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And He Shall Be Called a Nazarene


ALL in all
Premium Member
what would he be called in Greek?

there was no such concept in biblical Hebrew

as I showed, this is not part of the biblical Hebrew meaning of the term

so they chose to change the spelling so that the place and word reflect different roots? ingenious!
greek and aramaic was the preferred language in 1st century palestine, not hebrew. hebrew was little of no importance to no one but rabbis and scholars. so your language is really of no importance in relevance to 1st century anywhere

your language isn't important to no one but you


Am Yisrael Chai
Staff member
Premium Member
hebrew wasn't being spoken in 1st century palestine. greek and aramaic were the preferred and spoken languages.
Many of the town names were still in Hebrew. However, so be it.

So the Aramaic should be נזרת rather than נצרת? If so, then there's zero evidence of such a place. A small village was discovered with an inscription bearing the word נצרת, but as far as I know, nothing called נזרת.


ALL in all
Premium Member
Many of the town names were still in Hebrew. However, so be it.

So the Aramaic should be נזרת rather than נצרת? If so, then there's zero evidence of such a place. A small village was discovered with an inscription bearing the word נצרת, but as far as I know, nothing called נזרת.
doesn't matter. palestine had been invaded. just as your ancestors invaded parts of it and changed names.

like i told your fellow, the language isn't important except to you. 1st century jews living in israel were probably speaking aramaic and/or greek. they could give a whit what you thought they should be called

furthermore the essenes didn't keep worldly records like the typical jewish people. kind of like the amish of today. again you're trying to use typical modern and popular standards against an ancient group that doesn't fit either mold


Am Yisrael Chai
Staff member
Premium Member
doesn't matter. palestine had been invaded. just as your ancestors invaded parts of it and changed names.

like i told your fellow, the language isn't important except to you. 1st century jews living in israel were probably speaking aramaic and/or greek. they could give a whit what you thought they should be called

furthermore the essenes didn't keep worldly records like the typical jewish people. kind of like the amish of today. again you're trying to use typical modern and popular standards against an ancient group that doesn't fit either mold
That's not really an answer. What would the town have been called in Hebrew or Judeo-Aramaic, per your view? And do you therefore state that the town of נצרת is not the one referred to in the NT?


ALL in all
Premium Member
That's not really an answer. What would the town have been called in Hebrew or Judeo-Aramaic, per your view? And do you therefore state that the town of נצרת is not the one referred to in the NT?
the nt isn't written in aramaic.

its written in greek.

the point is hebrew is a newly concocted and evolved language. that you're obviously passionate about. Unfortunately that isn't relevant to 1st century palestine


Am Yisrael Chai
Staff member
Premium Member
the point is hebrew is a newly concocted and evolved language. that you're obviously passionate about. Unfortunately that isn't relevant to 1st century palestine
Also, check history. Pretty sure the area was called Judea at the time.


ALL in all
Premium Member
Also, check history. Pretty sure the area was called Judea at the time.
depends on who's in charge. you can call it what ever you wish doesn't matter to me. I'll switch to judea if that makes you happy but it won't change the fact that more than once its been ruled by different groups of peoples and under different names.


Am Yisrael Chai
Staff member
Premium Member
depends on who's in charge. you can call it what ever you wish doesn't matter to me. I'll switch to judea if that makes you happy but it won't change the fact that more than once its been ruled by different groups of peoples
Thought you were about historical accuracy.
because the romans preferred greek maybe?
The Romans founded the town?


ALL in all
Premium Member
Thought you were about historical accuracy.
i didn't say that but that is a good perspective to have. but i'm definitely not in favor of using the preferred judeo-christian name just to whitewash the fact that someone else was in charge

The Romans founded the town?
i never said that. i stated the land was invaded and with each invasion the winner gets to choose the language and rules


Am Yisrael Chai
Staff member
Premium Member
but i'm definitely not in favor of using the preferred to use the judeo-christian name just to whitewash the fact that someone else was in charge
Judea (Roman province) - Wikipedia
As long as the Jews knew who was in charge, the Romans had no problem calling the place Judea. After the Bar Kochva Revolt, which was a revolt too far in the Romans' view, they changed the name to Syria Palestina.
Syria Palaestina - Wikipedia

So really, I have no idea what you're talking about. It seems to me that perhaps you're the one who's trying to whitewash stuff.


ALL in all
Premium Member
No, instead you made assumptions.
no i found it funny that you chose to focus on the name of an area popular to jews and christians.

people have biases to words. i find that amusing. there are hundreds of languages but we must call it exactly this. window dressing isn't more important than the thing itself.

so if you insist we call it judea will call it judea but really it was called myriad things in other languages. we all know its a geographical spot on the earth.

unfortunately some people insist the word is more important than the idea.

case in point some people insist a nazarene is not the same things mentioned in numbers 6:2

they want a word describing something in their language to have an exact spelling in another language, unfortunately it doesn't work that way for other languages and in linguistics

there called deverbal nouns for a reason


Well-Known Member
greek and aramaic was the preferred language in 1st century palestine, not hebrew. hebrew was little of no importance to no one but rabbis and scholars. so your language is really of no importance in relevance to 1st century anywhere

your language isn't important to no one but you
So then there is no way to connect the gospel words to the biblical words since the language isn't important. Thank you for confirming that.