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The Buddha Explains Universal Mind

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Then calling it universal mind is absolute rubbish, Ben D. How are you discerning that it is universal. GodnotGod's absurd answer was less than stellar. Can you do better? How, exactly, do you know that it is universal in nature?
Because there is no observer to obscure the oneness...there is pure awareness without an observer..... Universal means one....

I have explained this so many times....when it is your self observing the universe....the mind is compartmentalized into the observer and observed...me and not me...duality is present in the mind as two sub-minds....when the mind is still, the I (observer) does not arise....the mind is not compartmentalized and thus the mind unites with universal reality to form one mind...

If you are meaning the theosophical concept of a holarchical universe...and say the next level up from the human mind is the planetary...then yes...


Thou art That
I like the wave and ocean metaphor....like one fish who says to the other fish....where is this ocean that I have heard so much about?

But so far as the devoted detractors here go....you can lead a horse to water, but you can not make it drink....you can point to the moon but they are obsessed with your finger...you can give them pearls and they grind them into the mud....it's in their nature... evolution will sort it out...

Sadly, perhaps more like cattle than horses. And to think it's all about an idea in the mind, the idea that they are chained, when no such chain can be found.


Well-Known Member
Fact is that what you call 'progress' is just so much glitter and fluff. If we were truly progressing, war and hatred would be obsolete, a dinosaur in some Musem of Past Blunders of the Human Race. What we've done, essentially, is to have placed the lure of technology and science ahead of our spiritual development as a species, creating a scenario my brother used to call 'Big Monkeys with Big Toys'.....Dangerous Monkeys with Dangerous Toys. We don't know how to act because in a nutshell, we're immature, playing the game of artificial maturity, pretending that we are on the right track, because that notion is reinforced via our being hypnotized by new technology and scientific discoveries. But because we have not overcome our fears, we allow 'the authorities' to convince us that they need more and more of our hard earned money to develop even more sophisticated toys of death and destruction to protect us against 'The Enemy', which is how they have us by the balls, which they make us think is the right place to be. Basically, we're screwed because we refuse to awaken spiritually and make the necessary changes in our lives that will free us from being led by the nose. Progess? We are imperceptibly moving, day by day, into a more and more enslaved situation, if we're not there already.

So please, stop mouthing the 'wonders' of science. It wreaks.
First of all you ignored 90% of my argument, its like you barely read it.

Lol are you kidding me? Your guesses and pseudo scientific supernatural mumbo jumbo hasnt done anything for society; its completely worthless. Science on the other hand has created medicine which has saved billions of lives. Its lead to more efficient agriculture that has prevented billions from starving. Its discovered the wonders of the universe. Its enabled modern society to exist period. If you think science is leading enslavement then you need to join the tinfoil hat committee . Thats an absurd conspiracy . People enslave, not science.
I brought up the concrete results of science to show how much more reliable it is compared to your guesses. It makes predictions and creates things so ill go with it 100% of the time compared to the assertions spouted on this thread.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
Because there is no observer to obscure the oneness...there is pure awareness without an observer..... Universal means one....

Again, you are leaping from a meditative experience of non-duality to some universal cosmic consciousness thingy beyond space and time. It's just an unfounded belief.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Actually, we now know that we are a product of fluctuations in the Quantum and Higgs fields, which are creating all of the mass of the universe as virtual mass, proving, to the contrary, that we do NOT exist. When we remove this virtual mass, what remains is pure consciousness, which is responsible for the Quantum fluctuations which are creating the illusion of our existence in the first place! Admit it and dig it or get out!:p
No doubt Stephen Hawking would love to hear about all this. No doubt he would be as impressed as I am.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
I am seriously thinking of converting to Buddishisism.:p:D

It would be quite a challenge for you, you'd have to give up all your jargon buzz words, random quoting, pseudo-science and new-age religious beliefs. Fortunately we run courses to help people with this kind of thing, we've already helped a number of cult-survivors from the CCC. :p


Thou art That
How, exactly, do you know that it is universal in nature?

