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Antichrist Discussions ~ FFH ~


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Those are two obvious things which people use to push their ungodly beliefs onto others..

Funny do you kno anything about Martial Arts, last I checked they aren't tell people theere going to Hell or are an Anti-Christ because they don't follow it. Note I have been in are leraning about Martial Arts from a vary age age, no pushing of believes, And video games are for fun, some people take things to far my friend. Though no after playing God of War I do some times think I am Kratos the God of War.:D


Veteran Member
There is no way to misunderstand the LDS churches position on this matter, if you read those quotes very carefully..

It's not a "killjoy" teaching, it will enhance our lives if we get rid of certain things in our homes...

Still think I'm a "blind sheep" following an unknown being I've created in my mind ????


Well-Known Member
There is no way to misunderstand the churches position on this matter, if you read those quotes carefully..

It's not a "killjoy" teaching, it actually will enhance our lives to get rid of certain things in our homes...

The most important thing to get out of one's home is the panic-ridden kind of hysteria you espouse.



Veteran Member
There is no way to misunderstand the LDS churches position on this matter, if you read those quotes very carefully..

It's not a "killjoy" teaching, it will reather enhance our lives if we get rid of certain things in our homes...

Then why hasn't it been taught in ANY of the wards I've grown up in? (I've lived in a couple of Washington State wards, a couple of Utah wards and a couple of Idaho wards). So far, it's never come up. :no:


Veteran Member
The most important thing to get out of one's home is the panic-ridden kind of hysteria you espouse.

Whatever, no panic here...

For those who think I have no life, I work about 60 hours a week. My life is very streamlined though, so I still have plenty of time to do whatever, like trade stocks on the net..

I also post here at work...


Veteran Member
Then why hasn't it been taught in ANY of the wards I've grown up in? (I've lived in a couple of Washington State wards, a couple of Utah wards and a couple of Idaho wards). So far, it's never come up. :no:
It's not in any of the lesson manuals that I've read, but it obviously came across my ears one way or another. It's a very touchy subject with people in general, which has definitely proven to be the case here, so why would anyone want to bring it up in church and get the same response I've gotten here ????

Most would rather save themselves the grief..

So you still think the LDS church does not have a stance on this ????

How could you possibly misread those quotes ????

Four prophets and one very well known and loved apostle spoke out against them (playing cards)..

Matt. 18: 16
16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

2 Cor. 13: 1
1 This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.

D&C 6: 28
28 And now, behold, I give unto you, and also unto my servant Joseph, the keys of this gift, which shall bring to light this ministry; and in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.

D&C 128: 3
3 Now, in relation to this matter, it would be very difficult for one recorder to be present at all times, and to do all the business. To obviate this difficulty, there can be a recorder appointed in each ward of the city, who is well qualified for taking accurate minutes; and let him be very particular and precise in taking the whole proceedings, certifying in his record that he saw with his eyes, and heard with his ears, giving the date, and names, and so forth, and the history of the whole transaction; naming also some three individuals that are present, if there be any present, who can at any time when called upon certify to the same, that in the mouth of two or three wtnesses every word may be established.


Veteran Member
Because you wanted to find evil in it, you want to find evil and anti-Christs everywhere.
No, I don't want to find it, it shouts out at me very loudly, without even paying any attention to it...

I like playing cards too, but I can do without it/them, if it brings a bad spirit into the home..

Don't get me wrong, I have other vices, as we all do, this is just one of them that I can do without...

Not perfect by any means...just throwing this stuff out so we can talk and consider things that might not have been considered before...

I doubt many know of the LDS churche's stance on playing cards...

Even Katzpur may not have known it was something our prophets have spoken out against...


Veteran Member
Some pretty harsh words from Bruce R. McKonkie (former membe of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the LDS church)...

"A deck of cards in the hands of a faithful servant of God is a satire upon religion.... Those who thus indulge are not fit to administer in sacred ordinances."

Light Planet

I'm not alone in this and have known cards were something I did not want to own, since returning from my mission to Japan, where a different form of gamblng is present throughout that country, called "Pachinko".

My senses were heightened while serving on a mission, so much so that I cannot ignore the promptings of the spirit. They continue to bug me until I do what the spirit says...


The Lost One
If my sister and brother-in-law ever come to RF, and read some of posts and topics, FFH, I'd think you would have successfully freaked them out and become ex-LDS if they think other Mormons think the way you do.

Such paranoia and hysteria do more harms than good.


Veteran Member
If my sister and brother-in-law ever come to RF, and read some of posts and topics, FFH, I'd think you would have successfully freaked them out and become ex-LDS if they think other Mormons think the way you do.

Such paranoia and hysteria do more harms than good.
You really never know what people sitting next to you in church are really thinking. We put up good fronts in church that's for sure..

Just the term antichrist freaks people out.

Christ used it and so will I...


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Think! The Anti-Christ would argue the case of Christ with Angels, even go as far as accusing them....Balaam...


Veteran Member
You really never know what people sitting next to you in church are really thinking. We put up good fronts in church that's for sure..

Just the term antichrist freaks people out.

Christ used it and so will I...

How often does the current Prophet and apostles use it?


