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You're no Christian

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Active Member
If a person fails to follow the rules of the Bible then commonsense says they aren't Christians.

There would be no Christianity if Joseph followed the rule book and Jesus would not have been killed if he had followed the rule book. That alone should make it all very Simple but apparently it does not.

Joseph who?
And, Jesus dying on the Cross at Calvary was part of God's eternal Plan of Salvation. It was ordained before the foundation of the world, the Bible tells us. So He had to die and nothing could have stopped it. Read Isaiah to see when God ordains it, it always comes to pass.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
True but, the Bible is the historically accepted standard of a Christian. Those who profess Jesus but teach (or, justify) aberrant doctrines are deceiving themselves- they are not Christian. This is where personal research into both Christianity and their church's beliefs/teachings come in to play.
You speak of "standards" but a standard is a worldly thing.

John 17:14 I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world.


Active Member
I think it goes deeper than just obeying the bible.
That is the exact kind of thinking the cults and false churches use to get started and to say they are Christians. The Bible is the standard. If one opposes the Bible one is not a Christian, by definition even.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Joseph who?
And, Jesus dying on the Cross at Calvary was part of God's eternal Plan of Salvation. It was ordained before the foundation of the world, the Bible tells us. So He had to die and nothing could have stopped it. Read Isaiah to see when God ordains it, it always comes to pass.
Joseph, Jesus' father, I think.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
That is the exact kind of thinking the cults and false churches use to get started and to say they are Christians. The Bible is the standard. If one opposes the Bible one is not a Christian, by definition even.
Can you not see the difference between scripture and the whole Bible?


Active Member
So a serial killer baptized and calls Jesus Lord is a Christian? Now I know you will say no, so then profession have nothing to do with it.

If he truly repents and accepts Jesius as Lord then Yes, he is a Christian. Earlier I mentioned one of the guys next to Jesus on the Cross. But we must also consider Saul (Paul). He either murdered or was responsible for the murders of, possibly, hundreds (or, thousands) of Christians and there isn't a single Christian or Bible-related church that would say Paul wasn't a Christian. Are you saying Paul, king David and others aren't Christians bc they sinned? God does not have degrees on sins, men do- murder to us is greater/worse than a white lie but not to God. All unrighteousness is sin, to God. Righteousness- not doing what is right in God's eyes.

Joseph most certainly isn't a Christian, an without Joseph one DAMN good jew, their ain't Christianity that's a fact of the story.
I'm confused. Would you explain this comment better/more detail, please?


Active Member
ChristiAnity should be about a feel of rather than the thoughts of,

Are you saying if I feel like I am God then I am God? Christianity is about faith anf facts, not feelings. Feelings are, again, exactly what the cults live off of. When I used to use cocaine it made me FEEL like I was the center of the Universe. In your thinking, I really was. How nice. Let's put a cherry on top and call it a new religion, k? I'm sure we'll get some fools, uh, er, ah...I mean, some 'followers' to join us. Never use feelings in place of facts. If/when one does they are officially a cult. Jesus/Bible never says a single word about our feelings (except you can't trust them) but He/Bible speaks of finding and accepting the facts in both Testaments.


Active Member
Clarification (not argument)...
I was baptised when a baby. You wouldn't see that as making me Christian, right?
No, Christianity wouldn't. One must be at/above the age of accountability to accept Jesus then be baptized. Christian say 12 is that age- bc Jesus was 12 when He was talking to the Jewish leaders.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
No, Christianity wouldn't. One must be at/above the age of accountability to accept Jesus then be baptized. Christian say 12 is that age- bc Jesus was 12 when He was talking to the Jewish leaders.
Twelve is the age of accountability because Jesus was twelve when he spoke wisely to the Jewish leaders is ridiculous! You do know that wisdom and faith are not the same? Do you?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I think that I can call it a fact that faith does not come with wisdom and wisdom does not come with faith.
A person faithful is ready to get baptized if he is willing. Wisdom does not make a person ready for baptism. Wisdom comes from the mind. Faith is out of the heart.


Active Member
Just please know that you are beginning to look just like Jehovah's Witness to me.
Why is that? Bc I say there is only one truth from God? Every religion says that. The difference is Christianity is full of facts while the others are full of feelings. All one need do to know which is which is examine the teachings, revelations and prophecies of each. If they have lies in them or if they fail then.... you know they aren't true.

For example, there is a religion that says it is Christian. One of its, supposedly, God-given revelations is that its first chosen set of leaders would live until Jesus returns. All who know about or are in this church know those men are long dead. This proves two things-
1. That church's god isn't God- he can't perform what he says he will.
2. That church is run by 'men', not by God. Otherwise, why didn't their 'God' perform that which he revealed? And he said nothing and no one can stop him. Yet, time did stop him. He couldn't see the future or prevent it from occurring.
These things (really, silly teachings) prove this particular religion can't possibly be Christian or true.


