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Search results for query: "Malachi 2"

  1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: 2
  1. McBell

    Does The Bible Contain Errors And Contradictions

    Poor Poor Jasper... He is Bruno. No one talks about him. Except for Jesus....
  2. U

    Does The Bible Contain Errors And Contradictions

    Specific about marriage Matthew 19:4 to Genesis 1:27; 5:2 Matthew 19:5,8 to Genesis 2:24 Matthew 19:9 to Malachi 2:14
  3. W

    The Gospel of Freedom

    Israel and Judah Ezekiel 13:2-4, Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel who prophesy, and say to those who prophesy from their own inspiration, ~Listen to the word of the Lord!' Thus says the Lord Hosts, "Woe to the foolish prophets who are following their own spirit and have seen...
  4. T

    If Christ comes today, how do you know it is really Him?

    As I have offered before CG, I see the prophecy is timeless and all of God's given Messengers will have fulfilled this prophecy either outwardly or inwardly. Also offered is that the Kitab-i-iqan explains this in logical sequence and detail. There are individual aspects that we still will not...
  5. CG Didymus

    If Christ comes today, how do you know it is really Him?

    You quote Malachi, but is it in context? Malachi 2:11 Judah has been unfaithful. A detestable thing has been committed in Israel and in Jerusalem: Judah has desecrated the sanctuary the Lord loves by marrying women who worship a foreign god. 12 As for the man who does this, whoever he may be...
  6. WonderingWorrier

    Mystery Babylon Identified Using Just Two Verses

    You have put wilderness as desert and waste places. So reading the verse as all being the same thing, rather than being about separate things. Can you show any other supporting verses that they are all the same thing? So what is the difference between Wilderness like Eden, and Eden like...
  7. 2

    Who Or What Is Israel?

    The difference is that the LORD knew Esau/Edom from the foundations of the earth, and knew his and his seed's end, and apparently things didn't and won't end as well for that family line as they might have hoped. Keep in mind that the Arabs claim to be of Ishmael, but their native homeland was...
  8. Elihoenai

    Who Or What Is Israel?

    Malachi 1 1 The burden of the word of the Lord to Israel by Malachi. 2 I have loved you, saith the Lord. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob's brother? saith the Lord: yet I loved Jacob, 3 And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons...
  9. WonderingWorrier

    The Curse of the Law.

    Maybe instead of escaping it we could confront it. So what would happen to the curse if the blessings were found to be saying the same things as the curses, and the curses were saying the same things as the blessings? As even the blessings have been cursed: If ye will not hear, and if ye...
  10. John D. Brey

    The Curse of the Law.

    If you like the paradoxical nature of the Law, then you'd probably like Daniel Boyarin's essay, Was Paul and Antisemite? In the essay Professor Boyarin argues that Paul's belief was that if you "do the Law" you will not fulfill the Law, since living by faith is the fulfillment of the Law, while...
  11. WonderingWorrier

    The Curse of the Law.

    The Law is both a blessing and a curse. It is not about accepting or rejecting the law. It is about understanding the law. If the commands are understood correctly then it is a blessing and leads towards. But if the commands are not understood correctly then it is a curse and leads away...
  12. nPeace

    Does Atheism Lead to Immoral Behavior?

    You only say this because you are atheist, and that causes you to oppose anything remotely truthful about God. The atheist simply will not allow himself to consider anything that would threaten his desire to not believe in God. I don't expect you to accept anything reasonable, lest it forces...
  13. dybmh

    With bafflement upon bafflement!

    @Redemptionsong , Since you haven't replied this morning, I'm thinking maybe you're finished debating. If so, it's time to tally up the results: Spiritual Blindness vs. Spiritual Hallucinations. Spiritual Blindness: Post #21: Psalm 22 is about the crucifixion? Yes, it's similar to the...
  14. dybmh

    With bafflement upon bafflement!

    And that's how idols are made... ;) Not really... if Christ is salvation, these words are describing zealotry. Salvation is not zealotry, two totally different concepts/archetypes. Just ask yourself, does salvation kill? But... but .... you skipped verse 4 :p. "... My covenant be with Levi...
  15. Redemptionsong

    With bafflement upon bafflement!

    Seeing Christ in the various types and figures of scripture is important. In Numbers 25;12,13 you have two verses that could easily be applied directly to Jesus: 'Wherefore say, Behold, I give unto him my covenant of peace: And he shall have it, and his seed after him, even the covenant of an...
  16. Dogknox20

    Baptism in Christianity

    Fool So you say.... Christians have always believed Baptism makes us God' children! Baptism washes away sins! Mark 1:4 And so John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. Luke 3:3 He went into all the country around the Jordan...
  17. Fool

    Baptism in Christianity

    everything is already god's because is the creator, the father of all being baptized makes you aware of what already is, not what might be possible our father doesn't require a baptism. it only requires a recognition of the hallowed named mentioned in the same prayer. malachi 2:10 acts 17:28
  18. David Davidovich

    What is the Jewish Understanding of Exodus 6:3, YHWH, G-d, and Hashem?

    But, @Ehav4Ever, the regular Jehovah's Witnesses get all their information from a group of 7 or 8 men called the governing body aka the faithful and discreet slave who claim to be anointed with holy spirit and who will go to heaven (most JWs aren't, but only a few of them are) who live at...
  19. paarsurrey

    A question for the Jehovah's Witnesses

    " God is a spirit " A wrong Hellenist-Pauline notion, it seems, please. Right? All spirits are creation of G-d, G-d is the Creator not the created, I understand, please. Right? Regards
  20. TiggerII

    A question for the Jehovah's Witnesses

    God is a spirit person (see New Bible Dictionary - p. 427), which means that he does not have a material body, but a spiritual one: We read, “If there is a physical body, there is also a spiritual one” (1 Cor. 15:44; John 4:24). God, being an individual, a person with a spirit body, has a...