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Hitchen's Challange


Veteran Member
Yes, gender, biology, and one's constitution determine their character.

I think character is another word we can add to a long and expanding list, that don't mean what you seem to think they mean.

All men act in a certain, and all women act in manner entirely different than men.

A demonstrably false claim.

This is called a complementarian relationship - what one lacks, the other provides.

Not always, and this statement might be equally true of gay couples, so again you are deluding yourself.

Like I said, exceptions and variations exist, but as a general rule and guideline: men are masculine, and women are feminine

Water is wet, and oranges are orange, since we are now stating the obvious. However there are natural variations in human sexuality and desires, and as long as sex is between consenting adults, who cares.
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Veteran Member
Because I, as opposed to yourself and your cohorts, simply have to look at one's genitalia to establish their gender. But, much prior to that, I will know just merely by looking at them.
How is it possible that you can't?
Why are you so secular, and succumbing to such degenerate and pretentious nonsense?
If one has breasts or a vagina, it's a flippin' girl, why the controversy?

Someone's biological sex, and their gender can be two different things, since gender is a social construct. However modern surgery can alter those biological attributes, so you may want to move the goal posts from that claim. There are also species that can and do spontaneously change sex.


Veteran Member
Even in the animal kingdom, gender dictates disposition and role, and this is because there is an innate chemistry and physiology that determines that.

No, you're wrong again, as has been explained, homosexuality exists in many species, ipso facto it is natural by definition. Also some species can change biological sex spontaneously, and in sea horses, and their pipefish and sea dragon relatives, it's the male members who give birth to young. It seems your ignorance on this is unending.

Why the flippin heck, as always, do some twisted and perverted humans come along, in order to accommodate and gain approval for their deranged and hedonistic fetishes, turn everything on it's head and then insidiously call it normal?

I guess those people prefer objective facts, over pernicious bigoted homophobia, derived from bronze and iron age patriarchal Bedouin superstition. Some of us live in the 21st century, prefer it in fact.
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Veteran Member
Entries linking to masculine
feminine (adj.)

mid-14c., "of the female sex," from Old French femenin (12c.) "feminine, female; with feminine qualities, effeminate," from Latin femininus "feminine" (in the grammatical sense at first), from femina "woman, female," literally "she who suckles" (from PIE root *dhe(i)- "to suck"). The usual modern sense of "woman-like, proper to or characteristic of women" is recorded from mid-15c. Related: Femininely.

The interplay of meanings now represented roughly in female "characteristic of the sex that bears children," feminine "having qualities considered appropriate to a woman," and effeminate "having female qualities in a bad sense, unmanly," and the attempt to keep them clear of each other, has led to many coinages. Among nouns, in addition to feminity "womanishness," femininity, femaleness, feminineness (1810, "female qualities"), there is feminitude (1878); feminility "womanliness" (1824); feminie "womankind" (late 14c.); femality (17c., "effeminacy;" 1754 "female nature"); feminacy "female nature" (1829); feminicity "quality or condition of being a woman" (1843). Also feminality (1640s, "quality or state of being female"), from rare adjective feminal "female, belonging to a woman" (late 14c.), from Old French feminal. And femineity "quality or state of being feminine," also "effeminate; womanly," from Latin femineus "of a woman, pertaining to a woman." feminile "feminine" (1640s) seems not to have survived.
masculine | Etymology, origin and meaning of masculine by etymonline
Does it help somehow, please? Right?

Common usage:

  1. having qualities or an appearance traditionally associated with women.
  1. having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with men.
Though of course masculinity and femininity, are not absolute characteristics, nor are they limited to one's biological gender or sexual orientation.


Scratching head, scratching knee
I began with the title of it. I held that the title of the book suggested that Hitchens was unreasonable to name it " God is not Great":
  1. first he should have discussed the existence of G-d.
  2. then, His greatness was to be discussed.
  1. 1. Whether god exists or not is irrelevant. If people believe he exists, their claims of what god is and does can be examined and assessed. The Abrahamic god is clearly violent, needy, sadistic, vindictive, unjust, jealous and irrational, to name but a few. It is therefore entirely reasonable to say that such a god (real or not) is "not great".


Scratching head, scratching knee
A vagina is designed for a penis, and a penis for a vagina - otherwise, we'll all be dead - that is it's most eminent purpose, tantamount to miraculous.
You are obviously not familiar with mammalian biology.
It is not necessary for a penis to be inserted into a vagina for a female to become pregnant.
Not every insertion of a penis into a vagina results in pregnancy.
The vagina and penis have evolved to give pleasure, even when procreation is not the purpose nor result.

...until you can come up with a better way to engender life, or any way whatsoever, I would refrain from critiquing such an enigmatic and sublime process.
Of course I can come up with a better design. Make the woman's pelvis wider, meaning fewer problems giving birth. Make cell division and DNA replication better so as to avoid birth defects. There you go. Two simple things leading to a better system. Surely something a competent, omnipotent, omniscient designer could have figured out for himself?


Scratching head, scratching knee
Design denotes functionality and compatibility, primarily. Many items in life, whether natural or synthetic, serve multiple purposes, but their intrinsic design determines the parameters.
In other words, attempting to use a screwdriver as a hammer, will either frustrate your efforts, damage the tool, or bend the nail. Design determines efficacy and harmony.
What does this have to do with the points I made - which were in response to your claims?
Seems like you are deliberately avoiding the issues.


