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Jehovah our God is One
I told her it can't be right that John the Baptist, Daniel, and like men and women are not going to rule with Jesus in Heaven. Well! That little mouse lady got so shook up it was scary. I never again talked to them unless it was "I have to go to the bathroom".

right, so you reject what the bible says about it... we dont.

Thats the difference between us. You say we are following men, when in fact it is the bible we follow. We take the bible as our authority while many others refuse to do so.

If you can't trust the bible, who can you trust?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
right, so you reject what the bible says about it... we dont.

Thats the difference between us. You say we are following men, when in fact it is the bible we follow. We take the bible as our authority while many others refuse to do so.

If you can't trust the bible, who can you trust?

The scripture they use mistakenly is John 3:13
No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven--the Son of Man.

And Acts 2:34 For David did not ascend to the heavens, but he himself says, ‘Jehovah said to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand"

Is there another?

They say nobody before Jesus will EVER ascend to Heaven just because Jesus is the first one and the dead can't rise to heaven (but can be raised to the earth) so only the dead after Jesus will be risen to Heaven.

A scripture comes to mind. He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive. Luke 20:38

I can trust the Bible. You employ people to do it for you. Not a good thing to do.
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
I stupidly want to be convinced. BUT THEY SAY THEY SPEAK FOR YHVH! How can I not believe their interpretion of meaning that is from Jehovah? What? They have been wrong before?


Just old
Premium Member
hey Savage,
OH boy......The people that you're sparring with sound like the Nuns that I was taught and punished by. They sound like Nuns to me.
I was raised Catholic..and finally wised up...nuff said I hope !
EDIT: not sparring so much as WINNING !!
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
How is it the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses has said that John the Baptist won't be one of 144,000 who rule with Christ in Heaven?

Oh! Now I remember. There is not a greater one born of a woman than John the Baptist (not even Jesus ) yet the one who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.

Luke 7:28 I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John; yet the one who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.

Why did Jesus lie? Jesus is greater than John. It must mean something other than what THEY say it means.
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
When Jesus said that about John, John was still alive. It is only by "endurance to the end" that a person is saved. So at the time of his saying it Jesus could honestly premise John was not of the "class" of heavenly rulers.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
hey Savage,
OH boy......The people that you're sparring with sound like the Nuns that I was taught and punished by. They sound like Nuns to me.
I was raised Catholic..and finally wised up...nuff said I hope !
EDIT: not sparring so much as WINNING !!

HEY! I think I am winning! Oh bother! I did not know ignoring is a winning strategy. I bet they want me to try it. I might, but for winning I am not here.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I'm sorry. I just can't see how ignoring points they don't like is winning. How is it winning?


Just old
Premium Member
How do I explain my point....they can't explain their belief in a mansculine inheritence of their opinion of what their vision of heaven is like.
There seems to be a pointed focus on the opinion of all men to make the feminine position to be unimportant to social meaning.
"All you women be quiet, listen to what Paul is about to say to you". Be like the cattle in the field and do your duties to provide milk.
In not performing this "duty" you are in fact the "winner", don't let them have "your" milk.
Like I have said, don't listen to Paul, or John, or Matthew.....follow your chosen leader, which is Jesus and your Creator.
I'm not making myself clear enough here, but I'm trying....do you question my motives or my reasons...all in all, you are winning.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
How do I explain my point....they can't explain their belief in a mansculine inheritence of their opinion of what their vision of heaven is like.
There seems to be a pointed focus on the opinion of all men to make the feminine position to be unimportant to social meaning.
"All you women be quiet, listen to what Paul is about to say to you". Be like the cattle in the field and do your duties to provide milk.
In not performing this "duty" you are in fact the "winner", don't let them have "your" milk.
Like I have said, don't listen to Paul, or John, or Matthew.....follow your chosen leader, which is Jesus and your Creator.
I'm not making myself clear enough here, but I'm trying....do you question my motives or my reasons...all in all, you are winning.

You are being clear. Thank you! I understand.

They are giving all their feelings of duty to perform to the governing body who are men. They point to what men have written to prove to themselves that they are righteous doing so. (Hebrews 13:17) I have published on forum that the word they say is "obey" means "to have confidence in" and "be submissive" means "to yield" but I am a woman who they can not listen to.

What it means to me is not to worry they will mislead you (by being with and for The Lord it is not possible to be misled) and be yielding to them means to argue with them is a vain pursuit.

All that they call twisting. And I don't care.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Actually what was written might be something like this:

be having confidence for them that lead and be yielding yourselves watch over your own soul as all will give an account for their own soul so you might serve with joy everyone and not groaning ruinous for everyone it would be.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
Groaning about oversight will be ruinous for everyone. It is nobody's business to put themselves between those taking leadership roles and the people they lead. All of them and you will answer for all that matters in the end.

There is some groaning about the governing body oversight. But I'm not. Disagreeing is having fun! It isn't groaning weeping and gnashing teeth. It is sometimes funny!


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Actually I have not ceased being amazed yet. If they were not so wrong I would never know what right is.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Here is nonsense for you. If something is true but the governing body do or does not know about it, it can't be true until they do know. If they never know, it can't ever be true.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
So what's cool about it you say? It's so weird it doesn't seem possible. Knowing it is possible because it's happening means anything is possible.