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Trump's strong support / Democrats' lack of support, by white women


Veteran Member
Stop and think now. What do you think this would make Trump if he overthrew the election? Think... Think.

Democracy is gone because elections determine who wins in a democracy. So, what are the options if there's not an authentic election? Basically there are logically only two: a dictatorship [or monarchy] running the country or an oligarchy [rule by a few]. But what did and do we see with Trump via his own party? He ran it to the point whereas he literally scared any possible opponents within the party into supporting him or at least keeping them pretty quiet with very few exceptions. Even today after losing, very few of the congressional Pubs will stand up to him.
Lol, it's your dream tell it your way.
The other side literally stole the election by having social media conceal information on Biden and his son. It's the only reason he won.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Lol, it's your dream tell it your way.
The other side literally stole the election by having social media conceal information on Biden and his son. It's the only reason he won.
Obviously, you have really not thought this through.

How could the "social media" prevent this "information" from coming out? They're big, but they ain't that big.

Most people I believe saw through that nonsensical smokescreen as charges could have been presented at different levels, both nationally and internationally, if this were even close to being true. But they weren't, even though Giuliani tried to arm twist some Ukrainians linked to Putin to pursue that, but to no avail.

When one watches the Fox Propaganda Channel, this is the kind of garbage one can come out blindly believing.

But one should not but notice your bait & switch tactic here so as to virtually ignore what Trump tried to do and what the result would have been if he had succeeded.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Yawn. The question was who kept more campaign promises. I don't care if you agree with what he did or not.
So, just keeping campaign promises is really all that matters? Hitler ["Mein Kampf"], Mussolini, and Franco actually did do that-- but they also did a lot more.

BTW, according to Trump's first wife, Ivana, she said Trump kept NAZI "essays" on his bed-stand and often read some of them before turning in. His own sister, who he said he was the closest to than any other person, said that he was just for Trump and sought power, as did Trump's niece who said much the same about him plus a lot more.


Veteran Member
How could the "social media" prevent this "information" from coming out? They're big, but they ain't that big.
Actually they are. All they had to do was conceal the information from the lazy segment of voters, which is probably a large portion, but really the race was close enough that if only small percentage had changed sides, the results would have been different.


Veteran Member
But one should not but notice your bait & switch tactic here so as to virtually ignore what Trump tried to do and what the result would have been if he had succeeded.
What did he try to do? Win the election just like any candidate. What are you even talking about?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Actually they are. All they had to do was conceal the information from the lazy segment of voters, which is probably a large portion, but really the race was close enough that if only small percentage had changed sides, the results would have been different.

What did he try to do? Win the election just like any candidate. What are you even talking about?
You certainly find such excuses to blindly support someone who constantly expressed and still expresses words and actions that go totally against basic Judeo-Christian morals-- you've made that abundantly clear.


Veteran Member
You certainly find such excuses to blindly support someone who constantly expressed and still expresses words and actions that go totally against basic Judeo-Christian morals-- you've made that abundantly clear.
So, no answers, just accusations...

Jeremiah Ames

Well-Known Member
What i would like to understand is ehy so many American women are ok with being groped
They’ve lost their minds.
Oh, wait, they were likely always a bit short in the brain cell department.

But, in seriousness, I think anyone who supports trump, is doing so, only because he supports some evil inside of them.

It’s completely insane and illogical for any alleged “christian” to support a person who represents the exact opposite of Jesus, and those are the people who got him elected and still support the evil within the gop.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
So, no answers, just accusations...
What are you talking about? Never mind, even though at least a couple of us has put forth evidence, you just divert to something else and/or make another absurd allegation. You and Trump are definitely "birds of a feather".

Anyhow, I've been on a res for the last few days visiting friends, and tomorrow I head back home, so I'll let you have fun with yourself for a while.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Trump's first (only?) big law was a massive tax cut for the wealthy and for businesses. The parts for the wealthy and big businesses are still in effect.

My emphases

Republicans passed tax cuts — then profited – Center for Public Integrity
When the price of Apple stock hit a then-record high in October 2018, among the shareholders counting their gains were 43 Republicans in Congress, who collectively owned as much as $1.5 million worth of the tech giant’s shares. Apple’s stock jumped 37 percent in its run-up to that record. Several variables were behind the climb, including higher-than-expected earnings.

But congressional Republicans themselves had a hand in the spike, stock analysts say. Legislation they championed — the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act — doled out nearly $150 billion in corporate tax savings in 2018 alone. One effect: a big boost in stock prices.

Cutting tax rates for companies like Apple and hundreds of other stocks they own was one of many ways Republican lawmakers enriched themselves after they passed the tax law, according to a Center for Public Integrity analysis of the 186-page law and members’ financial disclosure forms. Democrats also stood to gain from the tax bill, though not one voted for it; all but 12 Republicans voted for the tax bill.
How can you be so wrong? This is public information. It only happened a few years ago and received a lot of publicity.

You think I'm wrong? I can't explain the votes on this particular bill, although I think it would take more than one bill to prove me wrong. The Democrats were sucking up to the Reaganites back in the 80s (although in fairness, they were having a tough time selling their traditional ideas in Reagan's right-wing America). Clinton (who was merely a Reaganite in sheep's clothing) supported NAFTA and other trade bills which allowed big business to export American manufacturing jobs overseas. That's all public information, too, and it happened many years ago.

The Democrats used to support unions and working people. Now, they don't. They once supported keeping jobs in America, not exporting them overseas. FDR's New Deal or LBJ's Great Society are examples of programs which good Democrats used to favor. There are some Democrats who favored price controls, rent controls, and even socialized medicine, but those were the progressives who were outnumbered by more moderate liberals.

On foreign policy, there have been sharp divides among Democrats between hawks and doves. The Republicans are mostly hawkish, so their unity on the issue and the addition of crossover Democrats is how our foreign policy gets so militaristic and interventionist. Those Democrats would be slightly more liberal on domestic policies (with an emphasis on social issues over economic justice), but tend to align themselves with the Republicans when it comes to foreign policy.

You may think that I'm wrong, but I assure that I wasn't just pulling this out of my backside. I've been following US politics and have mostly supported the Democratic Party all of my life, but my frustration with them over the years has been immense.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Lol, it's your dream tell it your way.
The other side literally stole the election by having social media conceal information on Biden and his son. It's the only reason he won.

Kooky spooky conspiracy theories drizzled with butthurt sauce.


Veteran Member
It's really simple.

Trump had accomplished more promises than Democrat's did, so naturally people are going to the person that keeps more promises in their interests than those that break them.
It's just that so many of his promises were contrary to what a decent and ethical nation would do. And his tens of thousands of lies were not well accepted. He never votes from the majority or citizens, nor majority approval. Fortunately his incompetence and corruption meant just enough citizens couldn't allow him a second term.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
It's just that so many of his promises were contrary to what a decent and ethical nation would do. And his tens of thousands of lies were not well accepted. He never votes from the majority or citizens, nor majority approval. Fortunately his incompetence and corruption meant just enough citizens couldn't allow him a second term.
2024 might be a good year to test that.

Contingent of course if Trump runs again.


Veteran Member
2024 might be a good year to test that.

Contingent of course if Trump runs again.
We already know what poor policies republicans have on woman's rights, voting rights, protecting those affected by the pandemic, attitudes towards public health and safety measures. Republicans seem to be committed to sabotaging the very things that will help America progress and become safer and more economically successful. There's not been a single good defense to anything trump and republicans have advocated for and done. The bad attitudes about public health expertise and safety measures to reduce the impact of Covid are clear indications that republicans as a political party pose a threat to the USA and many of its citizens.