Scratching head, scratching knee
The fail grade that I gave to Kwed was because his answer was out of context. The question was posed for a specific reason, as was the topic of our discussion, therefore he failed.
You asked a question.
I provided a reasonable, rational, evidence-based answer.
You didn't like the answer because it refuted your rather strange claim.
The "fail" was all yours!

Hope this helped.


Scratching head, scratching knee
Because I, as opposed to yourself and your cohorts, simply have to look at one's genitalia to establish their gender.
That only denotes biological sex.

If one has breasts or a vagina, it's a flippin' girl
Much of the time, yes, but sometimes, no.
Why does it upset you so much that god created some people with a different gender to their biological sex?


Scratching head, scratching knee
Even in the animal kingdom, gender dictates disposition and role,
There are many examples of biological male and female taking on opposite roles. Just because you are ignorant of what goes on in nature, doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

Why the flippin heck, as always, do some twisted and perverted humans come along, in order to accommodate and gain approval for their deranged and hedonistic fetishes, turn everything on it's head and then insidiously call it normal?
And how is it that you can't tell the difference?
Methinks the lady she doth protest too much.


Veteran Member
Design denotes functionality and compatibility, primarily. Many items in life, whether natural or synthetic, serve multiple purposes, but their intrinsic design determines the parameters.
In other words, attempting to use a screwdriver as a hammer, will either frustrate your efforts, damage the tool, or bend the nail. Design determines efficacy and harmony.
Who says human bodies are designed?

Would you put a sewage system right next to a playground?


Veteran Member
There goes the flippin' neighbourhood, right out the window with no hope of return.
Why do i bother....?, but like I said, you are not on this planet by your own volition, nor was your biological framework or gender, or nationality - respect the powers that are above you.
You don't think people have ownership over their own bodies?


Veteran Member
Yes, gender, biology, and one's constitution determine their character. All men act in a certain, and all women act in manner entirely different than men. This is called a complementarian relationship - what one lacks, the other provides.

Like I said, exceptions and variations exist, but as a general rule and guideline: men are masculine, and women are feminine
Nonsense. Character doesn't come from gender or biology.

All men do not act a certain way. All women do not act a certain way. I act in a manner that is in accordance with men sometimes and sometimes with women. You know why? Because we're all humans.
Your assertions don't make any sense and are steeped in arbitrary traditionalism and stereotyping.

What is "masculine" and what is "feminine" have vastly changed over time, as already noted. Thus demonstrating that gender is a social construct that changes with society's views on gender roles. You might say it isn't masculine to cry, for example, but I'd point out that that is a human trait and that all humans cry. You've just arbitrarily decided that it isn't "masculine" to do so. Why? Who knows. Your views on gender are rather archaic, but that makes sense given that they're based in bronze age thinking.
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Veteran Member
Because I, as opposed to yourself and your cohorts, simply have to look at one's genitalia to establish their gender. But, much prior to that, I will know just merely by looking at them.
How is it possible that you can't?

Gender is a SOCIAL CONSTRUCT, so looking at a person's genitalia (ew!) isn't going to tell you anything other than your preconceived stereotypes, which is to say nothing at all.
I mean seriously, you think if a person has a vagina that they are confined to behaving in certain ways? Where do you come up with that?

Why are you so secular, and succumbing to such degenerate and pretentious nonsense?
If one has breasts or a vagina, it's a flippin' girl, why the controversy?
No idea what you're trying to say here.
What's "degenerate and pretentious nonsense?"

You're still confusing biology with gender.


Veteran Member
A vagina is designed for a penis, and a penis for a vagina - otherwise, we'll all be dead - that is it's most eminent purpose, tantamount to miraculous.

Who says?

You know, vaginas and penises do other things as well. And penises can fit quite nicely into other places as well.

...until you can come up with a better way to engender life, or any way whatsoever, I would refrain from critiquing such an enigmatic and sublime process.

So you think sex is just for "engendering life?" Well, that's just like, your opinion, man
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Veteran Member
Even in the animal kingdom, gender dictates disposition and role, and this is because there is an innate chemistry and physiology that determines that.

Gender is a social construct that applies to humans. Other animals in the animal kingdom don't have genders.

But really, do tell, what is this "innate chemistry and physiology" that determines gender? Oops, you're still confusing biology with gender.

Why the flippin heck, as always, do some twisted and perverted humans come along, in order to accommodate and gain approval for their deranged and hedonistic fetishes, turn everything on it's head and then insidiously call it normal? And how is it that you can't tell the difference?

This is just bigoted garbage. My cousin is not perverted and she is not deranged and hedonistic. How dare you attempt to insult an entire group of people in such a way.

Gender is made up. Get over it.

Did you think it was “twisted and perverted” when women started wearing pants or started voting? How about cutting their hair short? Was it “twisted and perverted” when men stopped wearing makeup and heels? Seriously, you completely missed the point of this post and failed to answer my questions, yet again. And not only that, you completely ignored my example demonstrating that your point of view can be harmful to human well-being in actual tangible ways (unlike your assertions)