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  • Thank you for the “like” rating, my sister.

    Hope you are doing well.
    Hi. I'm doing well. Still more or less sane in this insane world, so positive balance. And you?
    We’re doing ok. Just getting older, keeping busy, and waiting for Jehovah to step in & say ‘enough is enough’!
    Not only do people need relief, but this planet needs it, too.

    I’m glad you’re doing well.
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    Thanks for the Informative on When can you retire

    BTW, i was able to retire at 45 and live the good life in france.
    Thanks for the winner frube on If you had the power to grant your own wishes.What would you wish for?
    Thanks for the winner frube on What do women get in Heaven?
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    And thanks for the opti frube on I would like you to pray for my aunt.
    Thanks for the winner frube on The Mistake You Keep Making
    And thanks for the funny frube on after the bread... gas
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