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Just Accidental?

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Veteran Member
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Doesn't evolution assume that life "poofed" into existence at some point? or do you think "Popped fully formed into existence" sounds more like a scientific explanation to the readers here? o_O
No. No magic or poofing. That would be the religious hypothesis.
As I said in my previous post, absent magic, life almost certainly developed gradually, by baby steps, as nonliving molecules with various properties associated with life combined, gradually, over geological time, into more and more lifelike aggregations. I'm talking about a spectrum of increasingly lifelike aggregations. At what point you choose to call one of these iterations 'life' is pretty arbitrary.
You have no idea how life began, so I believe that disqualifies you from making statements as if they are irrefutable. You have no proof that life appeared gradually due to natural selection or any other "suggested" method. You have guesses, not facts backed up by real evidence.
Google abiogenesis, after you review our friend Sayak's links.
This is an active area of research.

Gotta hand it to "Mother Nature"....she is almost as good a miracle worker as my Creator God. :rolleyes:
Agreed, the difference being, Nature works by observable, testable, reproducible steps, while the Creator God works by magic -- invisible and without observable, testable mechanisms, ie: magic.


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LOL...I love the way you say "simply a matter of".....

Here is the conclusion of your last cited article......

"Conclusion and outlook
There have been extensive efforts to construct artificial cells, which have biological cell-like structures and exhibit some of the key characteristics of living biological cells. Artificial cells can be built by a top-down approach, in which the non-essential genes are knocked out from organisms or totally replaced by synthetic ones, or by a bottom-up method, which starts from scratch by assembly of the nonliving materials. The non-typical artificial cells, which are also called ‘cell mimics’, are materials that mimic some properties of biological cells such as surface characteristics, shapes, morphology, or some functions. Despite the impressive progress to date, there is still a wide gap between artificial cells and biological cells. Many issues remain to be solved including: (i) How to make artificial cells communicate efficiently with the environment and with each other? (ii) How to construct artificial cell networks? i.e., how to make artificial cells with different functions work together? (iii) How to improve the replication, division and evolving abilities of artificial cells? And finally, (iv) how to make artificial cells uptake nutrients and move as living organisms? Answering these questions will challenge our technologies as well as our basic understanding of biological cells. Although constructing ‘totally living’ artificial cells is still far-fetched, the progress toward this ultimate goal will likely present many benefits and new applications. Generally speaking, the potential benefits that artificial cells may bring include: (i) providing plausible theory for the origin of life, (ii) providing a less- interfering way to investigate and understand the cellular life, (iii) connecting the non-living to the living world, (iv) replacing engineered organisms to produce pharmaceuticals and fuels, (v) biomedical applications such as replacement or supplement of deficient cells, drug delivery or medical imaging, and (vi) adding new functions that are absent in biological cells. Undoubtedly, further development of artificial cells will bring attractive opportunities to many fields such as biotechnology, medicine, and industry."

Not really "simple" is it? "Far-fetched" seems to describe it well. :D

First fact:-

1) An inefficient form of life is still life. The definition of life is that of a cell (or a community of cells) that can metabolize nutrients for sustenance, growth and replication. How well it does this is irrelevant to the definition.


the basic characteristics of a living thing are as follows:

  • with an organized structure performing a specific function
  • with an ability to sustain existence, e.g. by nourishment
  • with an ability to respond to stimuli or to its environment
  • capable of adapting
  • with an ability to germinate or reproduce

There is a reason why the machine of the Wright Brothers is considered the first man-made heavier than air powered flight (the first airplane) even though it could not hold a candle to the birds or modern airplanes regarding its flying capabilities. It is because it ticked all the boxes that defined what a heavier than air powered flight is defined as.

2) Almost half the questions are about increasing efficiency of artificial life, and is irrelevant to the point that it IS LIFE. And finally here:-
(iv) how to make artificial cells uptake nutrients and move as living organisms?
This problem has already been solved in the 2 years since this paper came out.

Here is movement

Here is growth and division through uptake of nutrients

We describe a primitive model cell cycle comprising four discrete phases (ingestion, replication, maturity and division), each of which is selectively activated by a specific external stimulus. The production of recursive self-proliferating model protocells represents a step towards eventual production of model protocells that are able to mimic evolution.
We found that four discrete phases (ingestion, replication, maturity and division) emerged spontaneously during our pursuit of a constructive approach towards a recursive model protocell. Our model protocell completed this primitive model cell cycle, in which individual processes in each phase collaborated with the next, specifically responding to external stimuli from the environment.
Not so challenging after all....
Obviously once again, you are mistaken typical caution of scientific wording in papers as spurious evidence of uncertainty or lack of progress. You would have been disabused of this notion if you just went and read papers from other disciplines of science, whose example (from Einstein himself) I presented previously.

