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Search results

  1. Andal

    Guru Relationship

    Namaskar Guys :) I have a question about the guru/ student relationship. Let me start by saying I have not taken initiation and this isn't about a guru in the religious sense. I did have someone in my life whom I considered a guru in the broad sense as he was the original person to teach...
  2. Andal

    4000 Year Old Lord Vishnu Statue

    Vannaakkam, I'm not sure if you have seen it yet but Facebook is blowing up today with news that a 4000 year old statue of Vishnu has been discovered in Vietnam. There is more info HERE Does anyone know if this has been scientifically verified? If it is true, it would force academia to...
  3. Andal

    Upanayanam for Ladies?

    Vannakkam, Do you think girls/women should have upanayanam (sacred thread ceremony)? why or why not? Aum Hari Aum!
  4. Andal

    Dharma and race

    Namaskar, As some of you know I spend most of my young life Buddhist before switching teams :p lol. One of things I had a big problem with in Buddhist circles was the unconscious segregation that is occurring in the US. This was related to Asian Buddhists keeping closed circles and having...
  5. Andal

    Help with Atheist

    Vanakkam My Dharma Family, I am in need of advice. I come from a family of very mixed religious background. In fact we do not have one unifying family tradition. For the most part this has been a blessing in that most of my family has been very accepting of me being Hindu ( at least on my...
  6. Andal

    Sri Vaishnava Videos in English

    Vannakkam, On another forum a wonderful resource was suggested that I wanted to share. If you are interested in Sri Vaishnavism check out Sri Velukudi Krishnan Sri Velukkudi Krishnan - VisistAdvaitham COMPLETE - ENGLISH - Saranagathi.org - YouTube Aum Hari Aum!
  7. Andal

    Kalava/ Rangoli Moli

    Namaste and Happy New Year! I had a quick question and I can't find the correct answer. As a part of home aarti I like to wear kalava (rangoli moli) thread. Years ago I read it should be worn on the left wrist if you are an unmarried woman. Recently I read that unmarried women should tie...
  8. Andal

    Violence Against Women

    Namaste, As a Hindu woman and human being I am absolutely horrified by the gang rape and death of "Damini" Doctor: Young woman gang-raped in India dies - CNN.com We have a big problem here. Hindus are 80% of India and this type of violence is tolerated on a regular basis. Women are...
  9. Andal


    Namaste, Has anyone here made pilgrimage to Tirupati? I'm going to be in India for 3 weeks at the end of the summer and couldn't bare to go and not visit Balaji :) If you've been do you have any pointers or advice? This will be my first time traveling in the South. I've traveled alone...
  10. Andal

    marble murtis

    Namaste :) Does anyone know of a good website to order marble murtis from? I'm looking for a Sriman Narayana murti and every website I've come across it says "send inquiry" when I do that I never get a response. Thanks so much :) Aum Hari Aum
  11. Andal

    Vaishnava Tantra

    Namaste Everyone :) Wannabe brought up Vaishnava Tantra in another thread and I was wondering if anyone has more info about it. I did some searching and came up with the Sahaja but couldn't find a whole lot of detail. Does anyone know of any good sources to learn about this? Aum Hari Aum!
  12. Andal

    Happy Rama Navami :D

    A very joyous and blessed Sri Rama Navami to everyone at Religious Forums :D
  13. Andal

    your favorite images :)

    Namaskar Everyone This is just one of those for fun threads inspired by the one with the pic of Kali Ma. Anyway, this thread is all about your favorite images of the Divine. Post your favorite pics of devas, devis, murtis, mandirs. Whatever resonates with you on a deep level. It...
  14. Andal

    Home shrines

    Namaskar Everyone, I thought it would be fun to start a thread about home altars or shrines. Do you have one? What are your thoughts on them? What do you use yours for? What's on your altar? Lots of questions, I know, but if you keep a home altar, or shrine, or icon corner, prayer room...
  15. Andal

    I need some reassurance

    Namaskar Everyone, I had a very strange discussion in my anthropology class tonight. In it one of the other students said something along the lines that people who adopt practices that they are not born into are fakes or posers. This really bothered because I got to thinking about myself...
  16. Andal

    Dear Mormons

    Namaste, This is a question to any LDS members here. I have noticed that FFH identifies himself as an LDS member. When I was in college I had a fairly devout Mormon roommate and she never talked about the end of the world, hell's location, or the damnation of all non believers. So I would...
  17. Andal

    Janmashtami wishes :)

    Have a happy and wonderful Janmashtami everyone :) Hare Krishna!!!
  18. Andal

    Christians and Buddhists met 1000 years ago

    I thought this article was interesting and wanted to share it. When Jesus met Buddha - The Boston Globe
  19. Andal


    The word Cult is something that gets thrown around a lot in popular culture and language. It conjures up images of violence, secrets, rituals, multiple marriages, etc. This tends to be far from what academics have to say as many scholars of religion do not recognize the term cult but instead...
  20. Andal


    I have been thinking about getting a tattoo for a long time. I don't have any but several of my family and friends have them. I want to get something religious or spiritual and I know this is a popular reason and theme in tattoos. So do any of your have religious or spiritual tattoos? What...