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Who decided "straight" was normal and everything else wasn't?


Active Member
How do your usage of substances equate with any favor you find with lesbians kissing?
Honestly, it's totally pure and undistilled hedonism. I don't find anything about my sexuality morally reprehensible. I even have a spiritual dimension to it incorporating some of Crowley's methods. It's a work in progress. If you want to discuss it on a more personal/theological/philosophical level PM me and we can go alldayerrydayforalleternity.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Honestly, it's totally pure and undistilled hedonism. I don't find anything about my sexuality morally reprehensible.

I didn't think it was. It just seemed odd to pair the two together.

I even have a spiritual dimension to it incorporating some of Crowley's methods. It's a work in progress. If you want to discuss it on a more personal/theological/philosophical level PM me and we can go alldayerrydayforalleternity.

Very cool. I had studied tantra for a while and practiced what I could. Good luck with your journey and have fun with it. :)

Me Myself

Back to my username
Yeah, as if testosterone fluctuations never occur. Estrogen levels on a monthly basis? How about testosterone levels on a daily basis for you fellas?

And y'all complain about a monthly adjustment. Amateurs. :cool: :D

Well, erections are fun :D

Does testosterone "fluctuates" on a daily basis more thaestrogen does? (i am honestly asking btw :D)

Somewhere I read men also have a sort of day of the month emotionally, but I never looked a lot into that. I would be surprised if there was any science behind it, though if it was true, it would be interesting.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Well, erections are fun :D

Does testosterone "fluctuates" on a daily basis more thaestrogen does? (i am honestly asking btw :D)

Somewhere I read men also have a sort of day of the month emotionally, but I never looked a lot into that. I would be surprised if there was any science behind it, though if it was true, it would be interesting.

My understanding (and experience) with males and testosterone is that it's generally higher according to a man's individual Circadian rhythm. Typically, a man will find himself more energetic at some point during the day or night, and that is when testosterone levels are generally at their highest. However, it also reacts to environmental stimulus in addition to the Circadian rhythm.

My husband is very much a morning person. Once he has his coffee and cigarette, he's ready to tackle the day. It's when he's most assertive and when I'm least likely to offer him a "honey-do" list since he's got his own agenda. :D

See? Men get hormonal too. Especially on Sunday mornings when football season is going. In our household, at least. :D

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Well, erections are fun :D

Does testosterone "fluctuates" on a daily basis more thaestrogen does? (i am honestly asking btw :D)

Somewhere I read men also have a sort of day of the month emotionally, but I never looked a lot into that. I would be surprised if there was any science behind it, though if it was true, it would be interesting.
Testosterone is much more erratic than estrogen. Estrogen levels slowly build over a month, and then cliff-dive, and slowly build again, and then suddenly drop again. A man's tends to be fairly stable, with increases when puberty begins, it's height during late-teens early-20's, and then a gradual decline , but it also responds to a number of environmental stimulants.

Me Myself

Back to my username
My understanding (and experience) with males and testosterone is that it's generally higher according to a man's individual Circadian rhythm. Typically, a man will find himself more energetic at some point during the day or night, and that is when testosterone levels are generally at their highest. However, it also reacts to environmental stimulus in addition to the Circadian rhythm.

My husband is very much a morning person. Once he has his coffee and cigarette, he's ready to tackle the day. It's when he's most assertive and when I'm least likely to offer him a "honey-do" list since he's got his own agenda. :D

See? Men get hormonal too. Especially on Sunday mornings when football season is going. In our household, at least. :D

Oh, we are all hormonal. Hormones are lotsa fun. I certainly love estrogen :D ( with estrogen of course :D)

Testosterone is much more erratic than estrogen. Estrogen levels slowly build over a month, and then cliff-dive, and slowly build again, and then suddenly drop again. A man's tends to be fairly stable, with increases when puberty begins, it's height during late-teens early-20's, and then a gradual decline , but it also responds to a number of environmental stimulants.

I am a bit confused. You say it is stable but more erratic? What is the erratic part?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Oh, we are all hormonal. Hormones are lotsa fun. I certainly love estrogen :D ( with estrogen of course :D)

I am a bit confused. You say it is stable but more erratic? What is the erratic part?
It's the number of environmental stressors that make testosterone levels erratic.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
I have no idea. I don't know you well enough? If you want to chat with me in IM, I'm on AIM/MSN/IRC (efnet)/torchat/Skype. I could probably form a better opinion of you after some IM discussion.

Not massive on the IM stuff, although I use Skype, mostly for work purposes.
Do you have an opinion or response for the rest of my post?


The majority decided it.

Being heterosexual and cisgender is the vast majority of people. So they see the few, "different" as a threat. "Straight" is considered the "default" because it is the majority.

One thing that gets under my skin is that people aren't brave enough to ask me if I'm gay. They ask other people behind my back. It's not a taboo subject people.


