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The far left has pushed me (far, far) away...


Well-Known Member
Ever since I moved to the Portland metro area, I've been slowly moving to the right politically. It is largely the result of resisting the ultra-left's attempts to claim dominion over every aspect of social policy and beyond. It's become clear that the far left is engaged in a political power grab, and they're not really interested in rational discourse. They're not even really interested in progress.

Take for instance what has been happening at the University of Toronto, where professor Jordan Peterson has been protesting legislation that would require people to refer to transgender individuals by the pronouns of their choice. He argued that it's an attack on freedom of speech, which it obviously is, whether you support it or not. During one of his speeches, they attempted to shout him down, as well as attempted to mute the speakers connected to his microphone, and create white noise so that nobody could hear him. By proclaiming that free speech is vital to a functioning democracy and civilization, he was literally accused by these people of perpetrating "hate speech." A very odd set of values. Conservative reporter Lauren Southern was even attacked by one of these people at the protest.

And this kind of behavior is now relatively common among the far-left. So common, there's now a buzzword for it. It's called a "shut down." Feminists have done it quite a bit. BLM is guilty of perhaps the most crazy instances of this; they actually shut down a police mural unveiling dedicated to apologizing to the gay community for the 1981 bathhouse raids. Are these people high or something? Talk about burning bridges...

Seriously, where is the desire to have a rational discourse? As far as I can tell, there isn't any. Their mode of attack has become pretty clear: dominate the conversation by claiming oppression and false equivalence. Legislate it. Acquire resources from the fallout.


se Dex me saut.
Staff member
Premium Member
The far-left knows only emotion, not discourse. It's the generation of special snowflakes who had no parental attention because both spouses were at work 24/7 and they've grown up pampered, having items and money instead of love. It's a shame.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
We see it right here on RF.

There's a flood of anti right retric that compares to the trickle from those opposing leftist policies.

If there was graph made, I bet it would be staggering to see the comparison on a side by side basis.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Ever since I moved to the Portland metro area, I've been slowly moving to the right politically. It is largely the result of resisting the ultra-left's attempts to claim dominion over every aspect of social policy and beyond. It's become clear that the far left is engaged in a political power grab, and they're not really interested in rational discourse. They're not even really interested in progress.

Take for instance what has been happening at the University of Toronto, where professor Jordan Peterson has been protesting legislation that would require people to refer to transgender individuals by the pronouns of their choice. He argued that it's an attack on freedom of speech, which it obviously is, whether you support it or not. During one of his speeches, they attempted to shout him down, as well as attempted to mute the speakers connected to his microphone, and create white noise so that nobody could hear him. By proclaiming that free speech is vital to a functioning democracy and civilization, he was literally accused by these people of perpetrating "hate speech." A very odd set of values. Conservative reporter Lauren Southern was even attacked by one of these people at the protest.

And this kind of behavior is now relatively common among the far-left. So common, there's now a buzzword for it. It's called a "shut down." Feminists have done it quite a bit. BLM is guilty of perhaps the most crazy instances of this; they actually shut down a police mural unveiling dedicated to apologizing to the gay community for the 1981 bathhouse raids. Are these people high or something? Talk about burning bridges...

Seriously, where is the desire to have a rational discourse? As far as I can tell, there isn't any. Their mode of attack has become pretty clear: dominate the conversation by claiming oppression and false equivalence. Legislate it. Acquire resources from the fallout.

You do realise that Black lives matter and feminists are "centre-left"?

Granted, what is "far left" can change based on perception and definitions but by historical comparisons the far left is virtually non-existent in the US right now. There is no political group with a hope in hell trying to Sovietise the US or turning it into an anarchist communes. Its been like that since the 80's and early 90's with the end of the Cold War. Even the US communist party is pretty moderate nowadays compared to the past. And with only an estimated 2,000 members and not running a presidential candidate since 1988 the CPUSA is all but irrelevant to US politics.


Well-Known Member
"Hate speech" - IMO considered the most heinous crime in the eyes of the far-left, is not a crime. It's called Free Speech, no matter how loving or hateful it might be.

What I consider loving might be interpreted as hateful by the far-left. It's a sinister recipe to impose mass mental illness on society, when everyone is forced to second-guess themselves to "prevent" the possibility that others might consider their words "hateful".

Saint Frankenstein

Wanderer From Afar
Premium Member
That professor is a moron and a transphobic pos. Screw him. Should be fired, just from the crap I see him saying in this article, which is from a stupid right-wing site: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/w....-i-wont-back-down-to-speech-police-says-u-of

That's a violation of anti-discrimination laws in public institutions. He doesn't like that he's not allowed to break the rules? Tough ****. He can take his dumb, bigoted self to some private backwater school.


Well-Known Member
That professor is a moron and a transphobic pos. Screw him. Should be fired, just from the crap I see him saying in this article, which is from a stupid right-wing site: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/w....-i-wont-back-down-to-speech-police-says-u-of

That's a violation of anti-discrimination laws in public institutions. He doesn't like that he's not allowed to break the rules? Tough ****. He can take his dumb, bigoted self to some private backwater school.
Why are you being xe-phobic racist by calling the Professor a "him" and "he"?

You now supposed to use "Xe".


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Says who, and what makes them authoritative? I consider those groups far-left Marxist-Communist.

The fact that both groups support the constitution, the bill of rights and are not engaged in the overthrow the US government by violent popular revolution, military coup or gurrella warfare?


Well-Known Member
The fact that both groups support the constitution, the bill of rights and are not engaged in the overthrow the US government by violent popular revolution, military coup or gurrella warfare?
Neither Marxism nor Communism must incorporate violence.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
We see it right here on RF.

There's a flood of anti right retric that compares to the trickle from those opposing leftist policies.

If there was graph made, I bet it would be staggering to see the comparison on a side by side basis.

There is a solid left wing bias on RF as the political compass results show (below), but it is the libertarian left- not the authoritarian left. Base on the results there are very few authoritarians on RF. Those that are, are only just authoritarian.



yawn <ignore> yawn
We see it right here on RF.
RF is not a representative sample of any population.
And besides, reality has a leftist bias. That's why people with a lot of learning and experience tend towards the left in free speech places like the USA. University profs, journalists, media pundits, the more you know about the human situation the more you tend to be leftist. At least, by USA standards.


Well-Known Member
RF is not a representative sample of any population.
And besides, reality has a leftist bias. That's why people with a lot of learning and experience tend towards the left in free speech places like the USA. University profs, journalists, media pundits, the more you know about the human situation the more you tend to be leftist. At least, by USA standards.

Sorry...but did you just say that journalists and media pundits are "people with a lot of learning"?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Neither Marxism nor Communism must incorporate violence.


If you really believe that, then whats the problem? If you have non-violent communists or marxists what threat do they pose to you?

(P.s. The Marxist belief in class struggle and social revolution means they are necessarily violent though they may disagree on the extent of violence to be used. Certian "evolutionary marxists" are more non-violent but virtually give up marxism in the process. Non-marxist Communism is more diverse).