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  • Thanks for the “friendly” frubal.
    I Hope you’re having a non-stressful day! As much as possible.
    Take comfort in your cats, I love cats too! Felidae is my favorite family of animals in taxonomy, all 41 species of them!

    I look forward to God’s promise in Isaiah 11:6-9 being fulfilled!

    All the best to you.
    Would you be interested in joining the Theist Only forum? It is a private forum for theists, you would just have to put a request in to join under Site Feedback.
    Thanks for the useful and like on I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things
    Specifically, you said you wished you had never been born (something like that). That's very close to wanting to be dead. But look, if I've got it wrong and you are OK, if sad, then nobody is happier than me.
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    I can see how you could have interpreted what I said that way. I do feel that way sometimes, momentarily, but I don't always feel that way. I tend to have mood swings. Not everyone is happy all the time, but that does not mean they are depressed. Some people just are not predisposed to always being upbeat and a lot of that is genetic.
    OK if you say so. I have volunteered on a suicide help line, and was a Stephen Minister at church for a while. Some things you said were flashing red lights to me. I'd rather be wrong than ignore something like that.
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    I'm not sure what I said to make you think that. I'm not elated, but why would I be after losing a husband of 37 years? But I am not clinically depressed, just wondering where I'll go from here. I just started attending a bereavement group but I am not sure how much help that will be since I am not really grieving like the other people.
    So thankful for the “useful” badge in the “special” aspects that I believe my God gives :) May the “special” grace follow you :)
    Dear one, I hear a desperate unhappiness in your "God not loving thread". I am thinking of you and hoping you can get through this, as you have so much in the past. Can you imagine a huge hug from me? It's the best I can do here.
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    There is no "this" and there is no desperation. I have never believed that God is loving, this is not related to any recent events. Thanks for the hug. Knowing that people are loving is all I need. Imagining that God is loving does not help me.
    Ignore the mild flirting, that's just something I do, also in an attempt to cheer you up. I'm in a stable relationship, and I'm way past the age when I want to screw around anyway. In short, I'm safe. My name is Tony. Please don't share it online. (A polite refusal will not offend me).
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    Thanks Tony. I am glad you are in a stable relationship. We are both past the age of screwing around. Thanks for your offer to cheer me up, I need all the help I can get! You can PM me any time.
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