Jehovah our God is One
Contraception is against nature is it bad?

contraception is not bad, in the world we live in, its a necessity.

But in a perfect world, we wouldnt be concerned about contraception because life would not have the difficulties that are thrown at us.

Im pretty certain that God does not mind us using contraception.


Well-Known Member
contraception is not bad, in the world we live in, its a necessity.

But in a perfect world, we wouldnt be concerned about contraception because life would not have the difficulties that are thrown at us.

Im pretty certain that God does not mind us using contraception.

But it's still against nature...so what is wrong about homosexuality again?


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Would you care to give me an example of this men's testosterone erraticness and contrast it with women's estrogen?

I'd say the main difference is that testosterone responds much more to environmental triggers than estrogen. It still has it's own circadian rhythm, but it's the reason why you'll see riots after major sporting events when the home team wins. That testosterone is out of control then.

Estrogen doesn't work that way. Though it's the reason why The Estrogens look at the Testosterones and shake their collective heads after the sporting event riots and call them crazy. And why The Testosterones look at The Estrogens and shake their collective heads when a monthly cycle makes somebody cry over pancakes. :D


Veteran Member
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Almost everyone has experienced some ostracism. Ostracism causes people to become uncertain about how to behave and anxious and to question their own judgment. That anxiety causes people (particularly men) to want a formula for relationships. We want rules to dance by. We want walls and arrows on the ground. Homosexuality, particularly male homosexuality, falls into a gray area which brings out anxiety and a refusal to think and desire to run away or to fight.


Mother Heathen
How did society as a whole arrive at the heteronomative state that it's in currently and decide that "straight" is the default while everything else is not, or even evil?

When people have a baby, it is automatically assumed that the baby will grow up to be straight. Sometimes, if the child turns out to have a homosexual preference, the parents will be disappointed. If people meet a person who acts outside his/her norms for his/her gender, they ask "are you gay?" Why does no one ask "are you straight?" to the 'normal' acting people?

More importantly how can we overcome the culture of heteronormativity and create a more inclusive society?

America was founded by folks who were more conversative types. As to their specific religious leaning, I don't know. But, the nuclear, patriach-type family was important for the survival of early Americans. Procreation ensured the future of America. The stereotypes that we loathe today were necessary for survival.

We've had the luxury for many years to be able to pair bond without pair bonding being a necessity.

Regardless, BGLTQs are busting through the stereotypical molds that have existed for thousands of years (I'm no historian). In a relatively short period of time, BGLTQs have made significant strides in civil rights and changing laws which they find oppressive to their pursuit of happiness.

Personally, I think a little bit of patience is in order. There's a lot of bigotry and ignorance in our world, but, you can't fight that with impatience, anger and hatred.

Don't blanket label. I'm 34 and had my first child at 22 and have never made assumptions about my daughters' sexuality. I teach them to love and respect others, regardless as to differences.

Change is happening - it doesn't happen overnight. Some areas are more inclusive than others. I happen to live in a very diverse area. Some parts of the US are more inclusive and open than others.


Well-Known Member
How did society as a whole arrive at the heteronomative state that it's in currently and decide that "straight" is the default while everything else is not, or even evil?

When people have a baby, it is automatically assumed that the baby will grow up to be straight. Sometimes, if the child turns out to have a homosexual preference, the parents will be disappointed. If people meet a person who acts outside his/her norms for his/her gender, they ask "are you gay?" Why does no one ask "are you straight?" to the 'normal' acting people?

More importantly how can we overcome the culture of heteronormativity and create a more inclusive society?
There is real love and there is carnal love and theses differences can only be found in ones own heart heart and distinctions despite sexuality choices.The ability to be fruitful and multiple seems to be most common in nature.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
I really don't know why "nature" should be our template in determining what is natural for humans. After all, how many animals in nature take care of their old and sick? How many animals have sent a member of their species to the moon? How many animals have created religions, philosophies, and have thought about life after death?

Yes, humans are a part of the natural world. But it's a little ridiculous to expect analogies of human behavior in animals, or to expect humans to behave only in ways that other animals do.


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
WalknTune said:
There is real love and there is carnal love and theses differences can only be found in ones own heart heart and distinctions despite sexuality choices.The ability to be fruitful and multiple seems to be most common in nature.
No its got nothing to do with that. People freak out over the tiniest of differences. Surely you've seen how uptight people can get when they encounter someone who is slightly different from what they expect. Stop washing your clothes or combing your hair. Skip instead of walking. Go outside wearing something 'Weird'. Go to the mall. Go to church wearing something really weird looking, like a superman cape. You will find out that despite having done nothing wrong you will be ostracized, treated like you are crazy and perhaps even told that you are sinning. Go anywhere that people expect you to act a certain way but act a different way. You will learn how uptight people are and how regimented and how much we rely upon other people behaving in predictable ways.
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