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And people wonder why they're called "Gun Nuts"

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Those who are for the right to have a blade more than 3 inches aren't really against homocidal stabbings.;)

People need a government official to cut their meals into bite size pieces for them in order to ensure that they don't cut themselves or choke to death.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
What do knives have that help prevent wrist slitting?
Suicide attempts involving knives have only a fraction of the lethality of attempts using firearms:

Harvard School of Public Health » Means Matter » Lethality of Suicide Method

A lot of the difference comes down to time: if someone slits their wrists but instantly regrets it, they can apply pressure and (usually) control the bleeding enough that they won't bleed out before they get care. Someone who shoots himself in the head doesn't have this luxury.


Can't brain. Has dumb.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Try again:


You'll notice, on page 9 with the table, the country I live in tops the list in terms of overall freedom, and while individual freedom is less than some other countries at a 9.2, the u.s. Ranks 7th overall, with a score on individual freedom of 8.7.

CMike's country engages in warrantless wiretapping, allows serious breaches of habeas corpus, has frequent election irregularities, and won't even let him have Kinder Surprise eggs, but he's got his guns, so he thinks he's free.


Do you 'know' or believe?
Try again:


You'll notice, on page 9 with the table, the country I live in tops the list in terms of overall freedom, and while individual freedom is less than some other countries at a 9.2, the u.s. Ranks 7th overall, with a score on individual freedom of 8.7.
You are only saying that because you havent seen just how common those giant #1 foam hands (manufactured overseas) are; clearly if you have enough giant foam hands that demonstrates the reality of the message therein.

(side note) Damn we lost to NZ? Heck even the US has more economic freedom than Aus? though we do beat them on personal freedom of course :/

Oh and I'm not sure that CMike would agree with the rating mechanism given that in those countries that have fallen into chaos armed mobs rule and they have guns, clearly those armed mobs have significantly more freedom compared to those they victimise who have less weapons yet the paper makes no attempt to represent that clearly those people with guns in the Sudan have more freedom than those without. Second amendment in action! That just proves how spar spangled awesome it is!!!
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Premium Member
The Fraser Institute, I believe, are the same guys who rank our schools solely on Achievement test results. Not sure whether Think or Tank is the more operative word.


Somewhere Around Nothing
OTOH, for suicide (which accounts for most gun deaths), six rounds is five rounds more than you need. If you support widespread handguns of any capacity, then you aren't really against firearm deaths.
No True Scotman-ish fallacy aside, a bolt action rifle or pump shotgun are all you need to commit suicide. And I believe those are legal even in your country.


Well-Known Member
CMike's country engages in warrantless wiretapping, allows serious breaches of habeas corpus, has frequent election irregularities, and won't even let him have Kinder Surprise eggs, but he's got his guns, so he thinks he's free.
Yeah...arab terrorists are having their freedom more and more curtailed.

It must really suck for them.