Let's put on our Thinking Caps, OK? The antonym for 'universal' is 'particular'. So if something is not particular in nature, then what else can it be but universal in nature? Is there another choice?


Thou art That
No doubt Stephen Hawking would love to hear about all this. No doubt he would be as impressed as I am.

All mass is virtual mass. The mass of our bodies, of the physical world, comprises a virtual reality. The only true reality is Consciousness. Whether you are impressed or not is unimportant. What is important is that you come to this realization. Of course, the mystics from thousands of years past have told us this all along.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Because there is no observer to obscure the oneness...there is pure awareness without an observer..... Universal means one....

I have explained this so many times....when it is your self observing the universe....the mind is compartmentalized into the observer and observed...me and not me...duality is present in the mind as two sub-minds....when the mind is still, the I (observer) does not arise....the mind is not compartmentalized and thus the mind unites with universal reality to form one mind...

If you are meaning the theosophical concept of a holarchical universe...and say the next level up from the human mind is the planetary...then yes...
So, this is like a Vulcan Mind Meld?

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
Let's put on our Thinking Caps, OK? The antonym for 'universal' is 'particular'. So if something is not particular in nature, then what else can it be but universal in nature? Is there another choice?

You are stuck in duality and missing the point. Some nice mushroom soup might help to expand your mind. :p
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Thou art That
It would be quite a challenge for you, you'd have to give up all your jargon buzz words, random quoting, pseudo-science and new-age religious beliefs. Fortunately we run courses to help people with this kind of thing, we've already helped a number of cult-survivors from the CCC. :p

So do your courses follow the Buddhish doctrine of artificial Buddhism, that is to say, a Buddhism that is not really Buddhism, but merely Buddhist-like in appearance? You know. Just the anemic and stagnant skeletal remains of the true, robust Buddhistic experience.

Uh, BTW, those 'cult survivors of CCC'? They are impostors. There is no such church. They're putting you guys on.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
So do your courses follow the Buddhish doctrine of artificial Buddhism, that is to say, a Buddhism that is not really Buddhism, but merely Buddhist-like in appearance? You know. Just the anemic and stagnant skeletal remains of the true, robust Buddhistic experience.

Well at least it is a form of Buddhism, not the new-age pseudo-pantheist mish-mash you preach at the CCC. :p


Thou art That
You are stuck in duality and missing the point.

Ah, it is you yourself who is in the dualistic trap! Because the particular mind is illusory, the only reality is the universal, the absolute. So, you see, there is no real opposite. There is only the universal, creating the illusion of particular minds. In truth, all minds are reflections of the one mind. As the Hindus tell us: 'see yourself in everyone, and everyone in yourself'. Or if your prefer the Beatles: 'I am you as you are me as we are altogether'


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Let's put on our Thinking Caps, OK? The antonym for 'universal' is 'particular'. So if something is not particular in nature, then what else can it be but universal in nature? Is there another choice?
Thank you for confirming that this indeed is purely conjecture. I'm still puzzled why you assume that it has to be one or the other. No in-betweens? This is really taking all or nothing to the limits of credulity.


Thou art That
Well at least it is a form of Buddhism, not the new-age pseudo-pantheist mish-mash you preach at the CCC. :p

I see. So watered down Buddhism, called 'Buddhishism', is creating the lie that says there really is a CCC. But if there is, you have failed to tell us exactly what the official doctrine of this so called 'CCC' actually is. All religions have a doctrine to believe in. What is that of the CCC, according to Buddhishism, the Buddhism that isn't really Buddhism?


Thou art That
Thank you for confirming that this indeed is purely conjecture. I'm still puzzled why you assume that it has to be one or the other. No in-betweens? This is really taking all or nothing to the limits of credulity.

Can you demonstrate the reality of the particular mind?

Still, you don't get it: what remains is consciousness. Consciousness is self-evident. Without an 'I', it is universal by necessity. How can that be so difficult to see? Is it because it is so simple that you fail to see it?