3)Finally it is a prediction of evolution that primitive life that first arose would be extremely rudimentary without having all the bells and whistles of DNA replication, elaborate protein chemistry etc. All of this, life gains through evolution. Thus the theory of abiogenesis is about the emergence of this rudimentary form of life in ancient earth- far far inefficient and simpler than any modern forms who are their descendants. This is exactly what these types of researchers are trying to construct.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
No. No magic or poofing. That would be the religious hypothesis.
As I said in my previous post, absent magic, life almost certainly developed gradually, by baby steps, as nonliving molecules with various properties associated with life combined, gradually, over geological time, into more and more lifelike aggregations. I'm talking about a spectrum of increasingly lifelike aggregations. At what point you choose to call one of these iterations 'life' is pretty arbitrary.

Was that another way of saying "we don't have a clue"? Sounds like it to me....
Fact: "ALL life comes from pre-existing life"


Google abiogenesis, after you review our friend Sayak's links.
This is an active area of research.

Please review my reply to Sayak re his links. ;)

Agreed, the difference being, Nature works by observable, testable, reproducible steps, while the Creator God works by magic -- invisible and without observable, testable mechanisms, ie: magic.
If you say so....whatever floats your boat.


Veteran Member
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Was that another way of saying "we don't have a clue"? Sounds like it to me....
Fact: "ALL life comes from pre-existing life.
Primordial Earth was a molten fireball under constant bombardment. How did it sustain life? And where did this life live when the solar system was a cloud of coalescing dust in space?
"Life always comes from life" is fine as a general rule, describing everyday experience, but it doesn't explain origins.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
Primordial Earth was a molten fireball under constant bombardment. How did it sustain life? And where did this life live when the solar system was a cloud of coalescing dust in space?

Never assume that because you are speaking with a Christian, that you are talking to a proponent of YEC. I am not one of those.
I understand that the earth itself is very ancient. I also understand that most of earth's creatures pre-date the appearance of man.

Genesis 1:1 gives a clear picture of creation.....
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

There it is....simple and uncomplicated...."God created"....a "Big Bang" if you like, bringing matter into existence.....the universe was 'born'. The power behind that act is inestimable.

The second verse in Genesis is also simple.....
"Now the earth was formless and desolate, and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep, and God’s active force was moving about over the surface of the waters."
.....but there is no timeframe mentioned between these two verses. It could have been millions or even billions of earth years......nobody knows....not even science. "The earth was formless and waste" until the Creator began to prepare it for habitation.

It didn't sustain life for a very long time. Each of the creative "days" could have been eons of time.....the Bible's terminology allows for this. It also says that life began in the ocean. Doesn't evolution agree?

"Life always comes from life" is fine as a general rule, describing everyday experience, but it doesn't explain origins.

Why should this general rule be abandoned just because it doesn't agree with your theory? It is one of the 'proven' facts of science...why deny it as truth now? Why can't a power exist that is bigger than the powers seen in the universe? Can you see anti-matter? Can you see a black hole? You know they exist but how do you know?


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
First fact:-

1) An inefficient form of life is still life. The definition of life is that of a cell (or a community of cells) that can metabolize nutrients for sustenance, growth and replication. How well it does this is irrelevant to the definition.


There is a reason why the machine of the Wright Brothers is considered the first man-made heavier than air powered flight (the first airplane) even though it could not hold a candle to the birds or modern airplanes regarding its flying capabilities. It is because it ticked all the boxes that defined what a heavier than air powered flight is defined as.

2) Almost half the questions are about increasing efficiency of artificial life, and is irrelevant to the point that it IS LIFE. And finally here:-
(iv) how to make artificial cells uptake nutrients and move as living organisms?
This problem has already been solved in the 2 years since this paper came out.

Here is movement

Here is growth and division through uptake of nutrients

Not so challenging after all....
Obviously once again, you are mistaken typical caution of scientific wording in papers as spurious evidence of uncertainty or lack of progress. You would have been disabused of this notion if you just went and read papers from other disciplines of science, whose example (from Einstein himself) I presented previously.

