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By the way -- if you claim to be a Christian...


Χριστός ἀνέστη
Someone has it wrong. Yeshua's story was that he would only perform the sign of Jonah, which is 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of he sea monster (earth)(Mt 12:40). Your "on the "3rd day" is a quote from Hosea 6:2, which comes after 2 days (2000 years)
You need to explain how you made those 2 days to be 2000 years.
Secondly , let's leave what i said and assume that is correct.What year is it now , 2024 - right? So we need to wait until 2033 , or am i wrong?

, at which time Judah and Ephraim/Israel will be healed after they confess their transgressions (Hosea 5:15).
Ok , but still even going with this analogy the year is 2033

Well, here we are, approximately 2000 years since "I will go away" (Hosea 5:15).
Well , technically not as i explained.

The Gentile church has made a covenant with death
This is straw man

There is no Gentile or Jew since we are all equal before God with the NT.
There is no Covenant with Death , there is Covenant with Life.

, that "we shall not all sleep/die", "a refuge of lies", in leau of using the cornerstone, which is based on righteousness and justice (Isaiah 28:15-16). Peter is not a "tested stone" other than he denied Christ 3 times, and he surely isn't precious except to the daughter of Babylon, the Roman church.
This analogy shows that you did not read Matthew 26:31-32

And again , you doing straw man on the covenant with death

You only show that you have not read 1 Corinthians 15
'Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?'

A Cornerstone in Zion
Isaiah 28:…15For you said, “We have made a covenant with death; we have fashioned an agreement with Sheol. When the overwhelming scourge passes through it will not touch us, because we have made lies our refuge and falsehood our hiding place.” 16So this is what the Lord GOD says: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation; the one who believes will never be shaken. 17I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the level. Hail will sweep away your refuge of lies, and water will flood your hiding place.…
Isaiah 28:15 starts with : Because ye have said ..
Isaiah 28:16 starts with : Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD...

You fail to see the difference however..

Isaiah 28:21
'For the LORD will rise up as in mount Perazim, He will be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon; that He may do His work, strange is His work, and bring to pass His act, strange is His act.'

You should also read Isaiah 28:25-29
Maybe you will learn somethimg ;)


Χριστός ἀνέστη
The Law, via the 1st and 2nd amendment, is freedom of speech, and right to bear arms, which the state, in the form of the present Progressive administration is increasingly trying to limit.
Ok , i was not speaking specifically for America , since i am from Europe and i don't have the knowledge or data to even answer what you stated.

The current "state" is worried that Trump will enforce the laws as written. There goes their dictatorship of a pen and a phone down the drain.
You are citizen of that country , feel free to vote against what you think is not helpfull for your country.

I actually studied law while at my university.While not a lawyer, I am probably more aware of the basics of law
Why do you think that?

than some language major, such as you seem to claim expertise in language, besides seemingly claiming an expertise in the religion of men.
I speak 8 languages , probably that is the consequence i have to bear.

Isaiah 28 does give titles to the word but it does not change the fundemental meaning.

Maybe you should read Psalm 118, it will be clearer ;)

I live in a Republic, whereas I vote for a representative and a Senator. The winner may or may not represent my views.
So be active in politics to change that.
My friend wanted to study law , and she went to study law.
Now she has the chance to be MP in the next elections at only 27 years.

The left is trying to dilute my voting rights by importing millions of illegal immigrants, and trying to give them voting access, by allowing anyone to vote without a US ID.
I am not aware of any politics in America that is why i am not qualified to talk about it.

But i have seen this imigration procces in Europe to have certain consequences.
However Poland stands strong regarding imigration.
The common EU people had it enough with this brutal liberalism.It goes beyond values.

When the illegal immigrants have been interviewed at the border, they have been prepped to vote for Biden. Hey, I live in fly over country, and I have both legal and illegal immigrant friends, who I can count on, and the Sheriff, doesn't care who you are, if you break the law, you are toast.
Welcome to the World

The thing is that when you become loud and you know the law , you have the chance to stand against such pressure.