Active Member
You speak of "standards" but a standard is a worldly thing.

John 17:14 I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world.
God's word, the Bible, is His standard. That is what I have been saying all along. God's righteousness requires Him to demand absolute perfection. Since mankind is anything but perfect God provided a way for us to be perfect in His sight, Jesus. When a person who has accepted Jesus as the only way sins God forgives that person bc his sins are covered by the precious and priceless blood of Jesus shed on the Cross for us at Calvary. That is why Almighty God became a man (Jesus, the Christ- or, Yahweh's salvation, the chosen/anointed one), came to earth and gave His life for ours.
Jesus said there would be those who come and say they are God's chosen one. He also said not to believe them especially if they say they saw Him )that is another clear way of knowing someone is lying). Jesus called them "false christs and false prophets". And Jesus told us how to know they are false, Mt. 24:23-30. How many of them have we seen come in the last 200 years? Many.


Active Member
No, but if your parents, or a parent, or your guardian, the family you were in, was Christian, you were Christian without need of the symbolic gesture. Yet the symbolic gesture of baptism would not nullify being Christian.
Not true in any sense. Salvation (baptism is an indication of salvation) is a personal decision that each of us must choose. No one can do it for you and no one will be Judged by God for you. You will be Judged on what YOU do, not what any others, including family, has/have done.


Active Member
Christianity is anything you wish it to be, imo, as like all other religions it is a human creation.
Well, if you don't accept Jesus then you can always tell yourself that while waiting to be Judged. Everyone will be called to stand before the Great White Throne Judgment of God. But, Christians will not be judged, they will stand before the Judgment Seat/bar of Jesus. They aren't judged bc they are saved by God's grace bc they accepted Jesus while on earth. They will be judged based on what they have done for Jesus but that is for rewards, like a Crown, which they will then give to Jesus bc, after all, He is the one that did everything, not the Christians.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Not true in any sense. Salvation (baptism is an indication of salvation) is a personal decision that each of us must choose. No one can do it for you and no one will be Judged by God for you. You will be Judged on what YOU do, not what any others, including family, has/have done.
What does being judged have to do with being Christian? Everybody will be judged, even the angels will be judged.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
God's word, the Bible, is His standard. That is what I have been saying all along. God's righteousness requires Him to demand absolute perfection. Since mankind is anything but perfect God provided a way for us to be perfect in His sight, Jesus.
Sounds like God set humanity up to fail.

... or was he incapable of designing us to be perfect from the outset?


Active Member
I won't name them, I'll simply state the 'why'.

All those churches and congegations that do not love, do not forgive, do not try to underastand, do not empathise with otrhers............... are not Christians.

All those that self-righteously hold judgement upon others, are not Christians.

All those that have hatreed for others, are not Christians.

There are some Christians out there..... but not that many.
Whoever told you that was Christianity...well, you oughta stop listening to them. Ever read about Peter? He was, arguably, the greatest Apostle of Jesus but BOY! was he hot-tempered and quick to show it. Being a Christian is, simply, truly accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior (and God) of your life, asking Him to forgive you, reading His only word to man (Bible) and serving Him to the very best of your ability. Christianity isn't Rocket Science bc God knows humans aren't that smart. He couldn't make it complicated or multiple choices (we'd always pick wrong).
I've seen Christians who are mean, bad tempered, unhappy, egotistical, arrogant...like all other people. The difference is they asked Jesus into their hearts and learn the truth about Him in order to be better servants of their God.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
That is an extreme. Let's keep it simple - and stop justifying the obvious- being a Christian requires certain standards, as with any Trade school or college. I realize some want to justify 'their' church but the standard test is the Bible, not me or any other man. If what you believe contradicts the Bible then they aren't Christians. Or else, even the atheists and God-haters can say they are Christians, too. What separates all them from being Christian if there aren't any rules or standards. That's crazy to even think.

Ok. Tell me what the requirements are gone a Christian. Can I worship Satan and be a Christian?
Can I Rob, rape and murder and be one? What, exactly, are the rules, standards and requirements? And, what makes your comments, views, beliefs the acceptable standard?

Let's make a practical, real life, example.

In my native country, Sweden, the few Christians left have quite a few female pastors, whose job requires not to be silent in church obviously, and happily marry gays and Atheist/Christian couples.

Are they really Christian?

If not, what Christian tenet do they violate?


- viole
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