3)Finally it is a prediction of evolution that primitive life that first arose would be extremely rudimentary without having all the bells and whistles of DNA replication, elaborate protein chemistry etc. All of this, life gains through evolution. Thus the theory of abiogenesis is about the emergence of this rudimentary form of life in ancient earth- far far inefficient and simpler than any modern forms who are their descendants. This is exactly what these types of researchers are trying to construct.

You can let me know when they accomplish it OK?


Well-Known Member
Genesis 1:1 gives a clear picture of creation.....
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
I'm interested in why God would exist in the first place before he started creating things. Is there any answer to that anywhere? Is it just accidental there’s a God instead of no God?


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
I'm interested in why God would exist in the first place before he started creating things. Is there any answer to that anywhere?

The Creator is a power that exists beyond the realm of human knowledge or experience. He tells us a bit about himself and about his character and qualities....but as to "what" Yahweh is?......no one really knows....yet.

His dominant or cardinal quality is LOVE, so love is the motivation for everything he does. Sometimes it is soft and caring and at other times he is a tough disciplinarian.....but always with our benefit in mind.

Why does anything exist?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Never assume that because you are speaking with a Christian, that you are talking to a proponent of YEC. I am not one of those.
I understand that the earth itself is very ancient. I also understand that most of earth's creatures pre-date the appearance of man.
YEC never entered my mind. I assumed you were aware that four and a half billion years ago Earth was mostly a ball of magma, and I was wondering how you imagined any life could exist at such temperatures'

Why should this general rule be abandoned just because it doesn't agree with your theory? It is one of the 'proven' facts of science...why deny it as truth now? Why can't a power exist that is bigger than the powers seen in the universe? Can you see anti-matter? Can you see a black hole? You know they exist but how do you know?
My theory? What theory is that?
I'm just questioning an apparent contradiction in your posts: If life must always come from life, and can't appear spontaneously, then it must, like God, have always existed, even before the creation of the Earth.
This is problematic both from a naturalistic and scriptural standpoint, as the Bible describes life being created ex nihilo, which you're maintaining violates the 'life from life' law.
Color me confused...


Well-Known Member
The Creator is a power that exists beyond the realm of human knowledge or experience. He tells us a bit about himself and about his character and qualities....but as to "what" Yahweh is?......no one really knows....yet.

His dominant or cardinal quality is LOVE, so love is the motivation for everything he does. Sometimes it is soft and caring and at other times he is a tough disciplinarian.....but always with our benefit in mind.

Why does anything exist?
Yes, but I'm an atheist. I don't believe gods exist. In order for me to start believing gods exist you have to give me a logical and rational reason for why gods would exist. What is it that makes it impossible for gods not to exist? The name of the thread is "Just accidental?" Well, is it just accidental that gods exist?


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You can let me know when they accomplish it OK?
They have already done it, as is abundantly clear from the links and papers I posted. Once again:-
We describe a primitive model cell cycle comprising four discrete phases (ingestion, replication, maturity and division), each of which is selectively activated by a specific external stimulus. The production of recursive self-proliferating model protocells represents a step towards eventual production of model protocells that are able to mimic evolution.
We found that four discrete phases (ingestion, replication, maturity and division) emerged spontaneously during our pursuit of a constructive approach towards a recursive model protocell. Our model protocell completed this primitive model cell cycle, in which individual processes in each phase collaborated with the next, specifically responding to external stimuli from the environment.

Life has been created in the lab from scratch.
Now its simply a matter of making it more efficient so that it can be used in biotech, medicine and other applications.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
They have already done it, as is abundantly clear from the links and papers I posted. Once again:-
We describe a primitive model cell cycle comprising four discrete phases (ingestion, replication, maturity and division), each of which is selectively activated by a specific external stimulus. The production of recursive self-proliferating model protocells represents a step towards eventual production of model protocells that are able to mimic evolution.
We found that four discrete phases (ingestion, replication, maturity and division) emerged spontaneously during our pursuit of a constructive approach towards a recursive model protocell. Our model protocell completed this primitive model cell cycle, in which individual processes in each phase collaborated with the next, specifically responding to external stimuli from the environment.