I certainly chosed another path since i don't think that the system needs change.Morality needs to be changed and you start that at the bottom - religion.


Well-Known Member
Got any evidence of this supposed prepping to vote for Biden?

And I'm still waiting for evidence of your claim that "everybody" in SFO, LA and NYC is moving to conservative states.
You will have to take my word that I viewed interviews with illegal immigrants at the border saying that they would vote for Biden if that were possible. Otherwise you will have to believe Forbes about the left moving to red states.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
You will have to take my word that I viewed interviews with illegal immigrants at the border saying that they would vote for Biden if that were possible. Otherwise you will have to believe Forbes about the left moving to red states.

I don't take people's word for it unless they can provide the evidence of it.

Nowhere is that article does it say "everybody" is moving as you claimed.


Well-Known Member
You need to explain how you made those 2 days to be 2000 years.
Secondly , let's leave what i said and assume that is correct.What year is it now , 2024 - right? So we need to wait until 2033 , or am i wrong?
I generally assume that you are wrong. With God 1 day is as a thousand years, per 2 Peter 3:8, which refers to Ps 90:4. Herod the Great was the guy who killed the children 2 years or younger, which would include 2 year olds, which is around 3 years. Herod the Great died around 4 B.C.. and Yeshua supposedly died at the age of 33, which means that you have to subtract around 7 (3 +4) from 33 to get 26, or around the year 2026. Plus, the Jewish year is a lunar year, not a solar year. God always warns the "wicked" before he destroys them (such as with Ninevah). As Har-Magedon, the "day of the LORD" (Joel 2:30-32) comes with earthquakes (Rev 16:16-18) and blood moons, you now have earthquakes in the lawless/wicked New York, blood moons in the US, and you have the rains in California washing the coast into the sea (Mt 7:27), and Portland is a hell hole (Sodom and Mt St Helen). And those with any sense are fleeing the blue states to red states hoping for some protection from the crazies. As for the "day of the LORD", judgement of the nations/Gentiles, it starts in Jerusalem (Zech 14), the stars are already falling from the skies, as in the number of missiles (100 pounds hailstones) shot by the Islamist (Rev 16:21) upon Jerusalem.


Well-Known Member
There is no Gentile or Jew since we are all equal before God with the NT.
There is no Covenant with Death , there is Covenant with Life.
Yeah, your "message" is the "message" of the "evil one", the "devil" (Mt 13:37-42). You think you will not "sleep"/"die", but you will per Jeremiah 31:30, for "everyone will die for their own iniquities". The only ones who "escape"/"survive" the "day of the LORD", are those on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem (Joel 2:32), which pretty much excludes most "Christians", who by preponderance of numbers, have the "mark of the beast". The term "Gentile" is with respect to the "nations", and per Joel 3:2, that is the time for the judgment of the Gentiles/nations, after the restoration of Jerusalem, and Judah (Joel 3:1). That restoration started in 1948. As for the Gentiles/nations, those who survive will bow down to the king in Jerusalem (Zech 14:16) As for the strangers (gentiles) they will bow down as slaves to Jacob (Isaiah 14:1-2), at least those who haven't been killed or sold into slavery (Joel 3:7-8). Gentiles are in no better place than the Muslims, or Atheist. They all hold on to their false prophets, whether that being the likes Marx, Muhammad, or Paul. You are apparently hanging onto a falling hanger, in the form of the Pope, successor of Peter (Isaiah 22:25).
Joel 3:1 “In those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem,


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Trump said that the rich and famous could grab a p*ssy.

No, he said he could!!! Did you ever actually listen to the recording by Access Hollywood? You can find it on YouTube, but if you can't find it, I can help you.

Trump was found guilty by a New York jury of "sexual abuse", not sexual assault or rape.

