that what the debate forum is about, debate in a nice manner?


Singing, Dancing, Living
I didn't take it rudely.:) That's what I hate about the internet. Everyone gets there own voice, once I made this one guy have a tiny squeaky voice, like mouse cartoon, lol.
But anyways...I am sure there are those who would disagree with you but b/c I do not listen to any I cannot tell you.

Demonic Kitten

Active Member
I guess. But sometimes it feels so unnecessary.
You can easily relate one thing to anther at least I can, but I tend to study way to much for someone my age.
Yes, it can be, but not everyone thinks like you do. This is in the debate section so back up what you are saying by providing references that are within the context of the topic. Not trying to be mean...just passing on what I learned the hard way. ^_^;)


Singing, Dancing, Living
It kinda was just a little off, I mean the two can be so easily related, it is hard NOT to see it.

Music, yes. Just not the general type you were referring to.