Life has been created in the lab from scratch.
Now its simply a matter of making it more efficient so that it can be used in biotech, medicine and other applications.
Your definition of life is nothing close to mine, sorry.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
Yes, but I'm an atheist. I don't believe gods exist. In order for me to start believing gods exist you have to give me a logical and rational reason for why gods would exist. What is it that makes it impossible for gods not to exist? The name of the thread is "Just accidental?" Well, is it just accidental that gods exist?

Have you ever heard the saying...."a man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still"?
IOW, no one will convince anyone who has no desire to believe something. (no matter what the subject is) That is the bottom line in this dispute.

"Belief" doesn't always need absolute proof.....it also needs faith in the people who promote it. That is true of both evolution or ID.

I see atheism as an alternate belief system.....only in reverse to spirituality.

Don't you have to define what you think a "god" actually is before you can discount its existence? Then don't you have to provide evidence for why you think they "can't" exist, rather than claiming that you just don't believe that they do? Do humans know enough to absolutely state the negative position here?

Do you think there is NO possibility of a power to exist just because you have no evidence for it in your own life experience?

If you go back through the pictures provided on this thread as proof for creation, as an evolutionist, you will only see undirected chance as the producer of what is clearly something purposefully designed. That defies logic IMO.

What of those who do have what they believe is proof of ID and who don't just blindly believe? They are as sure that an intelligent designer exists, as atheists are sure that he doesn't. Neither can provide tangible evidence apart from their interpretation of nature itself. Mexican stand-off?

Believers "know" that this powerful Creator has a purpose to human existence and has plans for planet earth that do not include unbelievers? What does that mean for atheists if that is true?
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Well-Known Member
Have you ever heard the saying...."a man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still"?
IOW, no one will convince anyone who has no desire to believe something. (no matter what the subject is) That is the bottom line in this dispute.
No it isn't. You just have to give me a reason why gods would exist in the first place and if the reason is logical and rational I might become a theist.
"Belief" doesn't always need absolute proof.....
That's right it doesn't.
it also needs faith in the people who promote it. That is true of both evolution or ID.
Sure some people believe something because of the people who promote it.
I see atheism as an alternate belief system.....only in reverse to spirituality.
This is nonsense. Theism isn't a belief system. It's just one belief: that one or more gods exist. Atheism isn't even that... it's an absence of such a belief.
Don't you have to define what you think a "god" actually is before you can discount its existence?
The definition of a god is well known. If you have your own definition tell me and I'll consider it.
Then don't you have to provide evidence for why you think they "can't" exist
Yes, if you think they can't exist you should be expected to provide something to support that belief.
rather than claiming that you just don't believe that they do? Do humans know enough to absolutely state the negative position here?
People who state that they believe gods don't exist should be expected to explain why they have this belief.
Do you think there is NO possibility of a power to exist just because you have no evidence for it in your own life experience?
If you go back through the pictures provided on this thread as proof for creation, you will only see undirected chance
It wasn't undirected. Natural selection directed it.
as the producer of what is clearly something purposefully designed.
I can see no evidence for anything in nature purposefully designed. Snowflakes look designed. Is a god sitting in the clouds designing and producing snowflakes? I don't think so.
What of those who do have what they believe is proof of ID and who don't just blindly believe? They are as sure that an intelligent designer exists, as atheists are sure that he doesn't.
Just a little correction here. Atheists don't rule out an intelligent designer. They rule out gods.
Neither can provide tangible evidence apart from their interpretation of nature itself. Mexican stand-off?
Hardly. We see nature at work every day continually producing new life but we NEVER see a god design and create any life.
Believers "know" that this powerful Creator has a purpose to human existence and has plans for planet earth that do not include unbelievers? What does that mean for atheists if that is true?
I don't know. What happens to theists who believe in the wrong gods?


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Your definition of life is nothing close to mine, sorry.
So...you are rejecting the definition of life itself according to the science of biology because it is too inconvenient for your beliefs? Biology is the science of life. If your reject the definition of life itself, you are basically rejecting the entirety of biology which studies life as defined below.


Life, living matter and, as such, matter that shows certain attributes that include responsiveness, growth, metabolism, energy transformation, and reproduction. Although a noun, as with other defined entities, the word life might be better cast as a verb to reflect its essential status as a process. Life comprises individuals, living beings, assignable to groups (taxa). Each individual is composed of one or more minimal living units, called cells, and is capable of transformation of carbon-based and other compounds (metabolism), growth, and participation in reproductive acts.