So? Sexual assault is all fine & dandy with your sense of basic Judeo/Christian morality?


Jesus in me
No, he said he could!!! Did you ever actually listen to the recording by Access Hollywood? You can find it on YouTube, but if you can't find it, I can help you.

So? Sexual assault is all fine & dandy with your sense of basic Judeo/Christian morality?
I doubt that he was a Christian when he said that and I have things before I was saved that I regret also.


Veteran Member
Simple. I don't go to doctors, nor do I go out and get vaccine shots, of any kind.
You don't go to doctors? So my hypothetical is completely foreign to you? You can't even imagine it?

What do you do when you need knee surgery or something?
They can't take my job, because I am self-employed.
Which has what to do with the content of my post you're responding to?
I purchase and grow my own food.
Which has what to do with the content of the post you're responding to?
It has been the Progressive government and the pharmaceutical industry which has been forcing things down people's throats. I subscribe to neither.
Which has what to do with the content of my post you're responding to?
I owe no one and have alternate energy sources.
Which has what to do with the content of my post you're responding to?

Are you trying to tell me that you enjoy your full bodily autonomy without interference?
When the sky falls, I have food, water, fuel, shelter, and security. What do you have to remain secure from the government and their edicts? All you have is a stool to yell your warmed-over ideas from.
Cool. What does this comment have to do with the content of my post you were responding to?

See, here we go again, with you failing to respond to the questions and points in my post and just going off on some other tangent. This is the second confirmation now, which backs up my claims of you doing this. Which, if you'll remember, was the original reason I gave for deciding to stop responding to your posts (that you complained about).

This was all in response to, "Nope. It means exactly what it says and it applies equally to both men and women.
You enjoy the right to have control over your own body, and so do I, as it should be. You have zero right to tell me what I need to be doing with my own body and vice versa.

Or think about it this way ... would you like it if next time you were at the doctor's office, I came with you and decided for you what treatment you would be receiving (or not receiving) and you don't get any input. Other people decide for you. If there's a life-saving treatment and I decide you can't have it, then oh well, too bad for you. Sounds pretty crappy, right?"

The closest you came to addressing my post was your recognition that you get to decide for yourself whether to be vaccinated or not.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I doubt that he was a Christian when he said that and I have things before I was saved that I regret also.

I hope we all would regret things we have may still now regret, so with the above what are you really saying?


Veteran Member
I don't know, I have been given warnings by the administrators around a dozen times whenever one of you guys get their feelings hurt and report they are melting. I don't really think the administrators find my post out of line, but they have to do something every time a snowflake complains. I am content to listen to you guys, because every time you speak you expose yourselves. I can say no to government, media, and the pharmaceutical industry, whereas you will have a harder time. If the sky falls, I have timber in the country, which has food, water, energy, and security measures. On the other hand, you apparently think Trudeau will save you, and keep you warm, as you keep voting him into office. Once Canada loses power, you have about 3 days before you are without food, water, transportation, and security. As for you saying you are not going to answer my posts, well, that apparently is never going to happen. Metis stops and starts, and he is the only one that kind of follows through, but always breaks down and responds. It is like with the Sovereign Citizens, they say they will not speak, but in the end, they can't help themselves. The best you can do is throw stones at me and actual "scripture", which is the basis of this forum.
So despite your complaining and judgments about "snowflakes" you've still not been censored.
I do find it funny that you've gone on and on about your feelings while branding others who have done the same as snowflakes. Interesting.


Veteran Member
If Mexico is so safe, why the need for the high tech security cameras? I have to assume that you are using your wife's high tech computer to send out this message. It seems that you probably left a Progressive US state to seek a survivalist lifestyle. I mean I ate eggs and beef for breakfeast, not cabazzo beans.

