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Shadow Wolf
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  • Thanx for froobing opposition to death threats.
    And for the GPS show frubal.
    And for furballing the Irish.
    And for flurbing not liking people.
    And for the not even wrong frubal.
    And for furlbing attacking Elon Musk.
    And for the Blues Brothers number fruber.
    And for furballing fried trout.
    And for the yummy looking ketchup fruubup.
    And for the religions making others wrong frubal.
    And for the frubal....& get off'n me lawn!
    And for the protecting children frubren.
    And for fruballing SS bennies.
    And for the addiction fruble.
    And for furball'n bacon reasons.
    And for the third party voting frubing.
    And for flurbing pulling the pin.
    And for the Fredericks Of Hollywood flurble.
    And for flurbitting the new RF logo frubo.
    Thanx for the arachnophobic bear frubal.
    And for fruballing unprecedented personal hatred.
    And for the not being like Trump (or Hillary) frubary.
    And for froobing efficient justice.
    And for the Disenchantment frubment.
    And for froolbing dysfunctional religion.
    And for froubling protecting threatened children.
    And for the soccer fruber.
    And for fruballing joining MENSA.
    Thanx for flurbing Piltdown Man's usefulness!
    And for the curtains & drapes frubal !'
    And for foorbing women's poor judgement of length!
    And for the merkin frubin!
    And for flurballing cooking ghost peppers!
    And for the sentient being judgement frubement!
    And for froubing touching most unwanted!
    And for the origins of intentional incivility frubity!
    And for furballing Israeli war lust....at our expense!
    Thanx for fruballing not killing me!
    And for the working alone fruble!
    And for furballing Koko!
    And for the sartorial blanditude frubitude!
    And for froobing Pence's danger to law!
    And for the simplifying assumption frubol !
    And for froubling having less than the best!
    And for the better quality males fruble!
    And for fluorbing special snowflakes!
    So what are your thoughts on Prequelle?
    Shadow Wolf
    Shadow Wolf
    I want to love it, I really like some songs, but it gets too poppy for me at times. I even felt kind of let down in the song with Mikael Åkerfeldt, Helvetesfonster.
    Father Heathen
    Father Heathen
    Yeah, pretty much sums up my feelings as well. There are two or three songs that I really like, the rest are just okay, but I really don't like "Dance Macabre".
    Shadow Wolf
    Shadow Wolf
    I didn't care for that one either.
    Thanx for the spoiled rotten athletes frubal !
    And for the instability of perpetual frubal growth!
    And for the general criminal justice reform furball !
    And for froobing the depressing effect of thinking of Prez Pence!
    Thanx for froobing how real men shave!
    And for the gay superhero frubero!
    And for fruballing the Kent State massacre!
    And for the multi-generational frubional !
    And for froolbing the would-be Roseanne boycott!
    And for the disliking Roseanne flurblit!
    And for fruballing losing the war by playing chess instead of go!
    And for the Happytime Murder fruber!
    And for frooblering raising volunteer armies!
    Thanx for flurbing can openers!
    And for the Apstralia frublia!
    And for fruballing gorillas giving the bird!
    And for the testing testing frubal !
    And for the highly intelligent frubigent!!
    And for froobing darting the bear!
    And for the full contact golf flurbit!
    And for fruballing Worm Away!
    And for the missing empathy gene frooble!
    Thanx for enfroobling the dangers of cops even when there's no crime!
    And for the gimme gimme gimme frubal !
    And for furballing giving KY to partners!
    And for the challenging frubening!
    And for enfrooballing mere opinion!
    And for enfroobling science not having all the questions!
    And for the correct sperm deposit method flurbod!
    And for fruballing my sloth coach!
    And for the robot-proof remodelling contractor frubor!
    Thanx for fruballing all views being proven by youtube videos!
    And for flurbing another one biting the dust!
    And for the hard working hoax actor frubor!
    And for fruballing Cancer Man!
    And for the militarized Roomba fruba!
    And for frooballing the illegality of cops boinking arrestees!
    And for floorbing my being too progressive!
    And for the cop as rapist frubist!
    Thanx for the vaping instead of smoking frubing!
    And for fruballing the question of sex offender rights!
    And for the Kirkland maple syrup froobup!
    And for furballing the suckiness of China's new program!
    And for the discussion v debate fruble!
    And for the incompetent federal fruberal !
    And for fruubing cultural marxism!
    And for the GW Bush masterminding 9/11 furball !
    And for fuurlbing phat, dumb & happy!
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