All of these, the artificial cells created by scientists have demonstrated, directly refuting your claims that life can only come from life.

But this is to be expected. My claim has always been that one can reject the science of evolution and remain consistent in such a rejection only by rejecting the entire scientific enterprise wholesale. I see that you are willing to do this, all to cling on to your narrow interpretation of the Bible.


Veteran Member
Since the creator is more than all of his creation combined, he is certainly nothing you could ever describe.....nor can you rule out his existence because you don't have a clue what is "out there". Its the terminology you stumble over. The Creator and his attendants have been placed in the realm of myth and legend...something a scientific mind must reject at all costs. But what if the Creator and his assistants are living beings that share existence along with us, but on a much higher plane? What if we are ants in comparison to them? Are the smartest ants on Earth in a position to doubt that they are the product of a higher power?

You don’t have a clue what is out there, any more than anybody else does. Maybe Thor is out there. From what you describe, it sounds like there’s no way of actually knowing, so I wonder how it is that you claim to know that the specific god you worship is out there.

Your response seems evasive to me. I’m just following your line of reasoning to its logical conclusion here. Are you not claiming that complex things require designers?

Can't mere humans alter the genetics of lower creatures? Can't selective breeding produce an animals that are more beneficial or aesthetically pleasing to humans? e.g. horse/donkey....dog and cat breeds? Not accidental, but intelligently planned.

If artificial selection (selective breeding) works, then so does natural selection. They are just different forms of the same process, with the difference being that the former involves intentional motive on the part of the humans (i.e. selecting for desired traits) while the latter involves naturally occurring processes in an organism’s environment (i.e. no intention or guidance is involved). Both require the presence of genetic, heritable differences in a population and both lead to changes in allele frequency over time. The overall mechanism involved in both is the same. If you acknowledge that artificial selection is possible, I wonder how you can deny the existence of evolution.

Facts are certainties, not suggestions. Facts don't change on a whim.

We were talking about your assertion that complex things must have designers. That’s a suggestion, not a fact.

It was when I asked you if your god was more complex than His creation that you started talking about uncertainty and started tap dancing around the question.

If I gave you 20 cupcakes that all looked delicious but different, and I told you that you can only choose 4, on what basis would you 'select' them?

You have 5 senses to help you determine your choice. These 5 sense are coordinated and processed by an intelligent brain and selection is made by cognitive means.

Out of the genetic material from which all living things are made, how is "selection" made without any intellect guiding the choices?

Selection is made by pressures in the organism’s environment. Organisms with certain traits that allow them to be better adapted to their environment tend to survive and reproduce more successfully than those that don’t possess those traits and aren’t as well adapted to their environment. The well adapted organisms tend to live long enough to pass their favoured traits onto their offspring while the lesser adapted organisms tend to die off before reproducing and passing on their unfavourable traits to their offspring, so that over time, those traits disappear from the population, leaving only the favoured traits. No “intelligent brain” necessary.

Genetic mutations are randomly produced. They are not planned. They usually result in a defect, not an enhancement. Beneficial mutations are so rare that they almost never happen.

Yes, genetic mutations are random, but natural selection is not.

Most mutations are neutral. And as you can see, harmful mutations don’t actually survive very long in a population. The beneficial ones tend to survive much longer than the harmful ones. A mutation that is beneficial in one environment may be harmful in another, so the determination in whether or not a mutation is beneficial depends on the environment.

Like I pointed out before, something like 99.9% of every species that has ever lived has gone extinct, which is what we would probably expect if evolution is a reality. I’m still wondering how it points to a designer.

Natural selection explains only survival of the fittest....it fails to explain how life began. But which of the two questions is the most pressing? How did life begin?...or how did it change over time?

Well, there’s more to evolution than just natural selection. I would suggest reading a bit about it.

Abiogenesis is the field of research that delves into questions about how life began. Evolution explains what happens when life already exists. And I don’t think it excludes the existence of some deity that could have put it into motion. I don’t understand why some theists don’t think evolution could have been designed by the god(s) they worship.

Isn't it the one that tells you how life came into existence....because then you will know why things changed and to what extent and reason the Creator made those changes possible. Human guesswork, designed to eliminate ID could then be completely discounted. Problem solved...no ifs or buts and no suggestions needed.