Californians are fleeing, but mostly to Texas, but they are apparently undermining other states as well. You seem to have contracted a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. You left out about the Transgender shooting up a school, Muslims shooting up a Gay bar, or that Medicare has already spent their funds, and that the pyramid scheme of support is coming to an end. Requiring ID is not a suppression of voting. To drive, rent or buy a house, go into a federal building, to collect Social Security or benefits, to purchase liquor or cigarettes, to pick up garbanzo beans from Amazon, all require ID. Or do you not have an ID, and your wife does all the lifting? You sound like a "woke" Progressive, who relies heavily on your wife. What America does, affects the whole world. Biden giving billions to Iran, led the Iran funneling of money to insurgents around Israel, and the support of terror. Ukraine giving money to Hunter Biden, apparently now has the US funding the federal government of Ukraine, as well as their social security payments. When most of the US banks fail, due to the current commercial real estate market crash, as well as those in China, due to their real estate collapse, it will affect everyone in the whole world. Biden’s April 2022 Remark About Some Ukraine Aid Covering Pensions Is Not ‘Breaking’ News - FactCheck.org
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And you sound like a dude trapped inside a bubble where you can't see anything outside of your extreme political bias and you assume others do the same and are the same. I don't view the world through the same narrow lens that you do. It's not our M.O. here in Canada either.

I'd love for you to define what you think "woke" means though. That's always fun.


Veteran Member
I am a slum lord, who sits back and collects money from people. The only thing the government does is make the profession of providing reasonable housing to people more difficult, to the point that in Progressive cities, that it cost over 1.7 million dollars to provide a single public toilet, which can not be completed until 2025. California’s $1.7 Million Toilet Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
One of my tenants is a nurse, who was required to get a vaccine, and wear a mask to go to work. Her daughters were required to get vaccinated and wear masks to go to school. The government also closed schools and courts. They also closed churches. The U.S. military service dismissed any military who would not get the vaccine. Restaurants were closed, except in the case of for Gavin Newsom.
You may remember, back in the heyday of California’s brutal COVID-19 lockdown regime — where most indoor dining was shut down and patrons were forced, by law, to wear masks at almost all times and remain in small groups — Newsom was photographed maskless and mingling at a large birthday party at a Michelin-starred restaurant called the French Laundry.
Nurses have always been required to be fully vaccinated if they're interacting with patients in a medical setting.
For obvious reasons, one would think. That's to protect their patients, which is like, one of the main components of their job description. My sister is a nurse.

I don't know why you point that out as some kind of big problem.


Veteran Member
Trump is suing several high-income media people for calling him a convicted rapist. He was on civil trial for rape, and was not convicted for rape, but for sexual abuse, much like smelling someone's hair against their will.
No. Smelling someone's hair is not the same thing as inserting one's fingers into another person's vagina without their consent.
Not even close.

Trump has been found civilly liable for sexual abuse and defamation of the person he sexually abused. Please notice how you completely sidestepped that very important point in some attempt to downgrade it to a lesser charge.

You support a man who has been found civilly liable for sexual abuse. In a court of law. Them's the facts.
As you judge Trump, and want to take his money, so will you be judged.

I've never been found liable of sexually abusing anyone. How about you? Don't you think that if someone has sexual abused someone, they should be punished for it?
Say goodbye to your 401 K in the coming inflationary depression, and a 28% mandatory cut from your social security check, when the Treasury runs out of money. You know that the lady, E. Jean Carroll, that charged Trump 20 years after some made up charges, went on television, and said she wasn't rape raped, but the judge refused the defense from airing that interview.
No she didn't. Trump said that in his attempt to defame her.
More like in the sense that everything is sexual for her, as in her cat and dog are both called "vagina".
Nope. Another bogus claim Trump came up with in his attempt to defame her.

Thanks for confirming that he did, in fact, defame her though. As the judge and jury also decided.
She is a sex advisor columnist.
Oh no! I guess that means she could never be sexually abused.

