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On the showing of the “pride flag, and appropriate activism.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Whining is certainly a two way street. Isn't it?
It is indeed. And all I see on the news, social media and indeed in real life is “conservatives” (which does differ according to your location) constantly whining that they’re not centre of attention anymore. Meanwhile the other side is constantly crying out for equal rights, socially and legally. So to the conservatives I say
Cry me a river lol


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Now you know why it's bigotry in reverse. Plus being straight is a lifestyle?

That's pretty funny.
I do not condone someone being discriminated for being straight. But if you constantly push your own lifestyle in society for literally centuries then have a whinge just because the other side does so for a little while, then I’d hope you’d know that I’d instinctively react against such hypocrisy and whining. Such babies. Can’t even handle a little contribution from the other side
Again, cry me a river


Hellenismos, BTW
Also proud to be heterosexual flags along with it.
There is Straight Pride flag.



1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
You’re not understanding.

Sure I understand: you're unwilling to consider motivations other than the ones you would have.

It is not because it’s the “pride flag”, in particular. So, I am of Schwiizerdütsch…SwissGerman…ancestry. If I saw the Swiss flag being displayed at the Audubon Center, I would be filled with the same feeling of inappropriateness that I felt upon seeing the pride flag. Can you see my meaning?

Do you know what Pride is about? Does the Swiss flag symbolize the overcoming of oppression and remembrance of the departed that the Pride flag does?

In the US, is there a problem with bigots vandalizing homes that display Swiss flags? Are there angry groups who will boycott or post 1-star reviews if they see a Swiss flag in the window of a business?

Would LGBT individuals feel any less welcome at the Audubon Center if there were no pride flag displayed? If the answer is “no”, then I think that indicative of the inpropriety of the display.

I would say that it would be reasonable for someone to feel less welcome - or at least more on guard - at an American organization that makes a point of not participating in Pride in some way.


Hellenismos, BTW
By accepting the fact one will not change peoples minds all the time, and also accepting the fact the world dosent exclusively revolve around any individual or group and vice versa.

It's just the way it is.
I've never understood the mentality that "diversity" somehow means everyone gets along and shares the same perspective given diversity means you'll have very different people. Not just in the way they look or live but also in their beliefs and perspectives, all sharing the same space. It's a given diversity means there will be people just like you, somewhat like you, unlike you, and the entirely polar opposite of you. Diversity means people aren't identical and WILL differ in many ways, that's the point.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I do not condone someone being discriminated for being straight. But if you constantly push your own lifestyle in society for literally centuries then have a whinge just because the other side does so for a little while, then I’d hope you’d know that I’d instinctively react against such hypocrisy and whining. Such babies. Can’t even handle a little contribution from the other side
Again, cry me a river
We can cry a river together!


Hellenismos, BTW
Actually, I have one question. When did the “pride flag” change from being a nice, bold rainbow flag to being this pastel-colored thing with a similar geometric pattern as the national flag of South Africa? It seems more like the “Jimmy Buffet vodka-infused tropical pride flag”, now! What’s up with that??
The rainbow flag (which has had a few iterations) represents gay pride; the pastel flag is the trans flag. While trans is a subset within the LGBTQ.etc.+ community, all things transgender are dominating the landscape.


Hellenismos, BTW
Is it bad that I find that so absolutely boring that I prefer the pride flag?
I assume the plainness is in direct response (opposition) of the colorful rainbow flag. There is another version that's blue & pink (but not pastel) with the standard sex symbols.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
I assume the plainness is in direct response (opposition) of the colorful rainbow flag. There is another version that's blue & pink (but not pastel) with the standard sex symbols.
Oh I freely acknowledge that. It’s just…..boring.
Like at least the blue and pink one is kind of fun.
But I’ll stick to the rainbow one.

Like I said before, it’s never symbolised exclusivity to the straight community. I’ve always been welcomed with open arms and happily shared my drunken adventures among the Alphabet Soup community. Amazing what can happen if you don’t judge or otherwise demean others based on something as superficial as sexual orientation, eh? ;)

The straight flag/s, however. I’m not so sure about their history. Given that they’re a direct response to said pride flag, I would wager there’s some exclusivity there. Even if unintentional. (Giving benefit of the doubt even.) I’m not saying they are such, just giving my initial thoughts towards them.
So do not take this as any sort of accusation. Just saying

Still vastly prefer the pride flag. Inclusive and vastly more pretty, imo


Would LGBT individuals feel any less welcome at the Audubon Center if there were no pride flag displayed? If
If the answer is “no”, then I think that indicative of the inpropriety of the display.
No. It's indicative of the fact no one has to or must display the flag. If they do then it's likely appreciated. It may even build more repor with the LGBTQ community and call attention to another worthwhile cause. Mostly, it's appreciated that they would show support.

Thank you, Audubon Society.

We Never Know

No Slack
Do we have a flag?
If so, fly it alongside. I don’t see any issue. But straight people constantly constantly push their lifestyle in other people’s faces.
What goes around comes around. Now it’s our turn. Suck it up, Princess. I say that as a straight person
"But straight people constantly constantly push their lifestyle in other people’s faces."

Boy isn't that the truth! I'm so sick of all the straight threads on here pushing their life style on everyone.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
"But straight people constantly constantly push their lifestyle in other people’s faces."

Boy isn't that the truth! I'm so sick of all the straight threads on here pushing their life style on everyone.
I can list my top 100 straight couples in mainstream media of all time. Going back only a decade in cinema.
Can you list 100 of your favourite gay couples in such a time?
If so, can you give me some reccs?

Also do you honestly think that folks weren’t endlessly discussing interracial coupling and ignoring same race coupling when that particular controversy was becoming prominent?
Because, like dude. I know folks who lived through that era. And haha no, that wasn’t the case at all. Apparently. Almost like the weird uncommon thing was being more discussed as a result. Weird that

Interestingly these guys all seemingly mellowed in the end. Lol
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