If elective late term abortions are not appropriate for you, how do you know where your line is? Example, your line is "not more than five months pregnant"? Did you come to that line via a gut instinct, prayer, science or a combination?
My line is "elective abortions are not appropriate after conception unless the life of the mother is in jeopardy".
PS. I agree about the fetus not trumping the mother's life. I just disagree with praying on the weak, which smacks of everything I dislike about social Darwinism and nothing I like about the Lord's teachings concerning helping the weak.
Well given my upbringing was a mixture of both Eastern and Western philosophy as well as numerous religious influences, with a healthy respect for Science due to my natural curiosity and skepticism, it's a little bit........"complicated."
But simplified version. Concept of Dharma. On the one hand, from a spiritual point of view, I do respect the right to life of any potential human. I do consider their right to go through the birth process as important.
On the other hand if a woman's Dharma is hurt by a pregnancy, (financial, emotional, physical and or mentally) then I cannot in good faith attempt to shame or talk her out of having an abortion. For the path of one's Dharma is nobody's business but theirs, I can merely try to help. Of course the concept of Samsara (reincarnation) perhaps explains why I don't have all the qualms the Abrahamics seem to have regarding the soul of said aborted fetus. As according to my understanding of the concept, the fetus may just go onto another life. Or even spend some time in Heaven. Who knows, right?
So personally speaking I do not find any elective abortion "appropriate." I do not like elective abortions at any time of pregnancy any more than the Pro Life crowd. I don't think anyone really "likes" abortion anyway, but I digress.
However, politically/socially speaking (which is a different "responsibility" to that of one's personal opinions) I also cannot force that choice onto other women. It would be adharmic in my view. An abortion is a medical procedure, I cannot and will not stand between a doctor and their adult patient. I mean if it was my kid, then I would of course be consulted, but even then I am not arrogant enough to presume to know better than a medical professional. (At least I hope not).
So I guess you can say I have three major influences on this view of mine. Spirituality as was taught to me by family and religious people in my life (multiple faiths.) Personal opinion, which is what I personally feel on the matter and based on nothing but emotions. And social/political, which is based on my meager knowledge of Science (specifically Biology.) If that makes sense?
"Preying on the weak." Sorry I just don't view abortion as that. It's a medical decision made by an adult. It would only be "Social Darwinism" if all the aborted fetus' (fetusi? fetuses?) were aborted due to a perceived weakness, like mild disability or the like. Whilst designer babies are a possibility, not all abortions, not even the majority, are like that.