Oh no wait, this is just YOUR attempt to defame her. Remember when I pointed out that you should have paid better attention during the #MeToo movement and that you are perpetuating rape culture? Well, here's another example of that.
You seem to be trying to say that she couldn't have been raped because "She is a sex advisor columnist." As if that actually means anything. As if "sex advisor columnists" can't actually be raped because maybe they like sex or something. It's ludicrous.
Somehow in her dreams,
I know of nobody who wishes to be raped in real life or in a dream. Do you?
Trump turned her down, and there is nothing worse than a scorned woman, in real or in their dreams.
More of that fun rape culture stuff ...
A woman claiming abuse is to be believed by Californians, with regards to preponderance of evidence. Trump wasn't the only one E. Jean claimed raped her.
And? Aren't you aware of how common sexual abuse and rape are? Why is it that the people who really needed to actually pay attention during the #MeToo movement were the exact people who didn't actually pay attention or learn a single thing?

I've been sexually abused by at least four separate men during the course of my time on this earth. I am 44 years old. This is a very common thing for women to have to deal with.
The only sex she probably gets is in her mind. Those eating "Moon pies", are not so easily deceived.
You must have a crate of "moon pies" in your garage.
The issue from America, is Amazon will stop delivering your garbanzo beans. As for having a gun, it is best to have one and not need one, versus needing one and not having one.
That's just like, your opinion, man.
Not that someone like yourself should have one, which luckily you can't, being in Mexico. I think both impeachments failed,
Trump was impeached. Twice.
and the four trials are falling apart, and Trump's polls keep rising.
Trump has actually been going down in the polls as of late.

He's got a trial starting up next week, I think. You should tune in.
Maybe you should invest in Moon Pie. Inc. As for Covid deaths, Trump stopped planes flying in from China, the source of the covid, which was pooh poohed by the current administration and called racist. The current administration blocked information about affective treatments. No, Montezuma may find where you live, and he has his own revenge.
Trump dropped the ball on COVID. Big time.


Veteran Member
You seem to get triggered fairly easily. Do you have your heart medication nearby? Biden kept his "state secrets" which he took while Senator, and vice president, in his unprotected garage, near his corvette, and in his University office, established using Chinese money through the University, and with Chinese access, to just mention two of the locations he kept documents. Pence and Obama were no better, whereas Trump was president, who determines what is secret and what is not, and his documents were locked up, and not blurted out to Biden's ghost writer on record. If Trump is elected, what are you going to do, move to Mexico?
Oops, you didn't address the point, nor answer the question. You've deflected instead.

Calling someone triggered isn't an argument. It just betrays the fact that you're stuck on buzz words and meaningless far-right talking points.

Trump's documents that he stole were not locked up. Why do you believe everything he says despite all the evidence against it? That's cult-like behaviour.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
The House of Representatives brings articles (charges) of impeachment against an official, but only the Senate can find him guilty.

The first impeachment of President Donald Trump occurred on December 18, 2019. On that date, the House of Representatives adopted two articles of impeachment against Trump: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. On February 5, 2020, the Senate voted to acquit Trump on both articles of impeachment... -- Was Trump impeahed - Bing

Thus, he was impeached but not removed.


Active Member
Stop right there.

What bearing do her looks have on anything? You do realize this is an antiquated argument used for decades against women who speak out about sexual abuse. Next you'll be asking "what was she wearing?" :rolleyes: It seems you missed the point of the entire #MeToo movement, unfortunately.


Good. If I saw that my rapist were running for President, I'd do everything in my power to tell everyone in the country that he raped me and that he's unfit for office.

I'd scream it from a mountaintop.

Sexual assault is a horrendous crime.

What has been happening for the last eight years?

Yes, any rational person can see Trump is a pathological liar.

Echoing Trump's defamatory comments about her. How classy of you.

Looks like I was right the first time. You've fallen down some hate-filled far right-wing rabbit hole of garbage that ends with you defending a civilly liable sexual abuser.
Why bother talking to this worthless cretin?