Liebe ist für alle da
Ok one more thing with the stupid cards. FFH "evil" spirits and being ill only come into your house if you let them. Playing a game of GO Fish with playing cards is not going to summon a Demon from the darkest pits of Hell.


Well-Known Member
You really never know what people sitting next to you in church are really thinking. We put up good fronts in church that's for sure..

Just the term antichrist freaks people out.

Christ used it and so will I...

I don't attend "church", FFH. And the whole point of a Baha`i community is to 'consult' on the community's business--spiritual or material in an open forum--since we have no clergy.

I DO know what my community members are thinking, we can't be a community without knowing that. We can't be community members without a commitment to open communication.



Veteran Member
I don't attend "church", FFH. And the whole point of a Baha`i community is to 'consult' on the community's business--spiritual or material in an open forum--since we have no clergy.

I DO know what my community members are thinking, we can't be a community without knowing that. We can't be community members without a commitment to open communication.

I'm not saying it's not taught in church, just people freak out, in general, when you mention this term or try to talk about it...

It's clearly discussed in the Bible, Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants and has been taught/discussed by many Prophets and Apostles of the LDS church and is included in LDS Gospel Doctrine manuals and many other manuals, magazines and other writings of the LDS church..

Lesson 27: “All Things Denote There Is a God”
Book of Mormon Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual
What is ananti-Christ? See Bible Dictionary, “Antichrist,” 609, which says that an anti-Christ is “anyone or anything that counterfeits the true gospel or plan of salvation and that openly or secretly is set up in opposition to Christ.”) • What were some of the false teachings Korihor spread among the people of Zarahemla?
Gospel Library > Lessons > Sunday School

America’s Promise
Marion G. Romney
I do so as a warning against the ongoing anti-Christ trend in America today. Communism is the greatest anti-Christ power in the world today and therefore the greatest menace not only to our peace but to our preservation as a free people.
Gospel Library > Magazines > Ensign > September 1979

Lesson 44: “God Is Love”
New Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual
John cautions against the spirit of anti-Christ • In his epistles, John repeatedly warned the Saints to avoid anti-Christs. What did John say anti-Christs try to do?
Gospel Library > Lessons > Sunday School

New Testament Backgrounds: The Epistles of John
J. Lewis Taylor
Second John warns especially against false teachers (“deceivers,” “antichrist”) who denied Christ’s physical nature; whereas Third John warns against a false leader. John warns the saints against the growing threat of “deceivers” and antichrists.
Gospel Library > Magazines > Ensign > July 1976

Revelation: The Plainest Book Ever Written
Reed C. Durham
The writer of Revelation most vividly presented a drama of the historical struggle between all the forces of evil (anti-Christ) and the kingdom of righteousness (Christ).
Gospel Library > Magazines > New Era > May 1973

Countering Korihor’s Philosophy
Gerald N. Lund
Ensign, Jan. 1992, p. 5.) In Alma 30, Mormon gives a lengthy account of a man he calls “Anti-Christ” (), including a detailed summary of his false teachings.
Gospel Library > Magazines > Ensign > July 1992

Words of the Early Apostles: Safely Anchored by Love
H. Ross Workman
John’s Warning Speaking to those early Saints, aware of the advancing apostasy, John sounds a warning: “Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard thatantichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; … Many false prophets are gone out into the world” John warns that the path to darkness is paved with lies, not only the lies told by anti-Christs and false prophets, but the lies of those who deceive themselves. “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves”
Gospel Library > Magazines > Ensign > December 2003

The Consequences of Choosing Unbelief
N. Eldon Tanner
Sometimes I think we feel there is more disputation and uncertainty and anti-Christ sentiment abroad today than ever before.
Gospel Library > Magazines > Ensign > December 1979

Becoming the Pure in Heart
Spencer W. Kimball
Is not this the spirit of the anti-Christ in which “every man prospered according to his genius, and … every man conquered according to his strength; and whatsoever a man did was no crime”?
Gospel Library > Magazines > Ensign > March 1985

A Witness and a Warning
Ezra Taft Benson
It is a battle between two opposing systems: freedom and slavery, Christ and anti-Christ. Communism is the greatest anti-Christ power in the world today and therefore the greatest menace not only to our peace but to our preservation as a free people.
Gospel Library > Magazines > Ensign > November 1979

Honesty, a Principle of Salvation
Mark E. Petersen
Apostasy from Christ becomes anti-Christ, and who among us can afford that? To be anti-Christ is to be against him, to fight against him, even in silent disobedience.
Gospel Library > Magazines > Ensign > December 1971

From this search page: LDS.org


Veteran Member
Nobody even mentioned the bananas and their evil allies, the tomatoes
Yeah, and I'm especially disappointed no one mentioned Popeye. ;)

"I y'am what I y'am"
~ Popeye (antichrist, the writer behind it) ~

An antichrist will imitate Christ in order to deceive.

~ Jesus (Christ)~

Exodus 3: 14
And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

Before anyone gets all hot and bothered, an LDS seminary teacher in Salt Lake brought this up in 1984, when I was in high school, attending LDS seminary for four years, during high school, as an elective/release/religious credit or whatever they used to call it....