I don’t think “god did it” actually explains how life came into existence. It doesn’t tell us anything about how it happened at all. It just inserts a bigger mystery into the equation.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
YEC never entered my mind. I assumed you were aware that four and a half billion years ago Earth was mostly a ball of magma, and I was wondering how you imagined any life could exist at such temperatures'

My explanation showed you why I don't believe that life existed when the earth was first created. We agree on that then, do we? Life came much later when the environment was habitable.
The Bible explains it quite well for uneducated ones, I think. Did you miss that point? Was the Bible written for scientists or just average people?

My theory? What theory is that?
Well the theme of this entire thread, and hundreds of replies later......and you have to question what theory? Isn't it the one you subscribe to?
Color me confused then. :confused:

I'm just questioning an apparent contradiction in your posts: If life must always come from life, and can't appear spontaneously, then it must, like God, have always existed, even before the creation of the Earth.
There is no contradiction in my statements, only in your interpretation of them.....that proves my point I think.

In science's limited understanding of powers outside its scope of comprehension, I can see the difficulty you have. "Evidence" has been interpreted for you, just as "evidence" has been interpreted for me. We choose our own interpreters.....correct?
"Must" things be a certain way because science thinks (suggests) that they are? You discount something just because science can't comprehend it? They can't disprove it though, can they?

This is problematic both from a naturalistic and scriptural standpoint, as the Bible describes life being created ex nihilo, which you're maintaining violates the 'life from life' law.

No it doesn't. If the "first cause" of all that exists in the material creation is a form of "life" that earth-bound scientists have never encountered, how can they arrogantly claim that their limited human comprehension of what that "life" is, can be relied upon? How can they protest so loudly that it doesn't exist, if they don't really know that it doesn't? Its just another assumption....something that evolutionary science excels in.

Just because you cannot comprehend something, does it automatically mean it "cant" exist? Is that your definition of a fact?

Color me confused...
I am not surprised.


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If artificial selection (selective breeding) works, then so does natural selection. They are just different forms of the same process, with the difference being that the former involves intentional motive on the part of the humans (i.e. selecting for desired traits) while the latter involves naturally occurring processes in an organism’s environment (i.e. no intention or guidance is involved). Both require the presence of genetic, heritable differences in a population and both lead to changes in allele frequency over time. The overall mechanism involved in both is the same. If you acknowledge that artificial selection is possible, I wonder how you can deny the existence of evolution.

Selection is made by pressures in the organism’s environment. Organisms with certain traits that allow them to be better adapted to their environment tend to survive and reproduce more successfully than those that don’t possess those traits and aren’t as well adapted to their environment. The well adapted organisms tend to live long enough to pass their favoured traits onto their offspring while the lesser adapted organisms tend to die off before reproducing and passing on their unfavourable traits to their offspring, so that over time, those traits disappear from the population, leaving only the favoured traits. No “intelligent brain” necessary.

Yes, genetic mutations are random, but natural selection is not.

Most mutations are neutral. And as you can see, harmful mutations don’t actually survive very long in a population. The beneficial ones tend to survive much longer than the harmful ones. A mutation that is beneficial in one environment may be harmful in another, so the determination in whether or not a mutation is beneficial depends on the environment.

To add to your response with a concrete example.

Here is a direct example from the well-documented evolution of bipedality in human ancestors. Hope Deeje responds to these,

1) Africa was covered ocean to ocean in dense tropical rainforest till about 6 million years ago, before climatic changes made the East Africa cooler and drier, leading the retreat of tropical forest and the rise of more open woods.



2) Highly arboreal Apes living in tropical rainforests of East Africa faced adversed selective pressures that caused natural selection to operate in such a way that over successive generations, mutations favored those ape body plans that were capable moving on the ground more efficiently.

3) Bipedal locomotion is overwhelmingly favorable strategy of energy efficient ground locomotion given the pre-existing ape body structure, and hence natural selection mutated ancestral apes in that direction.


4) Evolution suggests that the move from complete tree-adapted apes to ground-based bipedal apes would proceed through a series of intermediate stages with species that have mosaic features where they are capable of (somewhat inefficient) ground based bipedality as well as reasonably efficient tree climbing locomotion. Such a species would be found in relatively dense woods where living and foraging in trees is still the primary living strategy complemented with some but significant amounts of ground based foraging. These predictions of anatomy, behavior and ecology are completely validated in the fossils of Ardipithecus Ramidus of East Africa 4.4 million years.

