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  • Trailblazer is clearly out of her depth bless her. The others I really don't know what to say, apologetics just seems crazier the more they explain it to me.

    People is dumb!
    Hey Buddy, so sad to say but my fiancé has informed me that I am spending to much time goofing around on line. I had a great time seeing your posts. Thanks for getting my back and making the forum fun. Hope you have an awesome life.
    You're leaving? Shame to hear it.
    Thank you for your winner frube on Sin is everywhere in Science. How to use sin for your purposes?
    Thanks for the winner frube on Adoption, Abortion, and Self
    Your comment was very true. Religion is pro-birth, but after that it seems like they don't much care.
    Thanx for the un-biblical calculus frubal.
    And for phrubilling believing in the improbable.
    And for the not needing saving Yeoman Rand phlurblit.
    And for foolbring the 2 bogus proofs.
    Hi, I am glad you have accepted the friend request and joined the Party - Martin:) - let the fun begin!
    well, it seems that Martin is in a friendly mood today,
    and I enjoyed the 2 main threads we discussed (ie: bestiality and incest):)
    Hi there!:)

    still on the Incest thread? - on and on it goes......ho ho - regards, Martin!
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