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I just want to sin!!!


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Ah, but if you are Catholic, you can go to confessional, repent and be absolved.
I remember a Catholic friend, in elementary school, who went on shoplifting sprees after school. He explained it was all right 'cause he went to confession on Sundays and was forgiven.


Well-Known Member
I remember a Catholic friend, in elementary school, who went on shoplifting sprees after school. He explained it was all right 'cause he went to confession on Sundays and was forgiven.
I grew up Baptist. When I met up with friends 20 years after high school, the ones who never left and remained Baptist were all up in a tizzy because their kids were practicing The Loophole to keep their promise of chastity. IOW, butt sex.

I grew up in a small southern town where the Catholic footprint was really tiny. The only reason I know there were Catholics in my town was because my mom taught at the Catholic school for two years after she had her life-saving abortion. o_O


Veteran Member: I Share (not Debate) my POV
Sometimes the heathen are more righteous than the church goers!
Or phrased differently :

One need not be a Christian to "please God". And to please God...well that seems to lead to Heaven, hence "non Christians" also can make it "to Heaven" it seems to me

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I grew up Baptist. When I met up with friends 20 years after high school, the ones who never left and remained Baptist were all up in a tizzy because their kids were practicing The Loophole to keep their promise of chastity. IOW, butt sex.
See, that's some weird fringe Protestant nonsense. In traditional Christianity, like in Catholicism or Orthodoxy, sodomy is sodomy regardless of the sexes involved. Fornication is fornication. It's all a sin, falling short of the ideal.


Well-Known Member
See, that's some weird fringe Protestant nonsense. In traditional Christianity, like in Catholicism or Orthodoxy, sodomy is sodomy regardless of the sexes involved. Fornication is fornication. It's all a sin, falling short of the ideal.
See, that's some weird fringe Protestant nonsense. In traditional Christianity, like in Catholicism or Orthodoxy, sodomy is sodomy regardless of the sexes involved. Fornication is fornication. It's all a sin, falling short of the ideal.
Fundamentalist Christian nonsense is not that far from Catholic or Orthodox nonsense. All three freak out over condoms. And like you said, all three think that adults having sex that does not conform to their doctrines is necessarily immoral.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Fundamentalist Christian nonsense is not that far from Catholic or Orthodox nonsense. All three freak out over condoms. And like you said, all three think that adults having sex that does not conform to their doctrines is necessarily immoral.
Yes, there are standards of sexual behavior in Christianity. That's just how it is. The point I was making is that there no such "out" for unmarried persons in Catholic or Orthodox belief. Unmarried people having anal or oral sex to avoid losing their virginity doesn't make sense in those contexts. It's still sex and still fornication, is what I was saying.


Well-Known Member
Yes, there are standards of sexual behavior in Christianity. That's just how it is. The point I was making is that there no such "out" for unmarried persons in Catholic or Orthodox belief. Unmarried people having anal or oral sex to avoid losing their virginity doesn't make sense in those contexts. It's still sex and still fornication, is what I was saying.
Understood _

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I am ever-so-often told by Christians who find out that I do not believe that a god exists, that “You are denying God because you just want to sin.”
Yes. It's a clever jibe because it's so irritating in its stupidity.
And yet, You are saved by your acceptance of Jesus Christ into your heart as your own personal Lord and Saviour. Hallelujah and Amen. Sing it, Sister!
This reminds me of a line I've seen attributed to Rasputin (though whether it's historical is another question):

Before we can be truly forgiven, we must first truly sin.


Veteran Member
I am ever-so-often told by Christians who find out that I do not believe that a god exists, that “You are denying God because you just want to sin.” This has always struck me as a bizarre thing to say, as I cannot think of anything that a Christian would consider a sin that I would have needed to leave Christianity to do.

I mean there are lots of good Christians out there doing great things, and most of you are perfectly decent people who I would probably enjoy having as coworkers and neighbors. But seriously folks, you all sin. Every last one of you. You sin inadvertently. You sin impulsively. You sin with premeditation. You covet coworkers, neighbors, friends and random strangers. You covet their stuff and their bodies. Unless you are asexual or (possibly) greysexual, you commit adultery in your hearts, and roughly 25% of you commit adultery in your pants as a married person.

Christian employees steal quarters from their coworker’s desks to buy cokes and they steal office supplies from their employers. Christian employers don’t pay a living wage, and then call the employee lazy when they refuse to work extra hours (bearing false witness). Sometimes the employer even fires them; and while there is no ‘Thou shalt not be a jerk’ commandment, the golden rule takes a beating several times a day/

You leave your parents in nursing homes when you could move them in with you. (C’mon folks! Honor your mother and father.)

You do illegal drugs. You take the lord’s name in vain. You get divorced.

And yet, You are saved by your acceptance of Jesus Christ into your heart as your own personal Lord and Saviour. Hallelujah and Amen. Sing it, Sister!

"I've been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb,
saved and sanctified I am.
All my sins are washed away,
I've been redeemed."​

“unchastity, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance, folly”

So, exactly why would I need to leave Christianity to do anything? All the “sins” I might ever commit, I could commit as a Christian. And be saved.
I never drink alcohol, take recreational drugs, or have sex outside of marriage, but I am still considered a sinner just for existing, not only by Christian beliefs, but by Baha'i beliefs. Nothing is ever good enough for God. So do you think it is easy to be a believer?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I never drink alcohol, take recreational drugs, or have sex outside of marriage, but I am still considered a sinner just for existing, not only by Christian beliefs, but by Baha'i beliefs. Nothing is ever good enough for God. So do you think it is easy to be a believer?
Well its not easy worshipping a monster of your own conception, so why do it?

In my opinion.


Well-Known Member
As far as I'm concerned, Christians aren't any different than the unbelievers they often look down upon..
Why should you think that all believers will not sin, or even go to church?

We are all responsible for our own deeds. Pointing at others and what they might be getting up to cannot help us, unless you are pointing at those who are setting a good example.


Well-Known Member
It's completely unnecessary to leave a religion to commit certain acts or even not feeling very guilty about committing certain acts.
That's meaningless.
Who is more likely to commit sin?
A person who is trying to remember G-d and avoid sinning, or a person who mocks religion and is careless?

You can believe whatever you like, if it makes you feel good. It doesn't make it true though.


Well-Known Member
I've had debates with Christians who insist that once they accept Jesus as savior they are guaranteed a heavenly reward. They deny they need to perform works or be moral..
Well they are wrong.
However, they are not wrong that faith makes a difference to our lives .. unless of course, they are merely paying lip-service and are hypocrites. i.e. they are not true believers


Well-Known Member
Christ says to love one another so a good sincere and honest Christian obeys Him and treats people with kindness, compassion, generosity and love..
I agree. I like to be in the company of good people. That's why I like going to church and being reminded of righteousness, and I've found that most people in the congregation are genuine .. but I don't expect them to be perfect. I know that I am far from perfect.