5) Since ground based bipedality is energy efficient and since East Africa continued to dry out into open woodlands, Evolutionary forces of natural selection also predicts that eventually through selective retention of ground adapted mutations of body, an ape species with excellent bipedal locomotive ability and relatively less ability or need for tree based life-styles will emerge in East Africa. This prediction is also validated with the evolution of Australopithecus Afarensis at 3.9 million years, an extremely successful ancestor in the human lineage, known through lots of fossils. This species migrated to other parts of Africa and diversified rapidly to dozens of descendant hominin species, resulting in the first successful proliferation of ancestral species in human lineage from 3 million years onwards.

This is how evolution happens and the fossil evidence shown above is one the primary reasons why 99% of all scientists are convinced that the evolutionary theory is true.


Avid Bible Student
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No.No it isn't. You just have to give me a reason why gods would exist in the first place and if the reason is logical and rational I might become a theist.
And if all I have is in evidence all around you, but you see no Intelligent Design by the hand of a purposeful Creator because I can't convince you...what then? Does your disbelief make him go away?

Theism isn't a belief system. It's just one belief: that one or more gods exist. Atheism isn't even that... it's an absence of such a belief.
Both require "belief" so both are belief systems. Opposite beliefs is all.

The definition of a god is well known. If you have your own definition tell me and I'll consider it.

I think you are confusing "gods" with "God". Don't let the word fool you....."gods" are not creators.....they are mythical creatures built up in the imaginations of superstitious men.
The Creator is an entity who introduced himself to man, not the other way around.

Yes, if you think they can't exist you should be expected to provide something to support that belief.
I have...through this whole thread. But you see, no one has any more proof for anything than what we already have. If the miracles in creation alone do not convince you, then I'm afraid nothing will.

No.It wasn't undirected. Natural selection directed it.I can see no evidence for anything in nature purposefully designed.

"Selection"....isn't that the key word? When you select something, what part of your anatomy is involved? And could you make a selection without it? Does your selection indicate purpose with a perceived outcome?

Snowflakes look designed. Is a god sitting in the clouds designing and producing snowflakes? I don't think so.

Snowflakes aren't the only things that exhibit exquisite design....no two the same...perfect symmetry. Just accidental?


Microscopic creatures also exhibit the same attention to detail...yet with the naked eye we would never see it.


Just a little correction here. Atheists don't rule out an intelligent designer. They rule out gods.

How do you know that they are one and the same? The Creator is not "a god".....he is a powerful entity with proof of his creativity in nature, in ecology, symbiosis and in the laws governing the universe. The "gods" created by man are often useless, powerless and care nothing for humankind. There is no purpose to their existence or ours. The Creator is the opposite.

We see nature at work every day continually producing new life but we NEVER see a god design and create any life.

Actually we don't. We see the life that exists today, and is self replicating. There are no new creations, just some adaptations of the originals. There are no new "kinds" of creatures.

I don't know. What happens to theists who believe in the wrong gods?

Same outcome. We might search for God, but on our own terms.....theism, whilst acknowledging that gods might exist, form no relationship with the Creator. He will only reveal himself to those who seek him out in his terms. He doesn't need us....but we need him to continue living.

You should meet him sometime...you might even like him.


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Avid Bible Student
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This is how evolution happens and the fossil evidence shown above is one the primary reasons why 99% of all scientists are convinced that the evolutionary theory is true.

So if the 99% of scientists decided to jump off a cliff...would you join them? If not, why not? If they gave you a convincing argument about why you should and why they all thought it was a good idea.....why wouldn't you?

I believe the 1% ;) (though I have serious doubts about the accuracy of that figure) We see through the rhetoric and the assumptions and the speculation based on nothing but imagination (as I have demonstrated here quite a few times) and we appreciate purposeful and clever design when we see it. We don't assume that something doesn't exist because we haven't ever considered the possibility.

"Natural selection" is science's substitute for "Goddidit". I believe it makes less sense logically.
Who can "select" anything without intelligently knowing why a selection was made and what it would achieve?

What your articles describe is adaptation, which I have never denied. The apes are all still apes.

Making the Creator go away has become an artform......not to mention making it the greatest con job in the history of the world.....but then, you don't believe in the con-artist either....so what is left to say? We can only allow the hearts and minds of the readers here to help them come to their own conclusions about the argument. It is a choice between belief systems after all. :D
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